[新聞] 美聯儲鮑威爾:俄羅斯對烏克蘭的戰爭將加

看板 Gossiping
作者 Seals (海豹特遣隊)
時間 2022-03-06 01:24:14
留言 20則留言 (9推 2噓 9→)

備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: abc新聞網 2.記者署名: CHRISTOPHER RUGABER 3.完整新聞標題: 美聯儲鮑威爾:俄烏戰爭將加劇通貨膨脹脹 美聯儲主席鮑威爾警告,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭已經推高了油價,可能會進一步惡化席捲美 國經濟的通貨膨脹。 原文: Fed's Powell: Russia's war on Ukraine will worsen inflation Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has already driven up oil prices, will likely further magnify the high inflation that has engulfed the U.S. economy 4.完整新聞內文: https://tinyurl.com/ycknv8ez 華盛頓——美聯儲主席鮑威爾於週四警告,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭已經推高了油價,這可能會 進一步惡化席捲美國經濟的通貨膨脹。 與此同時,鮑威爾表示,他盡一切努力致力於減緩通貨膨脹,表明美聯儲以升息抑制物價 上漲,避免經濟陷入另一場衰退的舉措將面臨的極高的挑戰。 美聯儲主席在參議院銀行委員會就利率政策向國會半年度報告的隔天發表講話時強調經濟 足夠強勁,可以承受更高的借貸成本。他的講話與他週三的報告互相呼應,即美聯儲可以 設計「軟著陸」,即在市場就業與經濟增長同時穩定的情況下,經濟也會放緩到足以緩解 通貨膨脹的程度。 鮑威爾在被問及俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的經濟影響時表示:「大宗商品價格上漲——尤其是能 源價格」,「這將影響美國經濟」 至少在一段時間內,我們將看到通貨持續膨脹的壓力。 消費者物價指數目前以40年來最快的速度上漲,與12個月前相比,1月份上漲了7.5%。天然 氣價格是這一增長的主要推動力,在過去一年中飆升了40%。在大多數經濟學家看來,通貨 膨脹飆升主要是由於供應鏈瓶頸導致勞動力和零部件短缺的結果,其中大部分肇因於全球 經濟從大流行性衰退中迅速反彈。 在回答蒙大拿州共和黨參議員戴恩斯的問題時,鮑威爾指出,人們普遍認為,每桶石油價 格每上漲10美元,通貨膨脹就會上升約百分之0.2。自12月初以來,油價已飆升每桶40美元 。 阿拉巴馬州共和黨參議員謝爾比敦促鮑威爾「盡其所能」控制通貨膨脹。 他讚揚了保羅 沃克,他在1980年代初領導美聯儲,並大幅提高了美聯儲的短期基準利率,以遏制1970年 代雙位數的通貨膨脹。沃爾克的行為也導致了1981-82年的嚴重衰退。 謝爾比詢問鮑威爾是否願意像沃克一樣使用鐵腕措施以「控制通貨膨脹並保護價格穩定。 」 鮑威爾首先表示沃克是「那個時代最偉大的經濟公僕」,並補充說「我希望歷史會記錄下 來,對於你的問題,我的答案是肯定的。」 但鮑威爾強調他相信美聯儲可以在不引發經濟衰退的情況下抑制通貨膨脹。美聯儲主席指 出,去年經濟以1980年代以來的最快速度增長,失業率處於4%的低點,每小時工資正在穩 定上升,然後才進行通貨膨脹調整。 鮑威爾補充說,市場職缺接近歷史新高,美國人正在以創紀錄的速度辭職,通常是為了轉 換更好、更高薪的跑道。 他表示「對於勞工來說,這是一個很好的勞動市場,特別是對於那些收入最低的四分之一 的勞工來說」。「對於這些勞工來說,過去兩年的工資漲幅是略高於物價的漲幅的。」 週三,鮑威爾曾表示,他將在兩週後的美聯儲會議上提議升息一碼,這將是自2018年以來 的首次升息。美聯儲主席於週四重申,如果今年通貨膨脹無法下降,他預計在今年晚些時 候的央行會議上,對更大幅度的升息保持開放的態度。 原文: WASHINGTON -- Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned Thursday that Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has already driven up oil prices, will likely further magnify the high inflation that has engulfed the U.S. economy. At the same time, Powell said he is committed to doing whatever it will take to slow inflation, underscoring the Fed's high-risk challenge in raising interest rates enough to stem price increases without tipping the economy into another recession. The Fed chair, addressing the Senate Banking Committee on his second day of semiannual testimony to Congress on interest rate policies, stressed his belief that the economy is strong enough to withstand higher borrowing costs. His expression of confidence echoed his testimony Wednesday that the Fed can engineer a “soft landing" in which the economy would slow enough to ease inflation even while hiring and growth remain healthy. “Commodity prices have moved up — energy prices, in particular," Powell said when asked about the economic consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "That’s going to work its way through the U.S. economy. We’re going to see upward pressure on inflation, at least for a while.” Consumer prices are already rising at their fastest pace in four decades, having jumped 7.5% in January compared with 12 months earlier. Gas prices, a