[情報] 2024/09/04 Daily Horoscope

看板 Cancer
作者 maple150814 (我的女朋友超萌的)
時間 2024-09-04 09:05:06
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

你並不孤單,親愛的月之子。 即使你感到被朋友或家人拋棄,或只是覺得被身邊的人忽視或不被關心,這個訊息的目的 就是要讓你相信你並不孤單。 儘管你生活中可能有些人不值得你的存在,但如果你將你的愛散發到宇宙中,那些真正值 得你付出關注的人會感受到你的存在。 相信這一點,感受那已經存在於你周圍的愛。 你所需要做的,就是將它吸引過來。 Cancer horoscope for 星期三 9月 4 You are not alone, dear Moonchild. Even if you are feeling abandoned by friend s or family members, or simply unnoticed or uncared for by those you know, thi s message is aimed at convincing you that you are not alone. Although there ma y be people in your life who do not deserve to be there, if you put your love energy out into the universe, it will be recognized by those who do deserve yo ur presence and your attention. Have faith in this, and feel the love that alr eady exists in your atmosphere. All you have to do is draw it in. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1725411909.A.1A0.html
