[問題] N400面試改期

看板 Immigration
作者 imkoyichun (momo)
時間 2023-06-11 10:41:54
留言 0則留言

大家好,我是今年2/23送出N400,4月底回來台灣,5/23 Interview was scheduled,面試 安排在6/27,但是人目前還在台灣且預計8月初才會回去,所以一收到通知我們就立刻打電 話去要求改期,今天終於收到USCIS email回覆,如下: On May 31, 2023, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your natu ralization interview appointment. Your case is now de-scheduled. However, we cannot hold your case open without s cheduling until you come back in August. Therefore, your case will be administr atively closed. You have one (1) year from the date of the administratively clo sure to request for a reopen. when you return from your trip, please send a wri tten request to the USCIS San Jose Field Office to reopen your case. 想請問administratively closed是否為case暫停的意思,reopen不會要我再交一次錢吧... 另外有沒有人有經驗要求reopen後大概等多久才會再安排面試。 之前網路上搜尋過得到的資訊是人在境外要求面試改期是可以的理由,所以我一收到通知就 趕快打電話,其實我的情況為何他不能幫我把面試推遲5週就好了呢?是不是我哪一個部份 認知錯誤,還是我是不是太早聯繫USCIS了? 請賜教,謝謝! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1686451316.A.BEB.html
