[新聞] 美國速食店逐漸走向高價餐點路線

看板 fastfood
作者 hoyumi (正版型男...無誤!!!)
時間 2021-11-14 20:46:05
留言 60則留言 (26推 0噓 34→)

英文報導 其實有幾個月了 U.S. fast-food chains cut discounts, push pricy meals post-pandemic NEW YORK, June 22 (Reuters) - Restaurant chains including McDonald’s CorpMCD.N)nd KFCYUM.N)re paring back $5-and-under “value” items in favor of more expensive $10-to-$30 combination meals, a strategy employed to lift sales and profits and offset rising food costs as the U.S. economy reopens. "Value" meals – sandwich, soda and French fry combinations priced at $5 or less — have long been a staple of fast-food offerings. Chains used the deals to lure bargain-conscious customers, bringing traffic to stores. But deals priced at $5 and under have become less generous in the last 18 months. During the pandemic, fast-food gained market share from other restaurants forced to close as customers motored through socially distant drive-throughs to pick up a sack of burgers. Now that the United States is reopening, those chains are selling new, pricier sandwiches and meals to customers - a move that some warn may alienate some hourly workers and other lower-income customers as government subsidies wane and mom-and-pop restaurants reopen. So far, the chains' trade-up tactic is working, helping lift comparable sales at limited-service restaurants by 11.5% this May compared to the same month in 2019, according to data from Black Box Intelligence. Profit margins are also up at several major chains. "Value menu items are not really profit drivers. They're designed to drive traffic," said BTIG analyst Peter Saleh. The pandemic also forced chains to halt development of new items. As U.S. COVID-19 cases fall, chains are again launching new sandwiches – and promoting them – to try to boost traffic, he said. Wendy's CoWEN.O)aid it pioneered the value menu in 1989, when it dedicated part of its menu board to 99-cent items. But today, Wendy's is "trading folks up into our best, highest-quality food items," said Chief Executive Officer Todd Penegor during a May earnings call with analysts, "and we'll continue to do that." Wendy's current menu includes items that are higher priced than its standard burgers, like its Spicy Pretzel Bacon Pub – a fried chicken fillet on a pretzel bun topped with pickles, fried onions, bacon, two kinds of sauce and muenster cheese for $7. KFC, owned by Yum Brands InternationalYUM.N)aid it stopped marketing "$5 Fill Ups" – a pot pie or chicken dish, plus a medium drink, chocolate chip cookie and sometimes a biscuit – aimed at individuals in 2020. It now promotes family meal deals that cost as much as $30. Dominos Pizza IncDPZ.N)aid in April it did not need its "Boost Week" discount to drive store traffic. So it suspended the half-price pizza promotion for online orders. Franchisees typically try to maximize profits, said Credit Suisse analyst Lauren Silberman. When commodity costs are as high as they have been over the past year, franchisees discount less to maintain profitability. Many chains increased their U.S. margins during the pandemic, including McDonald's and Yum Brand's Taco Bell, she said. U.S. Producer Prices Index data for May showed prices businesses have paid for meat and poultry have spiked more than 20 percent since the start of the year. CORE CUSTOMERS Fast-food customers include both wealthier and lower-income hourly workers. People with household incomes of $100,000 or more made up about 39% of fast-food visits in May, while people making less $25,000 comprised about 12% of visits, according to data from The NPD Group. Those with incomes between $25,000 and $100,000 made up 49% of visits, the data show. Chains and franchisees that remove too many low-priced deals risk losing core customers who specifically come in for those items, said Mark Kuperman, chief operating officer at Revenue Management Solutions, a Florida-based pricing advisor to restaurants. To be sure, chains haven't completely abandoned the value menu. McDonald's launched its "$1 $2 $3 Dollar" menu during the fast-food discount wars of 2018 as part of its turnaround plan. Today, that menu is pared down to 8 items instead of 12. The company said value items remain a core part of its marketing. Meanwhile, it is aggressively promoting its $10 "BTS Meal" named for the popular South Korean boy band that endorses it. That higher-priced promotion is part of a strategy to reach younger customers, McDonald's said. Data shows fast-food chains launched fewer new combination meals over the last 18 months, according to Datassential, a Chicago research firm that counts the deals that U.S. national restaurant chains promote on their websites and social media. A sample of 51 U.S. quick-service chains launched a total of 38 "combo/value meals" through May. That's roughly on par with 66 total value meals that chains launched in 2020. But the 2020 figure was nearly 57% lower than the 152 value meals the chains launched in 2018. Restaurant operators are optimistic. "I've never seen consumers less price sensitive than they are today," one fast-food franchisee told Reuters. Reporting by Hilary Russ; editing by Anna Driver and Nick Zieminski https://tinyurl.com/e9e6zu 這邊還有日文版新聞 https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-237456 簡單來說 就是美國速食店的客群取向 從以前可能會推出划算省錢的經濟套餐組合 (以台灣麥當勞來說 可能是什麼壹加壹) 逐漸導向高價消費客群這部分 所以餐點跟菜單也許慢慢會淘汰以往 比較低價路線的餐點 新產品會以高級化為主 新聞提了一堆 這邊簡單說幾個 麥當勞淘汰了像是小麥克 雙層麥克 沙拉等比較低價產品 (這邊是美國麥當勞產品) 可能會針對美國各地 推出以該地區口味的產品 肯德基則是取消了五美元可以吃飽飽套餐 之後則是針對家族套餐來設計 溫蒂漢堡則是調整菜單 高價產品放在上方容易看到的位置 比較便宜的產品則是往下放 當然也有不走這套的美國速食店 像是taco bell 就持續提供平價餐點路線 =============================== 原來台灣速食店是在走世界潮流 難怪東西越來越不便宜 可是… 價格提高 相對的應該是提供等值的產品給消費者 不應該是價錢往上 產品原地甚至退步吧? 難道不是嗎? (台灣速食店哪家敢說自己做到?) --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fastfood/M.1636893969.A.825.html

