[情報] Donaldson to blue jays

看板 MLB
作者 hunterqiji (hunter)
時間 2014-11-29 10:51:19
留言 109則留言 (71推 9噓 29→)

http://tinyurl.com/pd2spfq The Blue Jays have struck a deal to acquire third baseman Josh Donaldson from the Athletics, according to Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports (Twitter links). Infielder Brett Lawrie, righty Kendall Graveman, and shortstop Franklin Barreto are part of the package going back. Prospect Sean Nolin is also in the deal, Jeff Passan of Yahoo Sports tweets. This deal’s franchise-changing implications are evident on its face. Donaldson, 28, and Lawrie, 24, have each been viewed as cornerstone third basemen for their respective clubs. MLB: Oakland Athletics at Toronto Blue Jays Donaldson is, of course, the best piece moving in this swap and one of the more valuable commodities in all of baseball. A late bloomer, he had emerged as one of the game’s very best position players over the last two seasons. Collectively, he has slashed .277/.363/.477 with 53 home runs and 13 stolen bases over 1,262 plate appearances since the start of 2013. With stellar defense included, Donaldson has racked up 15.4 rWAR and 14.1 fWAR in that span. Projected by Matt Swartz/MLBTR to earn $4.5MM in his Super Two season of arbitration eligibility, Donaldson was just starting off on a track to become rather pricey. But he comes with four seasons of control, and will unquestionably be paid less than his anticipated worth on the diamond. Though significantly younger, Lawrie comes with one less year of control. He is, however, projected to take home just $1.8MM this season and will therefore also have a much lower starting point for his next two seasons of earnings. On the other hand, he has yet to match Donaldson’s output in spite of his own, oft-noted ability. Over his first three-plus seasons in the bigs, Lawrie owns a .265/.323/.426 slash (good for a 104 OPS+) and has generally drawn solid-to-outstanding reviews on his defensive work. Injuries have limited his time on the field over each of the last two seasons, but Lawrie has generally performed at a well-above-average clip when healthy. The other pieces involved are, of course, responsible for making up the gap in value between Donaldson and Lawrie. Barreto could be the hidden gem in the package, with Ben Badler of Baseball America noting on Twitter that the 18-year-old was the top July 2 prospect of two years prior and is probably at top-100 level player at this point. 豆爺送出Donaldson,拿到Lawrie+右投Graveman+SS Barreto+左投Nolin. Graveman名列BA 2014 all-star team. Barreto是2014季前藍鳥農場排名第5. Nolin是2014季前BA藍鳥農場排名第10. 不知道這個交易moneyball是如何考慮的呢? -- 11/29 11:14 11/29 15:18
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1417229481.A.38E.html

