[新聞] 五月天登上CNN

看板 MayDay
作者 bonneluck (ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏ)
時間 2024-06-04 21:19:04
留言 116則留言 (58推 0噓 58→)

新聞來源:https://reurl.cc/Wxyeqe 刪減掉完全與五月天無關部分 Taiwan celebrities in crossfire of political battle as tensions with China rise By Nectar Gan, CNN Published 11:57 PM EDT, Mon June 3, 2024 Taiwanese singer Ashin Chen of Mayday performs at the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing, China on May 27, 2023. Fred Lee/Getty Images -- CNN — As Taiwan’s biggest rock band took to the stage in Beijing late last month, their home island was reckoning with the latest act of Chinese aggression. For two days, the self-governing democracy was encircled by Chinese warships and fighter jets in the largest military exercises in over a year. Addressing the tens of thousands of fans at the sold-out Bird’s Nest stadium, Mayday’s lead singer Ashin did not mention the aggression. But what he did say has since caused no less friction. “We Chinese people must eat roast duck when we come to Beijing!” he said. It may sound like an innocuous travel tip, but his choice of words was freighted with political meaning. Ashin – one of Taiwan’s biggest music stars – had referred to himself as Chinese, instead of Taiwanese. The choice of words delighted the crowd, but sparked immediate anger back home – reflecting the precarious position of Taiwanese stars with mainland appeal. Growing numbers of people in Taiwan – especially the younger generation – view themselves as distinctly Taiwanese. Many have no desire to be part of China, whose authoritarian ruling Communist Party views the self-ruled island as its territory, despite having never controlled it. Beijing has long sought to bolster its claims by emphasizing the cultural and historical ties between the two sides, but polls show only 3% of Taiwan’s population identify primarily as Chinese – while 67% see themselves as primarily Taiwanese, and less than 10% now support an immediate or eventual unification with China. Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, Beijing has become more aggressive toward Taiwan, and has abandoned official ties since the island’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party came to power in 2016. But there is still considerable cultural overlap. Both sides speak Mandarin, meaning musicians from Taiwan – population 23 million – often seek to enter the lucrative market of 1.4 billion across the strait. As Beijing and Taipei have drifted further apart politically, these artists have come under increasing pressure to toe Beijing’s political line. The same evening that Mayday was playing in Beijing, Taiwanese pop queen Jolin Tsai proclaimed on stage that fans in “our Chinese city of Nanchang” were the most passionate, as she performed in the southern city. The phrase was taken by some Chinese fans as implying she and her audience were compatriots. -- CNN has reached out to Tsai for comment. On Saturday, CCTV publicly endorsed Taiwanese celebrities who shared its post, sharing the screenshots of 36 such reposts – fueling a further backlash against those who hadn’t. “Those who didn’t endorse and take a stand, can you not come to the mainland to make money?” said a top comment with 55,000 upvotes. Lin Chen-yu, a lecturer at Cardiff University who specializes in China’s censorship of Taiwanese music, said acts such as Tsai and Mayday were facing problems because “both the government and private sectors are increasingly reacting to and engaging with digital nationalism.” And the