[情報] Daily Horoscope 2024/6/25

看板 Libra
作者 DXDZ (回頭是無晴也無雨)
時間 2024-06-24 05:40:01
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

Libra horoscope for 星期二 6月 25 Libra horoscope for 星期二 6月 25You may believe that you have moved on from a conflict with someone you once cared about. You may think it doesn't affect you any longer, Libra. Yet something that you hear or experience today may show you that you are being held back by it somehow. "Closure" is a word that is often overused or used incorrectly. However, what you really need is a formal ending to what's bothering you. You may achieve this by talking it out or by formally deciding that you are moving on from it in some symbolic way, such as opening the window and letting those emotions out. You don't have to be held back by this. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh ---- 你可能認為你已經從跟你曾經關心的人的衝突中走出了。你可能會覺得這不再影響你了。 然而,秤秤,你今天聽到或經歷到的事情會讓你發現,這個衝突仍然束縛著你。 「關閉」,是一個常常被過度使用或使用失當的。 你需要的是一個正式的結束來解決你的困擾。 你可以通過談論它,或者正式決定以某種象徵性的方式結束。 例如開窗戶讓這些情緒釋放出來,你不必被這件事束縛住。 -- 越醒越早,兩點多就醒了=口= --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1719178803.A.8EA.html
