[外絮] 紐約往事:J博士、籃網-尼克恩仇錄

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作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
時間 2013-09-29 20:46:10
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New York, New York: Julius Erving, the Nets-Knicks Feud, and America’s Bicentennial 紐約往事:記美國革命200週年時代的紐約J博士、籃網-尼克恩仇錄 Posted on September 17, 2013 by Curtis Harris 1976 was an awkward time for the United States of America. 1976年對美國而言,誠可謂是多事之秋。 The previous few years had seen the military massacre college students at home and abandon an unpopular, costly war abroad. A president had resigned, narrowly escaping impeachment. And as James Brown eloquently stated in his song, “Funky President (People It’s Bad),” times were bad, people: 過去的幾年中,既發生了國內軍隊屠殺大學生的慘案,又不得不放棄耗費巨資,那不受歡 迎的海外戰爭。總統辭職,勉強躲過彈劾。正如James Brown在歌曲“Funky President( People It's Bad)”中雄辯有力的陳述一樣,世風日下,人心不古: Amidst all the social tumult, the United States also prepared for the bicentennial of its revolutionary birth. It was a much needed shot of enthusiasm to reinvigorate the triumphant American spirit which was on a prolonged vacation after such harrowing gut checks. 在社會動盪不安的情況下,美國仍在為革命二百週年的慶典做準備。美國精神在很長一段 時間內已被人遺忘,重振美國精神,則是一項需要極大熱情的浩大工程。 Once the capital of the United States, New York City reflected this strange dichotomy of enthusiasm and desperation. Crime and poverty were rising for the five boroughs, but so were the magnificent Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The social grime that created miserable hardship also was giving birth to the vibrant expressions of disco and hip-hop. 昔日的合眾國之都,紐約很好的體現了當時那種既熱情又絕望的兩面性氛圍。紐約下轄的 五個自治區,犯罪率和貧困率如世貿中心宏偉的雙子樓般不斷上升。社會的污垢給生活帶 來了悲催苦難,同時也給充滿活力的disco、嘻哈音樂的誕生提供了溫床。 The dichotomy even extended to basketball. The New York Knickerbockers were falling off the turnip truck, while the New York Nets were riding high. 這種兩面性甚至延伸到籃球領域。紐約尼克隊正慢慢的走下神壇,同城籃網則快速崛起。 Net Success, Knick Failure 籃網崛起-尼克隕落 The Knicks by 1976 were an exemplary case of crumbling American infrastructure. The venerable franchise had been around since 1946 but its fall from grace in the mid-1970s was precipitous. After winning two titles in 1970 and 1973 – while also appearing in another Finals in ’72 and the Eastern Conference Finals in ’69, ’71, and ’74 – the 1975 Knicks won just 40 games, barely sneaking into the playoffs. 1976的尼克隊是當時支離破碎美國社會一個典型的縮影。這支1946年建隊的元老級球隊, 在1970年代中期急速的走下神壇。在贏得1970年和1973年的兩個總冠軍後----期間1972年 進入決賽,69,71,74賽季進入東區決賽---1975年的尼克隊賽季只收穫40勝,勉強擠入季 後賽。 By that point Willis Reed, Dick Barnett, and Jerry Lucas were all retired. Dave DeBusschere added insult to injury by greasing the skids of his Knicks exit by serving as the GM of the rival Nets in 1973-74 and then becoming ABA Commissioner. 當時,Willis Reed,Dick Barnett、 Jerry Lucas都已退役。Dave DeBusschere更是火 上澆油,在1973-74賽季扭頭加入了同城競爭對手籃網,擔當總經理一職,隨後成為了ABA 聯盟的理事會成員。 