ppphantasy: 真假!!!大驚!!!豆爺之前還說不會動到Donaldson 11/29 10:52

whalespirit: Lawrie在加拿大的高人氣也以為不會動到QQ 11/29 10:53

cd12631: wow.... 11/29 10:54

ppphantasy: 好像是因為Donaldson有很大的機會拿到Super2? 11/29 10:54

porten812: ............. 11/29 10:55

ppphantasy: 為了省錢?? 11/29 10:55

popso1217: Lawrie加拿大人耶 以為他地位最穩.. 11/29 10:55

Eddward: 呃…豆爺 心裡實在不能接受 有網友可以分析一下這走什麼 11/29 10:57

bgp915117: ......................... 11/29 10:57

Eddward: 步嗎? 11/29 10:58

yankees733: 別讓豆爺不高興 11/29 10:58

msekili: ... 11/29 10:58

popso1217: 而且他還可以轉2壘不是嗎 11/29 10:58

cena0605: ???????????????????????主砲就這樣走了??? 11/29 10:59

Pandazov: WTF…… 11/29 11:00

searoar: 小市場想要常勝不衰的方法 有價值的東西換更多更有價值的 11/29 11:02

idioteque: 藍鳥還送出Sean Nolin 11/29 11:02

h2526bc: 再把先發輪值交易出去換打者回來!? 11/29 11:03

qw6789q: 羅莉 QQ 11/29 11:05

Levelmax99: 綠帽的臉........ 11/29 11:06

mess0706: Lawrie不錯啦 而且Donaldson算交易在高點吧? 11/29 11:07

mess0706: 綠帽的臉就是豆爺啊 XD 11/29 11:07

nobodyknow: 唉 帥哥還是離開了 Jed Lowrie沒走 綠帽就有兩個蘿莉 11/29 11:10

Werth: 可以不用看眼鏡哥先發2B了嗎 11/29 11:10

albertlaw: Lowrie在藍鳥人氣很高說 繼Dickey那次交易又被噱農場了 11/29 11:14

albertlaw: Lawrie 11/29 11:14

coutji3184: 全隊最喜歡的就是Donaldson...怎麼這樣... 11/29 11:16

ualileigod: Lawrie不要痛的話可以期待 11/29 11:16

boston31: 明年美東 火藥庫更上一層樓 11/29 11:18

albertlaw: Lawrie是本職二壘手 上大聯盟才轉三壘 11/29 11:20

porten812: 話說Lowrie有要簽回來嗎 11/29 11:20

andy880036s: http://www.sportsv.net/articles/1328 Lawire簡介文 11/29 11:21

DM24Tim: 雖然說遲早的事 但沒想到是今年... 11/29 11:23

cliff02468: QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ我難過 11/29 11:25