marketing apparatus that can launch mainland careers is equally set up to avoid upsetting Beijing authorities. “For instance, management or touring contracts for activities in China increasingly include clauses that ban celebrities from making statements against the ideologies of the Chinese state,” she said. “This, of course, includes any pro-Taiwan statements.” Celebrities deemed as crossing Beijing’s political red lines are often blocked from the Chinese market, with their names and works erased from television and online platforms. “For example, musicians’ work can be easily removed from streaming platforms (in China), often automatically, if their names become keywords for censors on these platforms and media,” Lin said. -- Backlash at home Mayday appear to have avoided upsetting officials in China during their Beijing show, but many Taiwanese fans say they are deeply disappointed. A whole generation of Taiwanese people grew up listening to the band’s happy-go-lucky, pop-infused rock songs about the hope and heartbreak of youth, so much so that the 25-year-old band is sometimes dubbed the “Asian Beatles.” “As much as I used to like you, now I’m just as disappointed,” said a comment on Mayday’s Facebook page, after the Beijing concert. “I’m Taiwanese. Goodbye.” a fan said on Ashin’s Facebook page. CNN has reached out to Mayday’s record company B’in Music for comment. On Monday, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council weighed in, accusing the Chinese Communist Party of requiring Taiwanese artists to express a political stance. “Such political maneuvers will not win over the hearts and minds of Taiwanese people, and will only deepen Taiwanese society’s resentment towards the Chinese Communist regime,” the council said in a statement. The remarks and retweets by Taiwanese artists of the CCTV unification post came against the backdrop of China’s largest show of force around the island in more than a year. The Chinese military called the drills a “strong punishment” for Taiwan’s so-called “separatist acts” and said they were designed to test its ability to “seize power.” That military muscle-flex was sparked by the inauguration of Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te, who is openly loathed by Beijing for championing the island’s sovereignty and distinct identity. -- As the backlash mounted in Taiwan against the musicians, Lai struck a conciliatory tone. “This is not the first time, and probably not the last, that Taiwanese artists are forced to make a political stand in China,” said the leader. “Under the roof of others, it’s one thing what our artists say, but what’s more important is what they truly feel in their hearts. We should offer them understanding and empathy.” Beijing officials said the Taipei administration was wrong to say artists were being coerced. Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, said Taiwanese celebrities who reposted the Weibo “reunification” message wanted “to express that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are both Chinese.” “These are natural expressions of true feelings,” Zhu said. Taiwanese acts in the Chinese market will continue to endure an invidious position, said Lin, of Cardiff University. “However, it is time for the industries in Taiwan to re-evaluate what this means for our society,” she said. “The circulation of these works comes with a price – a significant loss of freedom and autonomy.” 希望五月天也能看得懂 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MayDay/M.1717507147.A.54B.html