In a series of moves that surely would never be repeated again, the Knicks decided to acquire big name stars in hopes of a quick fix. The dynamite Spencer Haywood was added prior to the 1975-76 season. The All-Star forward teamed with title holdovers Earl Monroe and Walt Frazier to mediocre results. The Knicks stumbled to 38 wins and missed the playoffs for the first time since 1967. 不想重蹈覆轍的尼克隊決定招攬大牌球星來快速幫助球隊完成重建。強力前鋒Spencer Haywood在1975-1976賽季之前已經加入球隊。這位全明星前鋒和奪冠元老 Earl Monroe、 Walt Frazier搭檔的結果也很慘淡。尼克跌跌撞撞的獲得38勝,自1967年以來首次失去季 後賽資格。 The New York Nets, on the other hand, couldn’t have been in better spirits. Their nationalistic red, white, and blue jerseys were somehow less flashy than their exciting play. They possessed a roster full of young go-getters like John Williamson, Brian Taylor, and best of all the magnificent Julius Erving. As the Knicks were gone fishing, the Nets were tangling with the Denver Nuggets for the ABA title in May of 1976. 另一邊,同城籃網的狀態不能再好了。他們時髦的國旗配色紅白藍球衣在某種程度上比起 他們令人激動的表演都要遜色。他們的球隊名單上有像John Williamson,Brian Taylor 這樣年輕能幹的選手,當然還有最偉大的Julius Erving。當五月份尼克去釣魚的時候, 籃網正和丹佛金塊隊爭奪1976年ABA的總冠軍。 In Game 1 of the series, the spectacular Erving had scored 45 points on 17-25 shooting, including the game-winning jumper as time ran out. In Game 2, the Doctor operated to the tune of 48 points. The Nuggets despite the skywalking David Thompson and defensive ace Bobby Jones couldn’t stop Erving. Dr. J would finish the series averaging 38 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks. 系列賽第一場J博士25投17中,狂砍45分,包括一記鎖定勝局的壓哨投籃。第二場,J博士 再砍了48分。金塊隊雖有“天行者” David Thompson和防守悍將Bobby Jones也奈何不了 J博士。 J博士這系列賽場均38分,14籃板,6個助攻,3個抄截和2個火鍋。 But in the decisive Game 6, Dr. J was “held” to just 31 points and the Nuggets had raced out to a 80 to 58 lead in the third quarter. The New York home crowd at the sold out Nassau Coliseum didn’t waver in their thunderous support. The Nets from that point on outscored Denver 54 to 26 to close out the game. “Super” John Williamson led the Nets comeback charge with 16 points in the fourth quarter. 但在決定性的第六場,J-博士“被限制”,只得到31分同時金塊隊在第三節以80比58領先 。座無虛席的紐約Nassau體育館內雷鳴般的呼聲並沒有絲毫減弱。籃網從開始打出一波 54-26的攻擊波,在比賽快結束時反超了比分。 “超人” John Williamson帶領籃網隊在 第四節末平了16分的分差。 As the final buzzer sounded, the Nets were the champions of the ABA for the second time in three seasons. Erving had earned his second Playoff MVP to go along with three regular season MVPs and three scoring titles. 隨著比賽結束哨聲的響起,籃網在三年裡第二次獲得了ABA總冠軍。已拿到三個常規賽MVP 和三個得分王頭銜的J博士獲得了生涯第二座總決賽MVP。 The future was uncertain for the Nets, as it is with everything and everyone, but it seemed to hold more promise than peril. The same couldn’t be said for the American Basketball Association, which was on the edge of collapse. 對所有人來說,籃網的未來依舊撲朔迷離,但總體來看似乎利大於弊,不過對處於崩潰邊 緣的ABA聯盟來說則完全不同。 The Merger 合併 By 1976, the once precocious, upstart ABA was nine years old but seemed to have aged in dog years. Its finances were miserable, its attendance sagging… simply put the league was stomped, whooped, and beat up. The Baltimore Claws (née Hustlers) and the San Diego Sails (née Conquistadors) both folded before the 1975-76 season began. Mid-season, the Utah Stars dissolved. During the playoffs, the Virginia Squires folded. Left with only six teams the ABA desperately looked to merge with the NBA. 1976年,發展過快的ABA聯盟雖然只有九年的歷史,但看起來就要走向盡頭。