Fw: [閒聊] DF分析瘟疫傳說安魂曲畫面

作者 alanjiang (我只是想看清自己)
時間 2022-10-26 07:37:34
留言 31則留言 (12推 0噓 19→)

作者: alanjiang (我只是想看清自己) 看板: PlayStation 標題: [閒聊] DF分析瘟疫傳說安魂曲畫面 時間: Wed Oct 26 07:37:00 2022 A Plague Tale: Requiem is a beautiful tech showcase https://reurl.cc/VRppW6 Technically, mechanically and even narratively, Requiem is a massive improvement over the already impressive debut game. The mix of stealth and puzzle-solving returns, but it's more robust and varied, offering you larger areas to carve your own path than the original. The visuals are an immense improvement with an extraordinary level of detail, phenomenal materials work and absolutely sublime lighting. Then there's the series' signature hoards of rats. In the original, Asobo's engine rendered 5000 rats on-screen at once, their detail scaling down the further you go into the distance. But now? In the sequel it's pushed to a quite excessive 300,000 - with the team altering their movement to look more like a tidal wave as they burst through gaps. 在一代中,Asobo 引擎在螢幕上渲染了 5000 隻老鼠,它們的細節隨著距離的增加而縮小 在續集中,則超過了300000 隻老鼠 There has been a debate about Requiem being just a 30fps game on PS5, Series X and S. It's capped at 30fps on 60Hz displays specifically on console - or 40fps capped if you have a 120Hz display hooked up to any of them. Either way, some are disappointed it's not running at 60fps by default. To an extent it's understandable. Bear in mind the original game - A Plague Tale Innocence - ran at 60fps on PS5, Series X and S, it's a step backwards of sorts. However, this is the price we have to pay for the level of enhancements delivered by this game - and based on a cursory look at the PC version, it's pushing CPU and GPU hard, meaning that simply reducing resolution for a higher level of performance isn't going to work. 安魂曲在 PS5、XSX和XSS上只能跑30fps備受質疑。在主機上如果 接60Hz螢幕的上限為30fps 接120Hz螢幕的上限為 40fps 無論哪種方式,有些人對它沒辦法跑60fps感到失望 It's clear the team makes the most of a jump to new hardware. On PS5 and Series X, Asobo Studio has the horsepower to open these levels out, into huge sprawling areas. You get more agency. But equally, the scenery is packed more richly with detail. Looking at Requiem's own opening area, there's more foliage drawn far, far to the distance. You get higher quality material interaction with light, indoors and out. There's more complex geometry, and density of objects strewn around the field, plus parallax occlusion mapping. A few other details stand out too: the pin-sharp skybox overhead is stunning in its large overviews of cityscapes. Even the early market area is energised with a huge number of NPCs, a vast upgrade on the original game's sparsely populated towns. Character models get a big uplift in quality, too. In both geometry and materials, our lead character Amicia in close-up shows a boost in texture resolution for clothes, improved skin shaders, and hair complexity. All combined across the game's often torchlit areas, Requiem's interplay between materials and lighting is a real spectacle this time around. 看得更遠,材質更細,光線更亮w,城鎮NPC更多 Image quality stats are a close match to the first game. Both PS5 and Series X each stay in place at a native 1440p resolution, reconstructing up to 4K using a temporal solution. For Xbox Series S, we're again sticking to 900p as the native figure, in line with Innocence. The upshot is that nothing is lost or gained in terms of the raw pixel metrics. Clearly the sequel is pushing for higher settings, and bigger environments as a way to use these system's resources. If we compare Series S directly to Series X though, there are a few settings dropped for the weaker machine. Ambient occlusion takes a hit, leading to less shaded foliage, while foliage in general appears less dense at range. Otherwise, this is the same game across all three platforms, though PS5 does make good use of the DualSense adaptive triggers. PS5 和 XSX 原生解析度為1440p再偽裝成4K www Xbox Series S原生解析度為 900p PS5的DualSense有被充分利用 Performance is a touch controversial because not only does the game target 30 frames per second, it can actually fall short of the number. At least the 30fps update is evenly frame-paced, with adaptive screen tearing kicking in on all three when the engine's pushed. I'd also stress that 95 percent of the time you're getting a smooth 30fps line here with no issues. Xbox Series X is the best, and most consistent performer of the three, and I've barely seen much more than a single frame drop here, even in the most taxing spots. The emergence of rats is a big stress point in the game, typically, and it barely shows a blip on Series X. It's not as pretty a picture with PlayStation 5, however, which offers up a less stable 30fps release all round, though largely still very solid. 遊戲不僅以30fps為目標,而且實際上可能達不到這個數字 在 95% 的情況下都能獲得流暢的 30fps Xbox Series X 是三者中表現最好、表現最穩定的一款 老鼠的出現通常是遊戲中的巨大壓力點 PlayStation 5 提供了一個不太穩定的 30fps 版本 If we're picking out the worst points for comparison, scenes involving masses rats and guards in outdoors areas do cause the biggest problems on the Sony machine. Equally, Series X's flat 30 clearly drops into the mid-20s on PS5 in areas involving heavy transparency effects - like fire. The majority of play is still 30fps, but expect the drops to be that much more regular on PS5 in its current state. Curiously the Series S release falls in between the a huge. In overall consistency it's closer to Series X in overall robustness, again barring select moments with a huge surge of rats. In terms of performance, the drop to 900p on Series S does appear to be well judged, and a benefit in the visuals/frame-rate balance. 火和老鼠會讓fps降到20幾 結論:希望能持續最佳化,後續能提供60fps性能模式 另外難怪主機版本本人體感稍順,原來原始的解析度較低XD -- 剛剛無聊去看了一下4090跑的結果,全開是4K80fps 卡頓就是模擬一下看到老鼠時抖一下的狀況w ? 這個原文在哪裡,可以麻煩提示一下嗎 我只看到900P和1440P啦,其實俺也沒認真看,只看一些有興趣的數字略翻一下 感謝翻譯XD 900P是要怎麼拖累w,叫騎士仔學習一下啦 看到惹謝謝 不過看上下文 The emergence of rats is a big stress point in the game, typically, and it barely shows a blip on Series X. 老鼠很多壓力山大(應指遊戲運行不順),但在XSX上幾乎沒看到(運行不順)? It's not as pretty a picture with PlayStation 5, however, which offers up a less stable 30fps release all round, though largely still very solid. 在PS5並非如此,PS5較不穩定? 俺英文爛求幫翻譯 整個玩完再解讀嗎? 俺也是乍看把Picture當成情勢w,as pretty as a picture應該是美如畫XD
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ziya: 所以我直接開PC 玩惹 10/26 08:03