kingbob: 幫翻譯:我有多喜歡你,就對你有多失望 06/04 22:02

MaydayExile: 幫忙畫線「發展的代價是自由和自主權的重大喪失」 06/04 23:19

MaydayExile: 因為表態上國際新聞的五月天是不是第一人?創紀錄了 06/04 23:19

MaydayExile: 相關的報導接下來還會繼續有 06/04 23:20

igundam: 推 連國際新聞都注意到了 06/04 23:50

tingchou909: 五月天啊,你們到底有沒有看到你們一句話影響到的層 06/05 00:48

tingchou909: 面有多多...... 06/05 00:48

ccs97a17: 而且撰寫這篇新聞的是駐香港的中國記者 06/05 00:53

mymayday5: 當我們覺得為了這種事上國際新聞很丟臉 甚至害怕國際因 06/05 01:06

mymayday5: 此誤會台灣人民的意志 但中國主唱會這麼想嗎? 06/05 01:06

mitsurino: 他會想泡在treads跟小紅書就世界和平了 06/05 01:07

wanting0314: 讀這一篇BGM可以點九號球 06/05 01:19

chu3: 背刺感滿滿 真的很無言 06/05 05:37

chehao: 五月天真棒 讓世界看到台灣。 06/05 07:12

morila: 用這樣方式讓人看見台灣,好丟臉 06/05 08:24

chieh31: 五月天曾經有機會用別的議題上國際的 06/05 09:58

takay: 竟然還敢提亞洲披頭四,以後別提了,根本比不上 06/05 10:17

yaki049: 竟然因為這種原因上國際新聞 真的呵呵 06/05 11:26

snoopy63: 變成中國人後紅到國際欸! 06/05 11:33

weitn29: 首次覺得喜歡五月天是一件丟臉的事,我連安全帽上的貼紙 06/05 11:34

weitn29: 都撕下來了!唉 06/05 11:34

tenlove: 晚節不保 06/05 11:45

chieh31: 突然慶幸329太忙趕不及刺青 06/05 12:17

kitty7366: 最近下雨臨時拿備用雨衣也猶豫一下到底要不要穿上去… 06/05 12:43

kitty7366: 唉 06/05 12:43

phoebe147: 全新的歷史定位 唉 06/05 12:46

tingchou909: 把雨衣後面MAYDAY字樣打X就可以穿了 06/05 12:49

snoopy63: 我手上有20幾件雨衣... 06/05 12:52

mickeybo: 我也有20幾件雨衣!我沒想過五月天會這樣上CNN...... 06/05 12:58

chieh31: 好險雨衣之前捐出去大部份了(? 06/05 13:02

coru: 看到脆友說他臺中的朋友剛改裝完五月天復康巴士,大概是年 06/05 13:06

coru: 初捐的… 06/05 13:06

sdf753: 唉!好感嘆….. 說不出其他的話 06/05 14:09

tenlove: MAYDAY改成MONEYDAY 06/05 14:16

snoopy63: 還是謝謝五月天的善舉,但就這樣了... 06/05 14:38

bigaltis01: 想當年上BBC上CNN 都是光榮的里程碑 06/05 14:45

bigaltis01: 如今卻是因為這樣登上國際 只能說不勝唏噓 06/05 14:46

xbp: 唉! 真的失望 06/05 16:05

Kunimoto: 讓世界看到台灣也有披頭四 06/05 16:14

tenlove: 商業團體狂想辦法賺粉絲錢 06/05 16:17

Miyanishi25: 不勝唏噓.. 06/05 20:26

jackyzhes: 約翰藍儂??????????????? 06/05 22:33

wenkaishui: 雨衣無罪啊XD,最近常下雨,可以穿一次就直接丟了, 06/05 23:44

wenkaishui: 不是很剛好嗎XD 06/05 23:44

wenkaishui: 身體健康最重要,每個人都是 06/05 23:44

syrien: 比較糟的是聲量高的藝人是有影響力的,如果對年輕人產生不 06/06 00:09

syrien: 好的影響,那真的很不妙。可能連自己是哪裡人都認知出問題 06/06 00:10

syrien: 對,台灣是民主國家能包容這些脫序行為,但真的很不鼓勵 06/06 00:12

ariel0829: 約翰藍儂:喂喂,氣到從棺材裡彈出來囉 06/06 09:44

whitefire: 剛剛看日本節目也報導了 06/06 10:17

weitn29: 成為全世界的五月天,卻是負面的呈現,不勝唏噓... 06/06 11:49

EURISKO: 淚推MoneyDay 06/06 12:14

kathysnow: 唉~只能說 自己選擇的 自己承擔~ 06/07 01:31

tenlove: 2014已經體諒一次 2024他們自找的 06/07 07:00

bonneluck: 臉書上很多小孩在紅菜頭臉書下覺得阿信說的也沒有什麼 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 不對,就像我小時候相信五月天而被影響那樣,如果五月 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 天對於臺灣社會的小孩造成這樣的領導效果,我此生真的 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 很難原諒五月天,或許每個人都覺得五月天不可能出來回 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 應,但對我而言這件事如果不能被正面回應,我此生都沒 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 有辦法再相信五月天的人格與音樂 06/07 09:42

