[外絮] Towns : 灰狼新賽季要搶進季後賽

看板 NBA
作者 pttkobe5566 (小妹)
時間 2016-09-09 17:49:56
留言 30則留言 (22推 3噓 5→)

Karl-Anthony Towns' personal goals for the 16-17 season are based on how the Minnesota Timberwolves perform. "Personal goals are based on team," said Towns. "We’ve got to make the playoffs. We’ve got to do something special, and it’s up to us to continue to work and to make that happen." 這位超級新人新賽季的目標當然以球隊為主。「我們必須進入季後賽,做些特別的努力, 當然這取決於我們不斷地鍛鍊自己。」 Towns was also asked how he sees his game evolving. "I think it’s going to be much much better," said Towns. "I’ve had a whole season to learn under KG [Kevin Garnett]. I just feel that I can be a much better player. Having a whole year to learn and have the whole year to see for myself what it takes, I feel I’m going to be a much better leader from a player standpoint. I will take what I’ve learned in one season and build upon it. It’s going to be awesome." 被問到個人與球隊的結合,Towns 看起來很有自信也頗樂觀。 「我想將會迎來一個更好的球季。過去一整年我都在 KG 底下學習,讓我感覺自己 能變得更強大了。 一年的學習讓我獲益良多,帶著這些歷練,未來會建築在如此 美好的起始上,相信會是很棒的賽季。」 Towns will be playing for Tom Thibodeau this season and was asked how that has gone so far. "He’s taught me a lot so far," said Towns. "He’s really smart, he’s a great guy. I look at him not even as my coach, but as a good friend of mine, and that’s how it has to be. If we want to be able to go to another spot to something greater, we have to always be on the same page and have a good rapport. That’s what we do have." 如大家所知,前公牛隊教頭 Thibodeau 加入灰狼,開啟新的一段旅程, Towns 也非常歡迎這位名教頭的到來:「他不僅僅是我的教練,我也將他視為 一位好朋友,他執教非常聰明,更是個很好的人。若下個賽季要走得更遠, 我們必須有著相同的理想,而這正是我們都擁有的。」 來源: JARED ZWERLING/NBPA.COM RealGM Wiretap 短評:灰狼有了好教練,也有許多潛力股,到底什麼時候才要打出成績拉!!! 祝福灰狼隊下個球季向前衝~ -- Kobe + Gasol + Howard + Nash + MWP 我一直以為 會拿下六連霸冠軍 結果事與願違 從此我靠發廢文療傷 至今也尚未從本季湖人的雜魚軍團帶來的創傷恢復過來 不離不棄 是我湖人 為我湖默哀 10 秒鐘 要數出聲 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1473414601.A.04F.html

hard9977 : T.D:未來是你的……我狼威武……09/09 17:57

nastycurry : 推簽名檔09/09 18:00

roywow : 可憐喔 還在TD 夢還沒醒嗎09/09 18:01

shinewonder : 弱隊刷數據的還想進季後賽喔 做夢比較快啦…… 09/09 18:09

banmaxwill : 簽名檔好哀傷 09/09 18:10

k960674 : 看到簽名檔最哀傷的應該是Jamison 完全被無視 09/09 18:12

cksxxb123 : 12345678910 09/09 18:18

shangyen : 推小妹 09/09 18:30

ANCEE : ㄧ哥 09/09 18:34

Bulls23 : 希望季後賽不要再那幾隻了 多一點黑馬才好看啊 09/09 18:48

Ensidia : 今年不意外再度勇騎戰 其他隊伍都沒啥競爭力 09/09 18:53

Ensidia : 本來勇士在西區還不見得這麼穩 現在.... 09/09 18:53

DioEraclea : 期待 灰狼老八刷掉勇士 09/09 18:54

HeavyBlue : 難說吧,勇士禁區很有可能... 09/09 19:00

jacky0122 : 灰狼加油啊!把滿滿天賦轉化成戰績吧! 09/09 19:02

key000130 : zaza dwest 嘴綠 mcgee禁區沒到很慘吧 09/09 19:28

gm79227922 : 光一個zaza就可以當中後段球隊的先發了 09/09 19:33

skatekid : 就算我勇禁區被爆..你狼又守的住浪花+KD? 09/09 19:42

elephman5566: 上一賽季就贏過一場了 09/09 19:43

Transfat : Towns>Wiggins 09/09 19:45

adora : 每年都看好 但每年還是都吊車尾 09/09 19:48

ae6892723 : 這隻真的很全能,覺得以後可能跟kp是一時瑜亮 09/09 19:57

evil4422 : TOWNS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 09/09 20:02

love1500274 : 每年都在做夢 09/09 20:24

louiswu : 某S真的每篇都要唱反調欸,靠這樣刷刷存在感 09/09 21:06

bycarbird : 一定要進啊 我狼起飛 09/10 00:41

bycarbird : 那個s可以不要在刷存在感了嗎... 09/10 00:42

georgehua : 我狼起飛嚕 09/10 01:08

beyondx : 真的很強 要是沒受傷 感覺至少可以拿個三冠 09/10 01:53

stja : 09/10 02:04
