[新聞] 雷諾、日產與東風宣布在中國開設合資公司

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作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
時間 2017-08-30 00:30:27
留言 8則留言 (4推 0噓 4→)

雷諾日產聯盟與東風合作,開設了一間"eGT New Energy Automotive Co." 雷諾育日產分別佔25%股權,東風則是佔50%股權 這個消息是由Carlos Ghosn宣布的(就是那個帶領日產再起的CEO) 東風在湖北省十堰市的工廠每年約有12萬輛的產能 到了2019年將由新公司eGT負責開發生產新的電動車 在中國有汽車合資公司不希奇,不過這間eGT是少數專為生產電動車開設的公司 (不確定是不是第一間) 以雷諾與日產的電動車技術,應該是可以做出非常好的電動車來 雷諾的Zoe目前正在歐洲大賣中 日產的下一代Leaf再過幾天也要發表了 這兩間公司合作在中國生產電動車應該可以打的當地對手不要不要的 ============================================================================== https://goo.gl/yQoNPF Nissan and Renault announce a new joint-venture to produce electric vehicles in China Yet another major automaker, the Renault-Nissan Alliance, announces an effort to produce electric vehicles in China following the country’s aggressive goals to electrify its rapidly growing fleet. They join a myriad of recent announcements from important automakers, like GM, VW, Daimler, Toyota, and just last week, Ford. The Renault-Nissan Alliance’s joint-venture is called eGT New Energy Automotive Co and it’s in partnership with the Dongfeng Motor Group, a Chinese automaker. Renault will hold 25 percent of eGT, Nissan will hold 25 percent and Dongfeng the remaining 50 percent. Carlos Ghosn, chairman and chief executive officer of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, commented on the announcement today: “The establishment of the new joint venture with Dongfeng confirms our common commitment to develop competitive electric vehicles for the Chinese market. We are confident to meet the expectations of the Chinese customers and to strengthen our global electric vehicle leadership position.” Dongfeng’s factory in Shiyan, which has a production capacity of 120,000 vehicles per year, will support the new joint-venture, which they expect will start new EVs under their brand and developed by the new joint-venture in 2019. Electrek’s Take As we previously reported, those recent announcements of joint-ventures from major automakers to produce electric vehicles in China are motivated by the country’s aggressive ZEV mandate. Automakers need zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. They want to keep their access to the world’s largest automotive market and aside from killing the mandate, producing EVs in the country is going to be the only way to keep it. Despite their leadership in EVs around the world, the Renault-Nissan Alliance was among the group of virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) who have asked China to slow down their electric car mandate through their industry lobbying group, but the government seems determined to go forward with its plan. The current dangerous levels of air pollution often reaching the country’s megacities are certainly creating a sense of urgency that the auto industry’ s lobbying effort doesn’t seem to be able to beat. -- 查一下目前代理權在誰手上就知道不可能... 比亞迪不是合資廠,而且他也不是只生產純電動車
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1504024230.A.44A.html

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