PLAY Comme des Garcons 的小愛心從何而來?

看板 Brand
作者 bacardi (無與倫比的美麗)
時間 2007-03-11 03:17:59
留言 11則留言 (11推 0噓 0→)

Dear Mr Wang, thank you for your compliments. I designed the heart logo at the time when I was working on some other CdG projects and the idea of a logo for PLAY came up after this image was produced. Simply and luckily for me everybody got charmed by it and it seemed like the only and natural choice for PLAY. That's the story... F 這是小愛心的設計人,也是這一期PPAPER專訪的對象Filip Pagowski,給我的回信 這就是PLAY CDG小愛心的由來!~~ -- ◆ From:
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StarScream:這期的PPAPER很像有介紹到這位設計師 03/11 03:21

bacardi:是的..這期PPAPER的專訪人物是他!... 03/11 03:29

mrzu:PLAY 03/11 03:37

swama07:謝謝低咖>___________<~無言感激~ 03/11 04:15

DDHH:屬名 Bacardi Wang嗎? XD 03/11 15:05

bacardi:當然不是....-.- 03/11 15:23

magichead:低咖你改行當編輯算了...:P 03/12 19:51

bacardi:後續我還有去信問了些別的問題...有回信我會再post上來的 03/12 21:52

RYUICHI:現在看到這個小愛心,我都會聯想到Giroro的帳棚。*共鳴* 03/13 02:08

bacardi:我有一個Giroro從帳棚探頭出來的小撲滿...*共鳴* 03/13 02:09

RYUICHI:如果有出 Giroro X CdG Play愛心T 那我一定馬上買!*共鳴* 03/13 02:25
