[外絮] LBJ可能跳脫合約,尋求不可交易條款

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作者 bengowa (鞭狗蛙 舒服)
時間 2024-04-09 09:26:46
留言 14則留言 (6推 5噓 3→)

https://reurl.cc/547DDM NBA insider thinks LeBron will opt out of Lakers deal, seek no-trade clause NBA內部認為LBJ會跳出合約,尋求不可交易條款 LeBron James has some significant decisions to make about his future following this season, and one prominent NBA insider said the Los Angeles Lakers superstar is likely to opt out of his current contract in order to get a no-trade clause. LBJ本季後可以為他未來做出幾個重要選擇,而某名NBA著名內部人員說這名湖人球星可能 跳出現有合約,以尋求一份不可交易條款。 “I think LeBron’s gonna opt out no matter what,” Brian Windhorst said. “ And the reason I think he’s gonna opt out no matter what is even if he just signs back for one year, the only functional way for LeBron to get a no-trade clause is to sign a new contract. If he extends the contract he’s in or picks up that option, extends onto it, he can’t get a no-trade clause. And I think for a number of different reasons, LeBron would like, ask for and probably be granted a no-trade clause.” 「我覺得LBJ無論如何都會跳出合約,」Brian Windhorst說。「而理由是如果他再續約一 年,LBJ要獲得不可交易條款的方式只有重簽合約。如果他延長合約或使用別的選項,他 就無法獲得不可交易條款。而我認為他有著很多不同理由,可能會去希望、尋求一份不可 交易條款。」 The 39-year-old has a $51.4 million player option for the 2024-25 NBA season. Declining it would not necessarily mean he wants to leave the Lakers. In fact, the opposite is likely true as he wants the security of determining where he will finish his career, which currently is winding up its 21st NBA season. 這名39歲的老頭有著51.4M的24-25球員選項。拒絕執行球員選項不代表他想離開湖人。事 實上可能相反,他想要有著決定自己球員生涯結束的保障,而她現在即將結束第21個NBA 球季。 It would be a status befitting one of the game’s greatest players. There reportedly is only one current NBA player who has a no-trade clause: Phoenix Suns guard Bradley Beal, who in fact waived it in order to be moved by the Washington Wizards this past offseason. 這條款對偉大球員是個地位展示。目前NBA球員只有一個人有不可交易條款:太陽隊的Beal。 他在去年休季期間放棄這條款,讓巫師可以把他交易到太陽。 Though James hinted at retirement briefly this season after also doing so after losing the 2023 Western Conference Finals last season, it looks like he will continue to play. A February report said he might be seeking a new nine-figure deal from the Lakers. In addition, his son Bronny recently declared for the 2024 NBA Draft, and the younger James would satisfy his father’s dream of the two playing in the NBA at the same time if he were to make it to the league. 縱使LBJ在2023西決輸球後短暫暗示可能在本季退役,但目前看起來他還是會繼續打。一 份2月的報導說他可能會跟湖人尋求一份9位數的合約。此外,他的兒子Bronny最近宣布投 入NBA選秀,這位年輕的James如果有機會進入聯盟,就有機會滿足他父親一起在NBA打球 的夢想。 (後面就姆斯數據跟湖人目前戰績,略過) 心得: 看起來就是為了不可交易條款,姆斯是一定會跳出合約 但究竟會不會留在湖人,大概還是要看珍妮的誠$意$了,或是看看皇太子Bronny的動向 -- 其實有認真看的話,內文有具名
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1712626009.A.00F.html

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