[優質] 火腿被炒魷魚 Reddit評論

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作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
時間 2024-05-04 11:51:01
留言 7則留言 (2推 0噓 5→)

https://redd.it/1cjf8az https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMrE7g1XUAAW_d-.jpg
"Every coach who has won the IST have been fired in that same year wow" 「贏了季中賽的每位教練都在同一年被解雇,笑了」 - "Hopefully, they still invite him to get his IST ring on opening night next season if he doesn't have a job by then" 「如果他到下賽季開幕夜時還沒找到新工作,希望該球隊還是會邀請他領取季中賽冠 軍戒」 - "H I S T O R I C I S T O R I C" 「歷史性 史 性 」 - "For the first time in Golden Knights history" 「黃金騎士(冰球隊)歷史中的第一次」 - "He wasn't fired, he was Le't go!" 「他沒有被解雇,他是被放走的!」 - "Damn. What a cursed tournament." 「該死的,真是被詛咒的賽會。」 - "Every one who coaches Lebron James gets fired." 「每個曾經執教過LBJ 的教練都會被解雇」 - "Reminder, they hung a banner" 「提醒一下,該隊已經懸掛(季中賽冠軍)旗幟了」 "This is Lakers fans championship" 「這是湖人隊球迷的總冠軍賽」 "Can't wait to see who they bring in to sacrifice next" 「好想知道誰會是下一位被犧牲的」 - "jj redick" "When you list his accomplishments and record in the past 2 seasons out like this he sounds really solid lmao" 「只要這樣列出他過去兩個賽季期間的成就和記錄時,聽起來會感覺很可靠」 - "Next team that hires him (if any) is gonna unironically list these to hype him up lmao" 「下一支聘請他的球隊(如有)將會好好的列出來讓他精神振奮」 - "Why don't other teams give their coaches AD and Bron? Are they stupid?" 「為什麼其他球隊不願給他們的教練 AD 或 LBJ?他們傻了嗎?」 - "It really is decent in a vacuum. Winning seasons in both years, WCF appearance as a 7 seed, winning the IST, losing to Denver in the playoffs both years. Then you take the roster into account, and his overall coaching style and that changes everything." 「在履歷空白的情況下確實不錯。兩個賽季都有集大成就,以第七種子晉級西部冠軍 賽、贏下季中賽,兩年季後賽都敗給金塊。 如果你考量該隊陣容、他的執教風格,這將改變一切。」 - "The roster is seventh seed caliber people need to get a reality check on that one." 「整隊是第七種子的水準,是時候要進行實地檢查了」 - "2 playins and a slightly above .500 record while having Lebron and AD isn’t solid lol" 「在有 LBJ 和 AD 的情況下,兩次進附加賽、一次勝率稍稍超過 0.500 的記錄不太 可靠,笑死」 "hell yeah dude they're going to hire mark jackson" 「天啊,聽說他們將會聘來 Mark Jackson 呢」 - "Okay first of all Rude lmao" 「好吧,先說這很粗魯,笑死」 "Hamas has been forced out of LA Democracy wins again." 「哈馬斯終於滾出洛杉磯,民主再次取勝。」 - "THANK YOU NUGGETS" 「謝謝你,金塊」 "Moral victory number 5" 「道德勝利編號五」 - "Should be enough to force a Nuggets Game 6." 「至少曾經嘗試把金塊逼進第六戰」 "Lakers fans just won their finals this year" 「湖人球迷們今年才贏過總冠軍賽」 "LeTanyahu finally defeated Hamas" 「勒坦雅胡終於打敗哈馬斯」 "Canned Ham" 「罐頭『火腿』」 "Pelinka slithers around from the shadows dodging blame once again" 「Pelinka 從陰霾中滑過,躲開了一切指責。」 "time to bring back Vogel." 