key driver of that increase, have soared 40% over the past year. In the view of most economists, the surge in inflation is largely a consequence of a shortage of labor and components resulting from bottlenecked supply chains, much of it resulting from the global economy’s swift rebound from the pandemic recession. Responding to a question from Sen. Steve Daines, a Montana Republican, Powell noted that inflation is generally thought to rise about 0.2 percentage point for each $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil. Oil prices have surged by $40 a barrel since early December. Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, urged Powell to do “what it takes ” to control inflation. He praised Paul Volcker, who led the Fed in the early 1980s and who sharply increased the Fed’s benchmark short-term rate to choke off the double-digit inflation of the 1970s. Volcker's actions also led to a deep recession in 1981-82. Shelby asked Powell whether he, like Volcker, was willing to be “draconian” to “get the inflation under control and protect price stability.” Powell replied that Volcker was the “greatest economic public servant of the era” and added that, "I hope history will record that the answer to your question is yes.” But Powell stressed his belief that the Fed can bring down inflation without triggering a recession. The economy grew last year at the fastest pace since the 1980s, the Fed chair noted, the unemployment rate is at a low 4% and hourly pay is rising steadily, before adjusting for inflation. Job openings are near a record high, Powell added, and Americans are quitting their jobs at a record pace, usually for better, higher-paying positions. “This is a great labor market for workers, particularly for workers” among those in the lowest one-quarter of incomes, he said. For these workers, pay gains over the past two years have slightly exceeded price increases. On Wednesday, Powell had said that he would propose a quarter-point rate hike at the Fed's next meeting in two weeks, which would be the first rate increase since 2018. The Fed chair repeated Thursday that if inflation didn't decline this year as he expects, he is open to bigger hikes at some later central bank meeting this year. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)需放媒體原始連結,不可用轉載媒體連結: https://tinyurl.com/42vdu6ey 6.備註: 版上迷因:「拜登正在下一盤大棋,俄烏戰爭可以抑制美國通膨。」 -- 作者 hahaha3078 (bean) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [問卦] 如何讓蟋蟀閉嘴? 時間 Mon May 26 02:46:02 2014 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1646501059.A.286.html

drkkimo:用充份的理由說服牠 讓牠無可辯駁 05/26 03:27

StylishTrade: 完蛋111.249.130.209 03/06 01:25

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chen0625: 炒房仔:台灣不能跟 03/06 01:26

StylishTrade: 不要講幹話了111.249.130.209 03/06 01:26

seo4327: 正好可以全部推到普丁身上 03/06 01:26

andytaso: 美國爽翻了這下 03/06 01:26

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zakijudelo: 這個垃圾鮑之前還說什麼通膨暫時的, 03/06 01:29

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AxlRose: V起來 03/06 01:37

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KJC1004: no shit 03/06 01:44

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