他們的財政 入不敷出,上座率持續下降。 。 。單單這些就使得聯盟好似被拳打腳踢般哀聲一片。巴 爾的摩Claws隊(急先鋒隊)和San Diego Sails隊(征服者隊)在1975-76賽季開賽之前 雙雙合併。賽季中段,猶他星隊解散。在季後賽期間,弗吉尼亞紳士隊被兼併。 ABA聯盟 剩下的六支隊伍迫切的渴望加入NBA聯盟。 The NBA meanwhile was looking to snuff out the ABA’s harmful existence. Since the leagues began competing in 1967, player salaries had escalated and the NBA had, perhaps, overextended itself in a bid to wall-in and contain the ABA. Now in 1976 the NBA was willing to absorb the ABA, not for the charity, but to finally destroy the nuisance. NBA聯盟當時已經嗅出了ABA聯盟存在的一些危險。自從1967年兩個聯盟的競爭開始以來, 球員工資不斷上漲,NBA為了吞併ABA而不惜過度擴增。而到了1976年,NBA非常樂意吞併 ABA,可這不是為了憐憫,而是為了最終解決暗藏的毒瘤。 So in that spirit of patriotic, brotherly love, the NBA and ABA began serious negotiations to finally merge in the summer of ’76. The ABA players’ association tried desperately to have all six remaining ABA teams included, but the NBA owners agreed to accept only four. The Kentucky Colonels and the Spirits of St. Louis were history. The Indiana Pacers, the Denver Nuggets, the San Antonio Spurs, and the New York Nets were all set to join the NBA, but with onerous terms. 所以在所謂兄弟般的友愛和愛國主義精神下,NBA和ABA展開了嚴肅的談判,最終在76年的 夏天達成了合併協議。 ABA球員聯合會強烈要求剩下的六支ABA球隊都合併進入NBA,但是 NBA的所有者只答應接受4支球隊。肯塔基上校隊和聖路易斯靈魂隊就此成為了歷史。印第 安納溜馬隊、丹佛金塊隊,聖安東尼奧馬刺隊、紐約籃網隊在答應了多項條款後加入NBA 。 A Mighty Heavy Load 沉重的負擔 The deal that was eventually worked out all hedged on the whims of the New York Knicks. The NBA’s bylaws required that a territorial invasion by one team of another would have to meet the established team’s approval. The New York Nets of the ABA by joining the NBA would indeed be invading the territory of the New York Knicks. The Knicks therefore held a de facto veto over the entire merger and the fate of the Nets. 這筆交易最終產生的隔閡都來源自於尼克隊的突發奇想。 NBA的章程規定,當一支隊伍侵 犯了另外一支隊伍的固有領地時,需要獲得先入主球隊的許可。屬於ABA的紐約籃網加入 NBA確實侵占了紐約尼克隊的領地。因此,尼克隊在整個合併過程中的態度對籃網的命運 起到了決定性的作用。 Sensing the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, Nets owner Roy Boe sent overtures to the other ABA teams to help him cover the cost of invading the Knicks’ territory. The other owners rebuffed his efforts. Boe was left on his own to absorb the impending financial blow. 意識到達摩克利斯之劍高懸在頭(大難臨頭),籃網的所有者Roy Boe其他的ABA球隊發去 文函尋去幫助,來彌補侵占尼克領地的花費。其他球隊斷然拒絕了他的要求。Boe不得不 單獨面對日已迫近的財政虧空。 After weeks of intense negotiations between the NBA – who had a sharp young attorney named David Stern doing much of the leg work – and the ABA, the merger details were officially announced in July. The four ABA teams were to each pay $3.2 million to the NBA by September 15th. In addition to that, the Nets were required to pay $4.8 million to the Knicks for invading their territory. The combined $8 million load saddled onto the Nets put the franchise in mortal danger. Should any other unforeseen monetary crisis arise they’d have no way to reasonably survive the catastrophe. ABA和NBA在經過數週緊張的談判後——期間一名叫David Stern的敏捷犀利律師做了許多 跑腿工作——官方在7月份公佈了合併細節。