mikeneko: 用PC玩偶爾小卡,整體還算順暢 10/26 08:08

faang: 更加靈活抖動的老鼠(抖) 10/26 08:32

cdwater: 個人用c1+xsx通關,體感來說是順的但總覺得如有效能模式 10/26 09:36

cdwater: 肯定還是秒選 10/26 09:36

tony24334: 看完:勞贖? 10/26 10:07

EspressoJ: 啊…在提到XSX跑得比較順的同時,原文內DF也提到XSX畫 10/26 10:14

EspressoJ: 面不如PS5耶,看來也是用相素來換禎數的做法 10/26 10:14

MartyFriedma: 我用pc 偶爾會突然頓一下 其他時候大部分都蠻順 2K 10/26 10:22

MartyFriedma: 70fps左右 10/26 10:22

talan: 大概瞄了一下全文 除了寫XSS某些設置比XSX/PS5低一些 10/26 10:27

talan: 那邊有講設置差異 沒有其他地方寫XSX有犧牲什麼東西 10/26 10:29

talan: 來換比PS5好的效能阿 10/26 10:29

talan: 文章寫XSS跑原生900P XSX/PS5跑原生1440P 10/26 10:33

talan: XSS比起XSX AO有弱一些 導致樹葉陰影較差 10/26 10:34

talan: 除此之外 三平台上都跑一樣配置 10/26 10:35

f16leon: 這時候XSS又不拖累了 10/26 11:46

f16leon: 浮動的拖累主機 10/26 11:46

Keigo0415: 電視有vrr 自己用xsx關動態模糊時一fps一整個不行 開 10/26 12:05

Keigo0415: 動態模糊雖然幀數表現感覺比較順一點但不太能適應就改 10/26 12:05

Keigo0415: 用PC玩了 10/26 12:05

EspressoJ: "It's not as pretty a picture..." 那邊 10/26 12:29

EspressoJ: 浮動的拖累主機 XDD 10/26 12:29

Hasanieer: 靈活拖累 10/26 12:40

lolicat: 目前進度 覺得姐姐是個性大變嗎 10/26 12:49

hTCe9: 暴雷死全家 10/26 13:12

VICGecko: 轉文辛苦了。要是畫質有差異DF一定會明講的,所以 10/26 14:46

VICGecko: 看起來"It's not as pretty a piture (with ps5)"是說ps 10/26 14:46

VICGecko: 5版幀數低。picture除了圖片之外,也有"局勢"的意思(例: 10/26 14:46

VICGecko: get the picture),這句可能可以翻譯成"ps5版的狀況卻沒 10/26 14:46

VICGecko: 這麼美好(漂亮)"吧 10/26 14:46
