[外絮] Steven Adams不和Duncan說話了!!

看板 NBA
作者 KINGNICK (真想到處走走!!)
時間 2016-04-29 23:51:19
留言 44則留言 (35推 1噓 8→)

Despite being a highly effective option on both ends of the court, Oklahoma City Thunder center Steven Adams is mostly known for being an agitator. Never one to back down from a challenge and always one to impose his physicality upon the opponent, Adams often finds himself entangled in wrestling matches in the paint. But against Tim Duncan, he does none of that. He doesn't even talk to the 39-year-old veteran when tasked with the challenge of stopping the Big Fundamental. He learned that lesson a long time ago. "He's not really crazy athletic, but he like, destroys you," Adams explained. "And he's a nice guy. That was my biggest mistake as a rookie. I was hitting him all the time and he was having trouble with it. And then he came over and talked to me a bit. "He was like, 'Hey man, how are you?' And I was like 'Oh, what a nice guy.' And then he just dropped 20 from there on. I told (assistant coach Mark Bryant) and he was like, that's a vet move. Don't do that. You can't be nice." So the new approach for Adams is this: "I don't talk to him. He tries to talk to me. I'm stone-faced, looking at something else just trying to ignore him. That's my game plan." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 雷霆隊的Steven Adams在昨天的採訪中向記者講述了一件關於Duncan的故事。Adams說當 他還是菜鳥時,比他大幾乎20歲的Duncan和他玩了一個心理遊戲。他用老成的友善讓這位 新秀鬆懈了警惕。   經過這個「慘痛」的教訓後,Adams說:「我不再跟他說話了,只要他打算和我講個幾句 ,我就會面無表情地看著別的地方,嘗試去忽視他,這就是我的比賽計畫。」 來源:http://www.thescore.com/nba/news/1017170 -- 對於那些印象中 飛人就是像CarterJ-Rich這樣的充滿力道 妙傳的代名詞就是J-Will 全能控衛的代名詞就是Kidd Jordan接班人就是指Kobe 魔術1號就是T-Mac 雙能衛就是Francis BD Wade Iverson這些矮個子 的球迷來說 你們錯過了90年代 也是我心目中最有靈性的高控球飛人雙能衛 Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway ψPhatmen --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1461945085.A.9CA.html

HaHaPoint : 未來是你的 04/29 23:52

arcss : TD:菜比八真好騙 04/29 23:53

TK421 : #1N8plhRS OP? 04/29 23:53

bee12 : 阿Q精神已經勝利 04/29 23:53

jason20 : Adams:你走開我不要聽我不要聽我不要聽.......... 04/29 23:57

love3344 : 我也覺得算op.. 04/29 23:58

waynecode : XD 04/29 23:58

dakkk : 這篇是有原文的 04/29 23:59

timocijeng : TD:"你好嗎?" 喔他人真好! (然後TD就狂轟了20分) 04/30 00:00

timocijeng : Adams:.............. 04/30 00:00

hau7341 : 魔術1號我第一時間想到的是Penny 04/30 00:05

versace : TD:哪來一股菜味? 04/30 00:07

Roderickey : TD: Adams你跳一跳 有蟲在地上爬你有看到嗎? 04/30 00:09

dora04112 : 推! 還是比較喜歡看原文! 04/30 00:09

rial : 原文比較好,上一篇充滿中國味~~ 04/30 00:13

tony001wu : 少一梯退10步 04/30 00:14

SmonSo : 蔡逼八QQ 04/30 00:16

ts012108 : Noah 2.0 Adams 都不跟偶像講話了 04/30 00:16

holymoon99 : 這也太好笑XD 04/30 00:20

thegod13 : 推翻譯 04/30 00:25

RicFlair : 笑死XD 04/30 00:26

firxd : 感覺很傲嬌 04/30 00:35

reitina : XDDDDD 04/30 00:36

Tenging : 菜鳥好騙 04/30 00:43

chi12345678 : TD:你好嗎!哇!你一定是位資深玩家! 04/30 01:08

sunnydragon7: RD:你好嗎?NBA菜鳥剛開始都很辛苦!加油! 04/30 01:39

w9515 : 他會對你笑 笑得你心裡發寒 難怪光頭要吹T? 04/30 01:40

pig721 : XDDDDDDD好好笑 04/30 01:48

stja : XD 04/30 02:48

CW4 : TD:來 我教你這種球要怎麼守 你站這邊 我就轉這邊 04/30 04:16

CW4 : 然後你換站這邊 我就這樣 啊 不知不覺比賽要結束了 04/30 04:17

CW4 : 剩下的下次再教 回去要練習喔 (20分get) 04/30 04:18

C00L : 玻璃心Adams 哈哈 04/30 04:33

starxls : 不老實佛 04/30 06:58

asd250 : https://youtu.be/RXXl4ZyC2aY 04/30 07:02

parkblack : 他會看著你笑,笑到你心理發寒 04/30 09:18

kevincp3 : 又一個寶寶 04/30 09:23

circuswu : 不要把TD講得像安麗一樣好嗎XD 04/30 09:35

bypetty : TD:你知道這是我的菜鳥球季嘛 04/30 09:44

ryoma9527 : TD:菜逼八就是好商量 04/30 10:46

iamaq18c : XDDDD 04/30 11:11

tetsu2008 : 未來4Nider 04/30 16:46

u607022000 : 你也很難對到他只打五分鐘 04/30 18:23

akstyle : 魔術1號 penny無誤 05/01 11:53