四支ABA球隊在9月15日之前需各支付給NBA聯 盟320萬美元。另外,籃網為了補償侵占尼克領地需要額外支付480萬美元。總計800萬美 元的重擔使得籃網隊時刻都有破產的危險。如果稍有不可預見的財政危機,他們沒有理由 在災難中存活。 For now, though, they figured to survive. After all, they had won two titles in three years in the ABA. They also had a great roster to be competitive for years to come. Most important of all, they had the Doctor – the man that more than any other person kept the entire ABA alive in its final season of despair. “There are athletes who are known as the franchise, but Julius isn’ t the franchise, he’s the league,” quipped ABA Commissioner DeBusschere to that very point. 雖然如此,現在,他們力求存活。畢竟,籃網隊在ABA的最近三年裡兩奪冠軍。他們良好 的球隊陣容保證了在未來數年內都極具競爭力。最重要的是,他們擁有J博士——不是別 人,正是這個男人使得整個ABA在令人失望的最後一季存活了下來。 “有許多球員代表著 球隊,J博士不止是球隊更是聯盟的招牌。”ABA理事會成員DeBusschere當時俏皮的說道 。 As Erving spent the summer talking up the importance of the ABA, the quality of its players, and amusingly playing tennis doubles matches with DeBusschere, star NFL running back O.J. Simpson, and NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the Nets unwittingly sealed their demise in New York City with a trade too good to be true. 當J博士整個夏天談論著ABA的重要性和球員的好壞時,當J博士和DeBusschere、NFL明星 跑鋒O.J. Simpson、NFL理事Pete Rozelle談笑風生,玩網球雙打時,籃網在一筆意外之 喜的交易後,卻陰差陽錯地將紐約王者的寶座拱手相讓。 The Trade 交易 In far off Kansas City, Missouri, trouble was brewing with Nate “Tiny” Archibald. The pinball point guard was tired of playing in the plains and for a losing team. The native New Yorker dreamed of going back home and playing for the New York Knicks. In came his trade demand during the summer of ’76. and the Kings obliged by sending Tiny to the Big Apple. 遠在密蘇里州的堪薩斯城,麻煩事正在悄然找上Nate“Tiny”Archibald。這名後衛厭倦 了在大平原地區為一支不斷輸球的隊伍效力。作為土生土長的紐約人,他希望回到家鄉, 為尼克隊打球。為了滿足他的交易要求,76年夏天皇家隊順水推舟把“Tiny”交易到了大 蘋果城。 The Nets however proved to be the NYC squad that won Archibald’s services. On September 10, in exchange for Brian Taylor, Jim Eakins, a 1977 first round pick, and a 1978 first round pick, they got Archibald. 籃網無論如何想要證明自己才是擁有Archibald的紐約球隊。在9月10日,籃網送出Brian Taylor,Jim Eakins,一個1977年首輪選秀權,以及一個1978年首輪選秀權交易得到了 Archibald。 Teaming Archibald together with Julius Erving would surely create a perennial contender in the NBA. Archibald to that point in his career had averaged 25 points and 8 assists per game. Erving to that point had put up 29 points, 12 rebounds, 5 assists, 2.5 steals, and 2 blocks per game. Even if they weren’t going to win the NBA title, they were going to sell out crowds in every stadium with Dr. J’s dunks and Tiny’s fantastic dribbling exhibitions. Archibald和J博士的組合在NBA裡具有長期競爭力。當時的Archibald職業生涯場均25分、 8個助攻。J博士場均29分、12籃板、5個助攻、2.5個抄截和2個火鍋。他倆的組合即使贏 不了總冠軍,但J博士天馬行空的扣籃加上Tiny蝴蝶穿花般的運球也會讓球票大賣,體育 館內必定座無虛席。 There was one tiny problem, though: Archibald’s salary averaged $400,000 a year, while the Doctor made a mere $270,000 a year. 