[情報] 波切蒂諾談中場傷病及恩坤庫的位子

看板 Chelsea
作者 PowderSnow (恋色空)
時間 2023-12-27 01:54:35
留言 4則留言 (3推 0噓 1→)

https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/pochettino-on-midfielders- availability-and-nkunkus-best-position Pochettino on midfielders’ availability and Nkunku’s best position 波切蒂諾談到中場球員的可用性和恩坤庫的最佳位置 Mauricio Pochettino is hopeful Moises Caicedo will be well enough to face Crystal Palace tomorrow, but he will have to do without the services of fellow central midfielders Enzo Fernandez and Lesley Ugochukwu. 波切蒂諾希望凱塞多明天能夠在對陣水晶宮的比賽前康復得夠好,但他將無法在中場利用 恩佐和烏戈舒庫。 Enzo and Caicedo missed the defeat to Wolves due to injury and illness respectively. Ugochukwu, meanwhile, returned to the team at Molineux but had to be withdrawn in the second half with what Pochettino believes was a reoccurrence of his hamstring injury. 恩佐和凱塞多分別因受傷和生病缺席對陣狼隊。與此同時,烏戈舒庫在對陣狼隊回歸, 但在下半場被換下,波切蒂諾認為是他腿筋受傷的復發。 ‘Enzo no but we hope Moi yes,’ replied the head coach when asked about the South American duo’s chances of playing against Palace. ‘Moi was better on Sunday. He had a high fever and that is why he isolated. We hope he can train a little bit and be ready for Palace. 在被問及這兩位南美球員對陣水晶宮的比賽機會時,主教練回答:“恩佐不行,但我們 希望凱塞多可以。”他補充:“凱塞多在周日的情況好轉。他發高燒,這就是為什麼 他被隔離的原因。我們希望他能稍微訓練,準備好迎戰水晶宮。” ‘We need to assess Lesley; I think he felt his hamstring again [against Wolves]. You have to be careful introducing players coming back from injuries, but the problem of Moi meant it was a difficult situation. “我們需要評估萊斯利(烏戈舒庫);我想他感覺到他的腿筋又出現問題了[對陣狼隊]。 在引入從傷病中恢復的球員時必須謹慎,但凱塞多的問題使情況變得很困難。” https://imgur.com/3Kl325L Lesley limped off at Molineux ‘He is a player we are going to miss, hopefully not too much because in a period like this we need all the players.’ “他(烏戈舒庫)是一名我們將會錯過的球員,希望不會錯過太多,因為在這樣的時期, 我們需要所有的球員。” Pochettino then expanded on our ongoing injury travails. 波切蒂諾隨後進一步談到我們正在經歷的傷病困擾。 ‘The frustration and disappointment is there,’ he said. ‘I promise all the people we are working so hard, and the medical staff and the performance area are working really hard to try to anticipate and avoid these problems. “沮喪和失望都存在,”他說,“我向所有人保證,我們正在非常努力地工作,醫療團隊 和表現區域的人員都在努力地嘗試預測和避免這些問題。” ‘Sometimes it’s the profile of the player, sometimes it’s bad luck, sometimes it’s not the same for a 19 or 20-year-old who arrived from France like in Lesley’s case, and we expect he plays and performs for Chelsea in the Premier League.’ “有時這是因為球員的特點,有時是壞運氣,有時對於像烏戈舒庫這樣從法國來到的19 或20歲的球員來說情況並不相同,而我們期望他在英超聯賽為切爾西效力並表現。” One player Pochettino has been able to welcome back from injury in the past week is Christopher Nkunku. 在過去一周中,波切蒂諾成功歡迎回歸的一名球員是克里斯多福.恩坤庫。 https://imgur.com/1oDD7Jo Nkunku scores his first Chelsea goal The forward banked more than 60 minutes of match action in his first two games in Chelsea blue – and opened his account for the club with a well-taken header late on at Wolves. 這名前鋒於他在切爾西的前兩場比賽中總共打了超過60分鐘,並在對陣狼隊的比賽中以 一個出色的頭球攻入了俱樂部的第一個進球。 And Pochettino has explained why he has opted to deploy Nkunku in a central role thus far. 波切蒂諾解釋了為什麼他迄今為止選擇將恩坤庫擺在中場位置。 ‘At the moment he is coming back from injury his best position is more like a 10 or a 9, more than the left or right side like a winger. To cope with the demands of the Premier League and what the team needs, it’s better in these positions. “目前他正在從傷病中恢復,他最擅長的位置更像是10號或9號,而不是像邊鋒一樣在左 邊或右邊。為了應對英格蘭超級聯賽的需求和球隊的需求,在這些位置上更好。” ‘He is now starting to understand the Premier League, that teams are very aggressive and the football is very different to other countries. “他現正開始瞭解英格蘭超級聯賽,理解那些非常積極的球隊風格,而這種足球與其他 國家非常不同。” ‘It’s good for him, more minutes. He will adapt little by little, but scoring will help him adapt quicker.’ “對他來說,多出場時間是好事。他會一點一點地適應,但進球將幫助他更快地適應。” --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1703613277.A.04A.html

iamnotgm: 恩佐居然傷這麼重?所以不是還有Lavia?這個啥時會好? 12/27 07:55

CHRush: 如果烏戈恩佐凱塞多都不行的話 只能加拉配拉維亞了吧 12/27 08:47

glo6e: 推 12/27 15:36

takewind: 恩佐疝氣 12/28 10:52
