[外絮] Butler講到那次在灰狼"著名"的練球

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-12-12 10:20:26
留言 69則留言 (49推 3噓 17→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y888ydz3 Jimmy Butler detailed his epic practice beatdown of T'wolves starters Jimmy Butler講到那次打趴灰狼先發群的練習細節 The Jimmy Butler saga in Minnesota was one of the most entertaining developments of a thoroughly crazy NBA offseason. Jimmy Butler在灰狼的那場大戲大概是今年NBA休賽季中幾件最具娛樂性事件的其中之一。 Butler demanded a trade out of Minnesota. When it became apparent that the trade wasn't happening in the timely matter he wanted, the All-Star showed up to practice, reportedly embarrassed the starters and then held a sit-down interview with Rachel Nichols. Butler喊出吹密,而當要把他交易走這件事沒辦法按照他想要的速度進行時,這位全明星 球員到了球館練習,據報導他羞辱了那群先發球員,之後接受ESPN記者Rachel Nichols的 訪談。 It seemed like a highly orchestrated and perfectly executed humbling of the Timberwolves. And according to Butler, he only took one shot in that epic scrimmage. 看起來整齣大戲都是完美的安排,徹底的把灰狼打入深淵。但是根據Butler說,他在那場 著名的練習賽只投了一球。 Butler joined The JJ Redick Podcast and detailed how the crazy day unfolded. Via The Ringer: Bulter上了JJ Redick的Podcast,仔細描述了那瘋狂的一天。 Redick: And as you and I know, these type of things as they're happening in real time, NBA Twitter just eats it up. Redick: 就如你我所知道,當那種事情真的發生的時候,網路鄉民可是會樂翻的。 Butler: It's crazy. If Woj says it has happened, that's the part that pisses me off. Man, Woj knows. Butler: 那真的很瘋狂。若沃神說那件事情有發生,那就是讓我不爽的部分了。老兄,沃 神知道的。 Redick: I would've liked to have been not necessarily on the court with you that day, but just in that gym. Was it uncomfortable, or were people like, "Oh no, it's just Jimmy being Jimmy"? The way it was sort of recited in the media, it seemed that it would be a little sweaty, a little balmy in there. A little uncomfortable. Redick: 我不需要一定要知道在球場上的狀況,就是那天在球館。那有讓你覺得不舒服嗎? 還是大家就像是說,「喔老天,吉巴又吉巴了。」那天的狀況在媒體上講的,似乎是打的 有點流汗,有一點熱,有點不舒服。 Butler: Competing. If you love to compete, you would've thrived in the environment. Seriously. Everybody wanted to beat me to show. The crazy part is the most interesting detail wasn't told. Butler: 打的很競爭。如果喜歡競爭的話,在那種環境下就可生存,真的。大家都想藉由 打敗我來展現自己。但是最瘋狂的部分也是最有趣的部分,大家並不知道。 The most interesting detail of that whole scrimmage that nobody knows: I only shot the ball once. 沒有人知道,那場練習賽最有趣的細節是:我只投了一球。 Redick: Really? Redick: 真的? Butler: I only shot the ball one time. I only shot the ball once. Butler: 我只投了一球,我真的只投了一球。 Redick: But every quote coming out of there was like: "Jimmy was getting buckets. He was dominating." Redick: 但是每個人從裡面傳出來的說法都像是:「吉巴得了一堆分,他主宰了比賽。」 Butler: Oh, I was dominating, but I only shot the ball once. Dimes, boom, boom, boom. Steals, blocks. I only shot the ball one time Butler: 喔,我是主宰了比賽,但是我只投了一球。助攻,抄截,火鍋,但是我只投了一 球。 Butler, of course, was eventually traded to the 76ers. Butler最後終於交易到了76人。 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 -- 好喔 謝謝建議
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1544581231.A.10A.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