但他們之間,還存在一個小問題:Archibald每年的平均薪資為40萬美元,但是J博士每年 的薪資僅有27萬美元。 Denying that he was influenced by Archibald’s enormous salary, Erving demanded a new, renegotiated contract. His agent accused the Nets of initially agreeing to a renegotiation for a new seven-year deal, but then reneged. On September 21, the New York Times reported Erving accused Boe of “ broken promises” and commenced his hold out. Julius elaborated on his disgruntled stance: J博士一邊否認他被Archibald的高薪資影響,一邊要求一份重新協商的新合約。他的經紀 人指責籃網最初同意了一份為期七年的新合同,但是隨後違約了。在9月21日,紐約時報 報導了J博士指控Boe為“背信棄義者”並表示決不妥協。 “I want to be in an atmosphere of trust and good faith. Until now, I have heard promises that were not kept. Now, I’ll wait until these promises are kept, but I don’t want them verbally anymore. They have to be in writing.” J博士詳細闡明了自己的立場: 「我想在信任和忠誠的氛圍中打球。到目前為止,我聽說了合約不會生效的流言。現在, 我仍舊會等待合約生效的消息,但是我不想要任何口頭上的保證。他們要白紙黑字的寫下 來。」 The Julius Erving Sweepstakes J博士爭奪戰 Sensing blood in the water, several NBA teams lobbied for Erving’s services including the Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers, and, of course, the New York Knicks: “The Knicks have been the most serious contenders,” Bucks President William Alverson admitted in an October 15th interview that year. As those buzzards circled, as Erving held out, as the Nets fretted, as the world turned… ticket sales involving the Nets completely stalled out as word of Erving’s hold out spread. 好似鯊魚聞到了水中的血腥味,數支NBA球隊開始遊說J博士的團隊,其中包括公鹿隊、洛 杉磯湖人隊、費城76人隊,當然還有紐約尼克隊:當周圍環繞著虎視眈眈的目光,當 J博士決不妥協時,籃網變得焦躁不安,事情發生了翻天覆地的變化。 。 。當J博士決不 妥協的消息傳出時,籃網的球票出售完全停滯了。 “We had 12,000 tickets sold two weeks ago [for a preseason game] when the announcement was made that Erving would not be coming. The ticket sales stopped right there,” said Barry Mendelson who was in charge of the New Orleans Jazz ticket operations. An exhibition game with the Knicks was also hit hard as fans demanded refunds after learning the Doctor would not be in the house. As the 1976-77 regular season neared, the Nets had to make one of two terrible decisions. 和尼克的表演賽也因為球迷 得知J博士不再出場,提出退票而受到重創。隨著1976-77賽季常規賽的迫近,籃網隊不得 不在兩個困難的抉擇中任選其一。 1)They could either cave-in to the demands of their star player – who they didn’t have the money to pay thanks to Archibald’s salary and the enormous bill still due to the Knicks. 1.他們如果答應明星球員的要求,將會陷入困境——由於Archibald的薪資和欠了尼 克隊一屁股債已沒有足夠錢來滿足J博士的要求。 2) Trade away that star player and kill any chance they had of surviving as a viable franchise in New York City. 2.交易明星球員,扼殺他們在紐約城繼續出場比賽的機會。 Finally, on October 21, on the eve of the season, the Nets traded away Julius Erving. 最終,10月21日,在賽季開始前夕,籃網交易走了J博士。 Despite their supposed front-runner status, the Knicks weren’t the team that snagged Erving. The Philadelphia 76ers won the Dr. J sweepstakes on October 21 by paying $3 million directly to Nets owner Boe. The money was sorely needed to keep the Nets afloat and pay their enormous bills. Erving himself received a hefty new contract from Philadelphia worth $600,000 a year. Fans, players, and coaches on the Nets were left stunned as the season opened: 儘管尼克隊被認為是爭奪J博士的最大熱門,但他們最終並沒有如願以償。