「是時候請回我哥了」 "About a season too late" 「晚了差不多一個賽季」 "People are overlooking the fact that he clearly lost the locker room by the end. AD's comments on them going stretches not knowing what they were doing was clearly a death blow. He would have stayed another year otherwise. This isn't like Vogel where he's being scapegoated for a poorly constructed team." 「大家似乎都忽視了他失去眾球員們信心的事實。AD的『他們不知道自己在做什麼』的評 論顯然是致命性的打擊。他本來有機會待多一年的。這不像上次的我哥,因為一支糟糕 的球隊而成為代罪羔羊。」 "That Ham is cooked" 「那個火腿完蛋(被煮掉)了」 "Should have never fired Vogel " 「早知道不該解雇我哥」 "TO LIVE AND DIE IN LA" 「生死都要在洛杉磯」 "Rob Pelinka keeps escaping accountability and I don’t like that. I understand he was Kobe’s agent but you can’t seriously say Pelinka has done a great job as GM." 「Rob Pelinka 持續拒絕扛責,這不是我喜歡看到的。我知道他是科比的代理人,但你總 不可能直白地說他做好了自己身為總管的職責。」 "Christmas came early for Lakers fans" 「對湖人球迷來說的聖誕大禮」 https://redd.it/1cjf95l "JJ Redick really boutta go from doing podcast with Bron to being his head coach" 「JJ Redick 看來真的好想從和 LBJ 共同主持 Podcast 轉換到成為他的主教練」 "Kawhi going to make Ty Lue go joker mode and take a new job across the hallway" 「可愛將讓 Ty Lue 進入開玩笑模式,然後在球員通道上獲得新的職位」 - "Sorry, Ty, you cannot join us in the promised land. You must remain here. You should not have thrown the Surface Tablets and broke them." 「不好意思,Ty,你不能和我們一起進入應許之地。你必須留在這。你不該亂扔並摔 壞微軟平板。」 "Reddick would be one of the funniest things in the league. Please let it happen." 「Redick 將是聯盟中其中一個最好笑的東西,希望真的能發生。」 "I would actually enter a mental asylum if we fucking hired the dude who TAUGHT DARVIN HAM. He better not make it past a single fucking round of interviews or this team is actually insane." 「如果真的聘請了執教過火腿的那個傢伙,我真的會有進入精神病院的感覺。他最好不要 通過任何一輪的面試考核,不然這隊就真的瘋了。」 https://redd.it/1cjfh32 "“Hey Darvin we’re gonna have to let y-“ “Timeout” “What?” “I still have a timeout I’ve been saving it. I’m using it right now”" 「『喂火腿,我們可能要讓你...』 『暫停比賽』 『什麼?』 『我還有一次暫停比賽的機會,到現在還沒用到。我現在正要用著呢』」 "We can't compete with Phoenix's 2031 draft pick and Nurkic" 「我們沒辦法媲美太陽的2031年樂透籤和弩機」 "Getting fired on the phone is crazy LMAO" 「一通電話就炒掉了,這真的很瘋狂,笑死」 https://redd.it/1cjf8kl "WHAT DATE IS THE PARADE" 「什麼時候辦大遊行?」 "FREE AT LAST. But for real, wish him no harm in any of his future endeavors. Seems like a great guy to be around, would be a great father in law or something. But couldn't coach this team. Good luck in the future." 「終於自由了。 但坦白說,希望他的未來不會遭遇什麼打擊。看起來人很好,會是個很棒的岳父之類的 ,不過可惜不能繼續執教這隊。希望未來一切順利。」 -- 連整個教練團都遣散了,湖人要進入重建階段了嗎? -- 緊握的拳頭捏碎了願望 令鮮血流滿了掌心 無盡的翅膀猶如鎖鏈一般 沉重得令人無法動彈 只懂得失去的稚幼眼眸中 人們懷念永不復返的星光 每一盞點起的燈火 都綻放著生命的光芒 載著前行乃是命運 銘刻光輝 對誰都溫柔 歲月的痕跡    ——西川貴教《ヴェスティージ》(『機動戰士鋼彈SEED DESTINY』第四片頭曲) --
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laptic : 美國那邊看來湖人也是流量密碼 留言好多 = = 05/04 11:52

ken720331 : 自帶阿只是推特在罵火腿的比較少被轉過來而已 呵呵 05/04 11:53

ZIDENS : 唉 下一個就是我了 05/04 11:53

LukaDoncic77: 好有趣 05/04 12:17

Childishan : 湖人在全世界就是流量密碼呀 05/04 12:22

ken720331 : 金州流量也不差但是.嗯 05/04 12:23

Childishan : 差多了 05/04 14:44
