[公告] tLuesuGi 板主上任

看板 UmaMusume
作者 maxliao (毛人愛雷克)
時間 2021-03-05 00:43:21
留言 5則留言 (5推 0噓 0→)

根據 #1WGGtMwO (Sub_GMobile) [ptt.cc] Re: [新板] UmaMusume #1WEATzZ8 (ComGame-New) [ptt.cc] [申請新板] UmaMusume 即日起請 tLuesuGi擔任 UmaMusume 的板主, 請詳閱 , 並請時常注意 Sub_GMobile 及 ComGame-Plan 的公告, 期能克盡板主之職責,熱心經營板務並提供相關資訊以服務大眾。 歡迎有任何板主職責問題, 請至 Sub_GMobile 組務 ◎手機遊戲小組(G_Mobile) 查詢相關事項。 maxliao @ Sub_GMobile 2021.3.5 -- Snow flakes in January Heart warm like February, I wouldn't ordinarily March to the drum, play a fool like April May the best sing in a June recital Power of the will, Julius and Augustus Aw you know, it's just us In a new semester, back in September boy, I wonder if you still remember -Nujabes feat. Shing02 - Luv(sic) Part 4 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UmaMusume/M.1614876204.A.A2F.html

tLuesuGi: 感謝 03/05 00:44

SaberTheBest: 恭喜開板!!! 03/05 01:00

crazycy: 恭喜開板 03/05 01:19

Stanley70412: おめでとう~ 03/05 09:00

dichenfong: 錢 03/05 11:32