費城76人隊在 10月21日支付了300萬美元給籃網老闆Boe,贏得了J博士爭奪戰。這筆錢對於急需支付欠 款的籃網無疑是根救命稻草。J博士從76人獲得了數目可觀每年60萬美元的新合同。籃網 的球迷,球員和教練在賽季開打之時都已呆若木雞: “There’s been a tremendous shock treatment around here, no question about,” said Nets Coach Kevin Loughery. “We really couldn’t expect a great crowd after an emotional thing like that.” “People were looking for the Doctor and me to play together,” noted Tiny Archibald, “so it’s not surprising that they stayed away.” But it was “Super” John Williamson, hero of the Nets’ Game 6 comeback in the 1976 ABA Finals that voiced the most scathing opinions: 但是“超人” John Williamson,在1976年ABA總決賽第六場力挽狂瀾的球隊英雄對此事 發出了嚴厲的斥責: “The season’s over for us already.” “It’s gonna be a long, long winter.” “What a way to come into the NBA.” “Anyone with common sense wouldn’t sell Doc.” Unsurprisingly, Williamson was traded mid-season by the Nets to the Indiana Pacers. 不出意外的,Williamson在賽季中被籃網交易到了印第安納溜馬隊。 Erving was left a bit shell-shocked as well after the trade went down in this interview with People magazine: 被交易後,在《人物》雜誌對J博士的採訪中他坦誠對此事仍心有餘悸: “Basketball is a very competitive, capitalistic business where people get bought and sold,” says Erving, “but I feel tarnished. Used.” 「籃球是極具競爭和資本買賣的商業活動,」J博士說道,「但是我覺得被玷污了,被利 用了。」 Some news media sounded the sirens of pampered players pouting and unfortunate fans suffering: 一些新聞媒體的捕風捉影使養尊處優的球員不滿,不幸的球迷更遭罪: “Listen closely fans, not to what I say, but to what the men involved are telling you. Julius Erving: ‘John Q. Cash did it again. I feel sorry for the guys on the [Nets] team. They’ll have to start from scratch.’ No mention of feeling sorry for the fans. Nobody feels sorry for the fans… “聽著,親愛的球迷們,不要關注我說了什麼,看看事件的主角說了什麼。J博士: 'John Q再次幹了蠢事。我為籃網隊的傢伙們感到抱歉。他們不得不再次白手起家。'他沒 有對球迷說抱歉。一句抱歉都沒有。。。” The only one emotionally involved in professional sports today is the ticket-buying fan. He is such a sucker.” 「在現代職業體育中他們唯一關心的只是買票的球迷。他就是這樣的混蛋。」 Coda 尾聲 As the Nets reeled from the fallout and writers scathed, the Sixers were selling out to ticket-buying fans in every road arena with Dr. J, George McGinnis, and a stunningly exciting team. On October 27, the Sixers rolled into Houston and promptly attracted 15,676 fans, the most who had ever seen an NBA contest in that city. The previous game in New Orleans, the Sixers had drawn over 27,000 fans to the Superdome, yet another record for NBA basketball. The Nets meanwhile struggled to get 5,500 fans to their opening games and wound up finishing second-to-last in attendance that season. 當籃網在事件的餘波和記者的流言中步履蹣跚時,由於J博士和George McGinnis的加入, 這支令人極其激動的76人隊球票大賣。 10月27日和休斯敦的比賽,迅速吸引了15676名球 迷到場,這是休斯敦所有NBA比賽上座最高的一次。之前在新奧爾良的比賽吸引了27000球 迷來超級穹頂觀看比賽,也破了NBA的紀錄。籃網在他們的揭幕戰只有可憐的5500球迷到 場,上座率是賽季倒數第二。 