EEERRIICC: 水啦!! 這交易我喜歡 11/29 11:26

watermelon20: 竟然把臉交易掉了XDD 實在太魔了~~ 11/29 11:29

Sindush: 我訂的Donaldson球迷版球衣還在半路… 11/29 11:32

Sindush: 還沒收到就變紀念衣了…… 11/29 11:32

acd51874: 樓上拍拍 藍鳥球衣可以順便多買件40號 看有沒有打 11/29 11:35

acd51874: 折 11/29 11:35

takuno: 加拿大的臉就這樣被交易走了Q__Q 11/29 11:35

alex710707: 藍鳥這包好差 11/29 11:38

pejahuang: 我還覺得藍鳥被搶... 11/29 11:39

acd51874: 藍鳥被搶+1 11/29 11:40

aa97531aa: WTF … 11/29 11:44

takuno: Lawrie如果不那麼痛痛其實成績跟Donaldson差別沒有很多 11/29 11:44

hatedog5566: 運動家哪次交易被搶的= =? 11/29 11:47

hatedog5566: 藍鳥被搶很正常吧 11/29 11:47

pejahuang: 運動家算被小熊搶阿,頭號農場SS 11/29 11:49

jackmou: 藍鳥被搶+1 11/29 11:50

popso1217: 不過藍鳥打線又更恐怖了 11/29 11:51

pray7th: nooooooooooooooooooooooooo 11/29 11:52

sdc4589: Worst. Trade. Ever 11/29 11:56

BLACKLIONS: Lawrie!!!!!!!!!! 11/29 12:02

bgp915117: 差別哪裡沒有很多... 11/29 12:02

OoyaoO: WOW...Lawrie 他不是加拿大人準備變成下個看板球星的嗎 11/29 12:08

fountainNess: wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 11/29 12:08

a126053: 差別沒有很多是怎麼看的?? 11/29 12:16

miabcd199: 豆爺被百年搶 現在搶藍鳥搶回來? 11/29 12:23

csy1911: 個人認為藍鳥賺,那兩隻投手都是後段天分,另一隻游擊有 11/29 12:23

searoar: 藍鳥少了HOF和kobe 11/29 12:24

csy1911: 天分但還很嫩,Lawrie再痛下去就只是個略好的工具人而已 11/29 12:25

csy1911: Donaldson可以用到2019,嫌貴應該也能賣到不錯的價格 11/29 12:26

alex710707: 早知道換Donaldson只要這樣,紅襪簽熊貓前應該先問問 11/29 12:29

csy1911: 藍鳥Storman、Sanchez、Norris都沒出,說不上是被搶 11/29 12:30

alex710707: 我也不太懂 聯盟前幾名的3B砲還可便宜用5年 結果連 11/29 12:35

alex710707: Storman、Sanchez、Norris任一隻都換不到 11/29 12:36

leoturkey: Lawrie到底打不打得出來啊.... 11/29 12:36

jarr2610: stroman才對 11/29 12:42

EEERRIICC: Jays應該不會丟那幾隻年輕手臂 要打天下補個砲很好 11/29 12:45

Eddward: 豆爺出手太早 覺得被藍鳥搶 11/29 12:45

SlamKai: 0.0 11/29 13:02

mathrew: 身為綠帽迷 支持的會是豆爺 不是球員 請接受吧 11/29 13:07

vg175: Graveman 好酷的姓 11/29 13:07

vg175: 加拿大本地看板已經又來一個Martin可以取代了 11/29 13:09

searoar: 五年"相對"便宜不是絕對0.5+0.5+0.5>1的經營法才能活下去 11/29 13:10

ishimaru: 4>1 故藍鳥被搶無誤 (?) 11/29 13:13

DHCCF: 靠 … 怎麼可以 11/29 14:41

condition0: 借轉 11/29 15:18

sdc4589: 藍鳥是被搶個屁... 11/29 15:23

DINGYENCHIN: 豆爺總是讓人猜不透,最後效果也一樣讓人意外~ 11/29 15:24

imaskypig: 藍鳥被搶 11/29 16:04

saiulbb: 純噓藍鳥GM 交易不划算 11/29 16:11

jimmy20642: 藍鳥賺 綠帽合理 11/29 16:56

JoeGibsonJr: 崩潰 11/29 17:18

Serphim: MLB前幾名的3B炮能用好幾年 且不需要動用前幾名的農作物 11/29 18:08

Serphim: 看到這包 紅襪都會後悔買下熊貓了 11/29 18:09

coutji3184: 紅襪再來跟運動家談交易嗎? 運動家超多紅襪人的= = 11/29 18:55

secpeda: 運動家新臉.... 11/29 19:53

jet113102: 綠帽賺翻.... 11/29 20:14

Serphim: 洋基表示:我出5個農場新人讓你賺翻天 歡迎來搶劫 11/29 20:25

ksaon: 藍鳥農場吐光光 11/29 20:59

Carmelo3: = = 11/29 21:19

wafone: ... 11/29 22:29

edwardcwd: 就藍綠交替 11/29 23:00

sabertomoaki: 樓上wwwww 11/29 23:20

acd51874: 意思是綠帽大賺嗎XDDDDDDD 11/30 00:05

VeronicaMars: 今天早上收到藍鳥隊寄來的email說換到Donaldson嚇到 11/30 00:08

s955346: 藍鳥小虧 :DDD 11/30 00:40

darvipon: 運動家的臉就這樣被交易掉了 11/30 10:19

OoyaoO: 運動家的看板不是豆爺嗎 11/30 18:28

acd51874: 廝以為是布萊得比特 11/30 18:33

condition0: 怒火號: 11/30 20:23

EEERRIICC: 這幾年運動家有看板嗎 11/30 20:51

epw: 運動家看板不一直是布萊德彼特和那隻象? 11/30 21:16

coutji3184: Coco Crisp可能是待最久的... 11/30 22:04

aibakoji: 運動家的臉一直都是豆爺無誤 12/01 01:25

Lacus0827: 藍鳥今年沒拼出來就慘了 12/01 12:22

acd51874: 紅襪在招兵買馬 藍鳥請自求多福 或者要去埋球衣了 12/01 13:28
