
看板 Tennis
作者 VWilliams (VStarr)
時間 2008-12-18 11:59:39
留言 18則留言 (16推 0噓 2→)

本來已經宣布要參加澳網的戴姐 現在又懷孕了 恭喜他 我猜明年或後年出賽的機率應該也不會太大吧... http://www.tennisweek.com/news/fullstory.sps?inewsid=6624209 Pregnant Pause: Davenport Pregnant By Tennis Week Wednesday, December 17, 2008 Young Jagger Leach will soon have a new singles partner: former World No. 1 and three-time Grand Slam Champion Lindsay Davenport announced today that she is pregnant. Davenport and her husband, Jonathan Leach, are expecting their second child in 2009. The baby will join older brother Jagger, born on June 10, 2007. The impending birth of her second child puts a pregnant pause in Davenport's tennis career. "I am thrilled that Jon, Jagger and I will be welcoming a new addition to our family this coming year," said Davenport. "Of course this unexpected but exciting surprise now means I will be putting tennis on hold for the foreseeable future." Jon Leach, an investment banker who was a collegiate tennis standout when he played for his father, Dick Leach, at USC, helped his wife prepare for her return to tournament tennis last fall and was supportive in her limited play last season. -- -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1229572781.A.D75.html

t18212000:恭喜! 12/18 12:42

highway61:生了Jagger 下一個不會叫Dylan或是Joplin吧 12/18 13:56

knightyuan:難怪今年下半球季戴姐整個消失 原來是又懷孕了 12/18 13:57

VWilliams:戴姐是因為受傷才缺席的 跟懷孕無關 12/18 15:24

xxpp:話說這麼說不過我想懷孕也不能打球喔XD 12/18 16:49

namieamuroma:是因為受傷導致懷孕的? XD 12/18 16:51

tim2502:恭喜Lindsay!!! 下一個不會叫Yossi吧?(誤) 12/18 18:10

loveroll:因為受傷導致懷孕+1 XDD 12/18 18:40

curran:糟糕!我居然看的懂樓樓上的梗! XD 12/18 20:49

chevylove:( ̄□ ̄|||)a 12/18 21:23

rainww25:但是這樣就等於正式宣布退休了嘛......... 12/18 22:34

Kirk:叫Mick 12/18 23:23

amusic:唉..雖然還是不願意,但應該會退休吧,祝福戴姐!! 12/19 01:18

zvb:對阿 感覺應該會退休了 在休息個兩年年紀又更大了 12/19 03:46

chiuleo:推 叫Yossi~ 12/19 10:15

Kirk:在幾年就可以打壯年組啦 12/19 13:03

joyjcc:恭喜! 再生個健康的寶寶 12/19 16:30

shak:恭喜 12/21 18:38