bonneluck: 如果阿信或五月天還是抱持著那種以為捐點錢就能洗掉這 06/07 09:46

bonneluck: 些價值理念上無法容忍的參差你大錯特錯了,事情的發酵 06/07 09:46

bonneluck: 與後續紅菜頭讓人噁心的操作更是把這件事推向沒有挽回 06/07 09:46

bonneluck: 空間的境地 06/07 09:46

chieh31: 真的越來越沒有辦法挽回QQ 06/07 09:49

chu3: 他們不可能回應的啦!一解釋就表示他們其實不是中國人,小 06/07 10:22

chu3: 粉紅又要暴怒了 06/07 10:22

chu3: 所以絕對裝死到底 反正還是很多人支持 06/07 10:22

snoopy63: 前仆後繼加入五月天的新粉那麼多,誰管你老粉...認清吧 06/07 10:25

snoopy63: 大家 06/07 10:25

askacis: 韭菜可割可棄,反正年底還是乖乖入場 06/07 14:03

suba1121: 推bonn大 這影響真的很可怕 我只能說現在的小孩出生的年 06/07 19:49

suba1121: 代跟阿信那個年代所接收的教育資訊是有差異的 06/07 19:49

suba1121: 華國教育可以拿來用 而現在的話希望年輕人自己能分清楚 06/07 19:51

suba1121: 反正簡單講就是民主自由以及共產社會要慎選內 06/07 19:51

mayuuuday: 說不定陳信宏現在看到時代廣場刻上臺灣的標誌,他還會 06/07 20:34

mayuuuday: 覺得臺灣人有必要這樣嗎 06/07 20:34

suba1121: 他如果這樣想的話就很讓人無言了 我覺得中國人也是很多 06/07 20:37

suba1121: 喜歡自由民主的 之前不是也有板友說有部分的人其實也... 06/07 20:38

tingchou909: 中國有些人是有民主思想的沒錯,雖然不少,但不算多 06/07 20:49

tingchou909: 真的遇到兩國問題的時候選擇迴避的還是居多 06/07 20:49

riss: 我都問我中國同學對岸那麼好你們怎麼不回國工作 06/07 21:10

riss: 他們就閉嘴了再也不會討論統獨話題XD 06/07 21:10

riss: 多半口嫌體正直 有呼吸過自由空氣的是不會待在中國「生活」 06/07 21:12

riss: 20年前同學去中國工作領的薪水一樣 只是他是RMB我是NTD XD 06/07 21:15

riss: 賺飽了就退休離開 06/07 21:16

suba1121: 選擇迴避可以理解 彼此尊重 06/07 21:16

volcom: 用墊音大法狂開不用CD的演唱會,然後再跟大家說,我有捐 06/08 06:59

volcom: 很多錢喔! 06/08 06:59

volcom: 我現在超期待五月天在台灣票會賣的多爛,只能期待年底了 06/08 07:00

volcom: ,反正跨年又會海薛一筆 06/08 07:00

Qmmm: 臺灣人很鄉愿,一捐錢就好棒棒,而且阿信開始留言一句畢業 06/08 08:20

Qmmm: 快樂養,沒出過社會的高中新粉 06/08 08:20

tenlove: 真的覺得台灣人太心軟 06/08 11:07

MaydayExile: 10年後徹底裝死裝可愛真的太棒了 06/08 12:22

phoebe147: 年底應該還是會賣的不錯啦,看看臉書唉居裡的留言,還 06/08 13:12

phoebe147: 有海外中國人也能來參加 06/08 13:12

ffishyu: 海外中國人迫不及待準備佔滿搖滾區吧 06/08 16:25

bonneluck: 為什麼?中國有開放他們人民來臺灣嗎? 06/08 16:30

ffishyu: 在海外的中國人可以來臺灣 06/08 16:35

newsnp: 上次高雄最終場A9A10就坐了非常多海外粉,我有遇到新加坡 06/08 17:28

newsnp: 、香港、中國,台灣人反而少 06/08 17:28

tingchou909: 中國本地人沒辦法過來自由行,但如果人本來就在國外 06/08 17:35

tingchou909: 是可以來的,不過高雄場我沒看到太多中國人耶,香港 06/08 17:36

tingchou909: 朋友倒是不少 06/08 17:36

bonneluck: 高雄場周邊都臺灣人,舒服 06/08 17:38

smartkuei: 以前引以為傲的雨衣,這次帶去旅遊沖繩旅遊,我完全不 06/10 23:36

smartkuei: 敢拿出來穿,我怕被來自台灣的遊客貼標籤,我情願全身 06/10 23:36

smartkuei: 淋濕 06/10 23:36

igundam: 我出國也都帶他們的雨衣,但現在也準備送掉了 06/11 00:11

mayuuuday: 一切都是事與願違 06/11 04:03

beurwind: 上週剛回收了近30件雨衣,原本都好好珍藏著,現在真的無 06/11 09:51

beurwind: 法再穿上了 06/11 09:51

wenfei: QQ 06/11 23:22

allan0926: 還好啦,最近常下雨,雨衣蠻好穿的 06/13 06:15

tenlove: 真的沒辦法穿覺得有文字改一下 雨天還是能用 06/14 08:36