The Nets’ on-court play in the 1976-77 season didn’t do much to draw out those fans as they finished with just 22 wins. Tiny Archibald broke his foot 34 games into the season and thus ended his tenure with the franchise. But after such a miserable season, at least they had their draft picks… except they didn’t. Remember, the trade for Archibald had sent away their top picks for 1977 and 1978. The Kansas City Kings wound up with back-to-back #2 overall picks in the draft that should have belonged to the Nets. 籃網1976-77賽季球場上的表現沒有什麼值得吸引球迷的,只獲得了22勝。Tiny Archibald打了34場比賽後,腳部受傷,他在球隊的使命結束了。但是如此痛苦的賽季之 後,至少他們還有選秀權。 。 。但是他們沒有。還記得嗎?Archibald的交易已送走了 1977和1978年的首輪選秀權。堪薩斯城皇家隊連續兩年獲得了原本屬於籃網的首輪2號簽 。 For the 1977-78 season the New York Nets became the New Jersey Nets as they sought out cheaper accommodations. It wouldn’t be until the 1981-82 season that they’d once again sport a winning record. Even more remarkable is that from the merger until 2002, the Nets won just a single playoff series. They had managed to survive but they certainly weren’t thriving. 1977-78賽季的紐約籃網搬到了更便宜的場館,並且更名為新澤西籃網。直到1981-82賽季 他們才再次品嚐獲勝的滋味。更值得銘記的是直到2002年之前,籃網沒有贏得一次系列賽 的勝利。他們成功的存活了下來也僅僅是存活。 The New York Knicks, despite successfully, gutting and stamping out their competitor didn’t exactly take advantage of the situation. They made their own big splash in the fall of 1976 by trading for former MVP Bob McAdoo. Still, over the next six seasons the Knicks would win just one playoff series. Bernard King gave them a brief revival in the 1983 and 1984 seasons, but it wouldn’t be until 1989 with Patrick Ewing that Knicks truly returned to perennial contender status. 紐約尼克雖然成功的把競爭對手踩在腳下並將其開膛破肚,但自己的情況也好不到哪裡去 。他們在1976年秋季把前MVP Bob McAdoo交易走,使得之前所有的努力都打了水漂。在隨 後的六年中,尼克隊只贏得了一次季後系列賽。Bernard King在1983和1984賽季給了他們 簡短的復興希望,但是直到1989年Patrick Ewing才真正使得尼克重返長期競爭者行列。 So from that wreckage emerged, Julius Erving’s Sixers. Over the next decade they would make the NBA Finals four times (’77, ’80, ’82, and ’83) winning the title in 1983. As late as 1985, they still made the Eastern Conference Finals. Fitting that in America’s bicentennial year, the Knicks-Nets feud wound up benefiting the Philadelphia 76ers most of all. 而在ABA併入NBA之後,J博士的76人隊在接下來的十年內4進NBA總決賽(77,80,82,83), 並於83年奪冠。即使到了1985年,他們仍然進入了東部決賽。在美國革命200週年之際的 尼克-籃網之爭,只不過便宜了費城76人隊。 翻譯參考:http://bbs.hupu.com/6482966.html 原文來源:http://tinyurl.com/mnqolw4 -- ◆ From: 謝謝樓上提醒:) 已修正
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1380458776.A.D6A.html

gn00945822 :先推 09/29 20:58

icelocker :看完推 09/29 21:24

qtgeorge :推 09/29 21:25

robinstart :推 09/29 21:26

xpu :大推了 跟我下一篇剛好有連結到!! 09/29 21:58

LoveBea : 09/29 22:32

balabala56 :推 09/29 22:45

luxylu :好文推!!! 09/29 22:55

MummyMonster:好文!!! 09/29 23:41

idiotsmart :推講古好文 09/29 23:59

kimisawa :結果Elwing跟整個90年代都在某人陰影下.... 09/30 00:29

jarvisbrett :優文 本版需要您!! 09/30 01:05

shadow0326 :推 09/30 02:53

chuck81424 :推 09/30 04:23

jcto04 :Push 09/30 08:34

ILLwill :籃網與台式企業有異曲同工之妙 09/30 10:21

mlmt :Patrick Ewing是1985年加入尼克的喔~ 09/30 15:11

cheng6841 :好看阿 原來籃網也是被搞掉的 09/30 23:50