ilikeroc: 聽說以前台灣的速食店算是高價位的食物? 11/14 21:13

max0616: 摩斯笑而不語 11/14 21:16

hoyumi: 可能要跟當時物價來看 11/14 21:17

loadingN: 美式餓鬼 11/14 21:18

yasionl: 肯德基5美元吃飽飽! 很適合肥宅我 11/14 21:19

keizeo: 其實台灣麥當勞定價 跟其他國家比真的不算貴了 11/14 21:20

hoyumi: https://i.imgur.com/8iEVdHS.jpeg 11/14 21:27

hoyumi: 肯德基五美元套餐長這樣 11/14 21:27

hoyumi: 炸雞一塊 小薯 比司吉 16oz的百事可樂 11/14 21:27

silentknight: 麥當勞 肯德基 都不算貴吧 11/14 21:29

silentknight: 以前最低時薪7X時 麥與墾套餐100多 11/14 21:31

silentknight: 現在最低時薪160 麥與肯套餐還是100多 11/14 21:31

silentknight: 說句實在話 台灣速食店真的不算貴 11/14 21:32

yasionl: 那個5美元套餐 只有四塊雞餐吸引我 他這份量是瞧不起美 11/14 21:34

yasionl: 國人嗎... 11/14 21:34

hoyumi: 四塊還是雞翅 11/14 21:36

Kowdan: 台灣其他都漲,反而是速食漲幅比較少 11/14 21:38

Kowdan: 剛來台灣的時候超級貴 11/14 21:38

Levesque: 麥當勞有銅板套餐,肯有ABC,必勝客有個人披薩,其實很 11/14 21:44

Levesque: 不錯了 11/14 21:44

SSSONIC: 以前覺得貴 沒時麼吃 現在價錢真的感覺沒時麼了 11/14 21:45

yuehxian: 自然中低價市場會有別家取而代之 11/14 22:47

icteric: 阿鬼請給翻譯 11/14 22:55

ImKSW: https://i.imgur.com/zAJXkVf.jpg 11/15 00:06

ImKSW: 以前的麥當勞真的有夠貴,現在反倒還好 11/15 00:06

ImKSW: https://i.imgur.com/rfpZlxj.jpg 11/15 00:07

hoyumi: 玉米湯居然還有雞蓉 羨慕 11/15 00:08

hoyumi: 好像快要沒看到的「兒童杯」 11/15 00:10

hoyumi: 以前客人等餐太久都會拿兒童杯裝一些飲料請客人喝 11/15 00:10

cvn21: 速食是窮人美食(X) 11/15 02:12

cvn21: 以後窮人只能吃屎 11/15 02:12

cvn21: 有個說法是說窮人肥胖是因為吃比較多速食,看來以後窮人的 11/15 02:16

cvn21: 體脂各個都個位數 11/15 02:16

randyhgmac: 原來台麥是先行佈局啊,我們都錯怪它了 11/15 02:22

randyhgmac: 以前的M主要是逼你點套餐就是,但實際上東西的CP值個 11/15 02:25

randyhgmac: 人覺得比現在好就是 11/15 02:25

senby: 雖然麥當勞價錢沒有漲很多,但感覺份量少很多,印象中以前 11/15 04:17

senby: 漢堡很大一個呀! 11/15 04:17

ARCHER2234: 台灣的速食還是中價位以上啊,一個便當100吃的很飽, 11/15 09:50

ARCHER2234: 速食100很虛,縮水 11/15 09:50

sakuraha: 台灣領先業界30年 11/15 10:06

sakuraha: 沒漲很多是因為用縮水方式,朝三暮四你就高興了? 11/15 10:09

er5820: 份量都縮水很嚴重 11/15 10:31

phenom42: 世界怎麼跟得上台灣 11/15 12:39

sbtiagr: 真的是縮水 堡越變越小 食量明明就變小還吃不飽 11/15 13:52

Coffeewater: 也記得小時候一個便當50 麥當勞就賣100了 現在反而 11/15 15:49

Coffeewater: 差不多價錢 11/15 15:49

LastAttack: 台麥:世界怎麼跟得上台企啊 11/15 15:53

waitan: 塔可貝爾什麼時後才要來 11/15 22:27

frankfipgd: 麥當勞在北部算平價…不過現在app這麼屎,如果還趕跟 11/16 12:40

frankfipgd: 上就會暴死吧w 11/16 12:40

officina: 現在吃速食都快比吃便當便宜了 11/16 18:40

officina: 當然新推出肉質好都會高價位 11/16 18:41

officina: 但一樣要隨便吃 速食真是速食了 11/16 18:41

nsr150xx: 快推,不然會被笑菜@ 英文*|* 11/16 19:51

leohayashi1: 美國麥當勞漲價但起碼品質仍在,再貴還是便宜因為薪 11/25 11:24

leohayashi1: 水平均高台灣不少。 吃蘋果派,麥克雞塊,麥香雞都 11/25 11:24

leohayashi1: 是小時候在台吃的味道,現在台灣都不知道改多少次了 11/25 11:24

leohayashi1: ,一直cost down, 只要有回美國都會先衝去漢堡王麥 11/25 11:24

leohayashi1: 當勞過過癮,台灣已經不吃很久了 11/25 11:24