kiske011 : the羞辱 12/12 10:22

bradpete : 氣氛 12/12 10:22

kaga1991 : boom boom boom 12/12 10:22

tliu223 : 還蠻好笑的XD 12/12 10:22

k870357 : 吉巴又吉巴了 XD 12/12 10:22

Nappa : 什麼鬼 12/12 10:23

MisterBoar : 真是太吉巴了 12/12 10:23

xxxrecoil : 我比較好奇Rose站哪邊? 12/12 10:24

kaga1991 : boom boom pow 12/12 10:25

sept9048 : JB:一球就趴啦 下手不要太重^^ 12/12 10:25

tianmaw : 所以實際上是替補帶領吉巴 打贏先發吧 12/12 10:25

lu3yao : 吉巴:吉一球你們就受不了了 嫩 12/12 10:26

genest666 : It’s just Jimmy being Jimmy 12/12 10:26

bxxl : 就狂抄狂火鍋,再丟給替補進球,這樣好像更羞辱 12/12 10:28

azuresky : Slippin' Jimmy 12/12 10:30

nobody741 : 意思是不得分 狂搧鍋 抄截就贏惹 12/12 10:30

thb96300 : 吉巴又吉巴了 12/12 10:31

KeMBaWallKer: Jimmy being Jimmy 翻得太好了 12/12 10:32

a86710985 : 所以還不是被排了 12/12 10:32

kimigogo : 那時候ROSE不是先發 u know 12/12 10:32

ronbaker : 好猛… 12/12 10:33

ievolnds : 翻稱霸很像怪怪的 12/12 10:34

tommy910174 : chink fans 12/12 10:34

bxxl : 稱霸->主宰 12/12 10:36

hank71911 : 吉巴又吉巴了=Jimmy being Jimmy 哈哈哈哈 12/12 10:37

kakain : 真的吉巴 12/12 10:39

gratitude : 會不會是只投進一球? 12/12 10:42

zsp9081a : 感謝三陣賣力得分,讓吉巴成功交易 12/12 10:44

IAMGRICE : 那球不知道怎麼投的,難道是像櫻木花道灌籃在赤木肛 12/12 10:44

IAMGRICE : 憲的頭上那樣?那難怪要交易了 12/12 10:44

walter741225: 這是在說 THE 讓 也能屌虐嗎 12/12 10:48

nuggets0916 : Slippin' Jimmy xd 12/12 10:50

ChrisPaul03 : 赤木肛憲? 吳宗憲表示: 張宗憲表示: 12/12 10:52

x4068 : 虐小貓一球足以 12/12 10:52

astro1217 : 推文有Better call Saul XD 12/12 10:54

cool34 : Oh no, it's just Jimmy being Jimmy 12/12 11:01

cool34 : 喔老天,吉巴又吉巴了 12/12 11:01

s08k521 : 意思是對面一球都投不進嗎 12/12 11:08

laishy : 整場六分鐘 12/12 11:08

Kyameron : 因為Rose得了50分 you know 12/12 11:09

funcky0116 : 士官長不嘴一下是會癢喔XD 12/12 11:13

icou : jimmy being jimmy XDDD 12/12 11:14

johntw : 吉巴只是用一次亢龍不悔旋風式灌籃,對面就都軟腳了 12/12 11:14

rawle : 隊友感覺到靈氣 12/12 11:15

SULAjardin : 生父曾在練球時被年輕牛撞斷肋骨。 12/12 11:16

Gato : 這樣更羞辱人好嗎,用線控娃娃就贏了 12/12 11:17

Alipapa : 想到三井偷襲流川 投一顆三分 然後說:我贏了XDD 12/12 11:23

ThunderLord : 好猛 12/12 11:51

JHNJHNJHN : 明明就踩線 12/12 11:56

bob20228 : 想到阿姆的歌詞 You only get one shot, do not mis 12/12 11:57

bob20228 : s your chance to blow 12/12 11:57

thatblue : Oh no, it's just Jimmy being Jimmy 以後76人的比 12/12 11:58

thatblue : 賽這句可以當金句xdd 12/12 11:58

c1201 : 人都走了還要噴前隊友,真的吉巴人 12/12 12:01

Tawara : "吉巴又吉巴了" 原來英文就是這樣!! 12/12 12:07

iamaq18c : XDDDDDDD 12/12 12:08

sunnyyoung : 用六合童子打爆對手 12/12 12:12

aikensh : Jimmy being Jimmy!! 12/12 12:20

lpmybig : 也才一球就崩潰 12/12 12:48

a9564208 : 吉巴就是吉巴,既不偉大也不卑微 12/12 13:22

a9564208 : Jimmy being Jimmy, 我以為是球鞋廣告 12/12 13:23

NorthernStar: 吉巴又吉巴了。這一句可以入選絕妙譯句! 12/12 13:52

shasen1235 : 所以系隊投一中十是真的XD 12/12 13:55

j7080028 : 所以是被替補carry 還是只投一球2:0不練了 12/12 14:33

gadoma : 神翻譯,吉巴又吉巴了 12/12 17:23

n924127 : 原文真的是吉巴又吉巴了耶XD 12/13 18:15
