[分享] 進攻,不僅是助攻:趙芸蕾談混雙女角色

看板 Badminton
作者 soria (soria)
時間 2019-10-01 20:41:05
留言 26則留言 (9推 0噓 17→)

WORLD COACHING CONFERENCE 2019: ‘TO ATTACK, NOT JUST ASSIST’ 進攻,不僅是助攻:趙芸蕾談混雙女角色 01 OCTOBER, 2019 TEXT BY DEV SUKUMAR | BADMINTON PHOTO The role of the female player in mixed doubles is not just to set up points fo r her male partner, but to be proactive in winning points herself, emphasised Chinese legend Zhao Yunlei in her presentation at the World Coaching Conferenc e in Basel. 女球員在混雙裡不僅是為男球員佈局,自己也可以積極得分。中國教練趙芸蕾在巴塞爾世 界教練大會的報告中強調。 Women players are now increasingly adopting approaches that defined the men’s game; to do this required training in speed, aggression and net variations, s aid Zhao, as she demonstrated a few exercises in developing these qualities to an audience of coaches from several countries. 趙芸蕾表示,現今的女球員逐漸採取男子比賽的打法,這需要速度、侵略性跟網前變化的 訓練。同時她也向來自數個國家的教練,展示了幾個培養球質的訓練。 Zhao embodied these qualities in a stellar career that saw her achieve a “dou bles double” at two World Championships, and a double at the Olympic Games. S uccessful with several partners, but most prominently with Zhang Nan in mixed and Tian Qing in women’s doubles, Zhao’s brilliance in converting defensive positions into attack helped her establish a dominant reign in both discipline s. 從趙芸蕾在世錦賽、奧運奪得雙冠的輝煌生涯中,她體現了這些水準。她與數個搭檔的成 就不凡,但其中最為著稱的是混雙的張楠、女雙的田卿。趙芸蕾由守轉攻的出色能力,幫 助她在女雙與混雙這兩個項目建立統治地位。 “In traditional mixed doubles, usually the girls are setting up or creating o pportunities for male players to attack. Nowadays the game has changed and mor e female players have become stronger and are implementing men’s style in bad minton. In my opinion, female players should be more aggressive in the front c ourt and win points. The game has changed and so have training methods,” Zhao said. 「在傳統的混雙打法裡,女方通常幫忙佈局、或是幫助男搭檔創造進攻機會。如今,混雙 比賽已經發生變化,女球員變得更強勢而且貫徹男子化的打法。依我所見,女球員應在前 場更具侵略性並能得分。比賽已經改變了,所以訓練也要跟著變。」趙芸蕾說。 Zhao’s presentation was on a few basic principles that she demonstrated on co urt. 趙芸蕾的報告,奠基於她在球場上所展示的幾個基本原則。 Counter-attacking from defence 防守反擊 Zhao referred first to the position of the woman player under attack. Instead of standing back in the court to defend, she had to step up, which allowed les ser time for her opponent to react. Secondly, she had to position herself clos e to the tramlines, giving her better angles to work with on her defence. 趙芸蕾第一個談的,是女球員遭到攻擊時的站位。趙芸蕾認為,與其退到後場採取守勢, 不如加快向前,迫使對手的反應時間更短。其次,女球員必須移到更靠近邊線的位置,防 守的角度會更好。 “The traditional way is for the woman to force the lift. In this exercise, sh e will counter-attack and rush forward and be more aggressive and try to finis h the rally. The point of pressing is to put more pressure on your opponents r ather than just setting up the lift for your partner, and it’s about taking i nitiative from the mid-court and front court.” 「女球員傳統的打法是被迫挑球。但在這個練習裡,女球員將會進行反擊,往前衝,以更 為侵略性的方式試著結束這次的對打。重點是要對你的對手施加壓力,不是為了你的搭檔 挑球佈局,而是要在中前場採取主動。」 Net Skills 網前技術 Another exercise involved playing the net shot, which was the area a female mi xed doubles player had to excel in. It was key, Zhao explained, for the racket head to be always held up. 另一個練習則涉及放網,通常這個部分是混雙女的專長。不過,趙芸蕾解釋,其中的關竅 在於女球員球拍的頂端必須一直保持朝上。 “It’s a common problem for girls that the racket head is always low. The rac ket head should always be up. Keep the net tape as a guide. If the shuttle fal ls below the tape, you stay low by bending at the knees, but still keep the ra cket head up.” 「現在女球員普遍的問題,在於拍頂位置一直放的太低。拍頂應該一直朝上放,跟著網袋 頂端的位置。即便球掉到網袋頂端以下的位置,你膝蓋一直處於蹲低狀態時,你還是要保 持拍頂朝上。」 Variation at net 網前變化 The third exercise she demonstrated was useful to disrupting tempo. This consi sted of a few straight shots, followed by the sudden block with the same actio n. 趙芸蕾所演示的第三個練習,則是有助於破壞對方節奏的妙招。這次的練習由幾個直線回 球組成,搭配了幾個相同動作的突襲攔擊。 Zhao pointed out the fundamentals to the successful execution of this exercise : “Use a short backswing, squeeze the handle during the shot to generate powe r; take the shuttle early before it drops down. 趙芸蕾指出了這項練習能夠成功的幾個要素:使用短引拍,在放球的時候擠壓握把以產生 力量;在落下之前早一步擊球。 Converting defence into attack. 轉守為攻 “We don’t need to hit hard all the time; that you’re attacking doesn’t mea n it has to be hard. Use variations, change the tempo sometimes.” 「我們不需要時時用力擊球;進攻的時候並不代表必須使蠻力。要使用一點變化,不時改 變節奏。」 Zhao was a standout even in China’s distinguished lineage of great mixed doub les stars. Speed, she says, was important to China’s dominance of the discipl ine. 即便在中國偉大的混雙群星系譜中,趙芸蕾也是最出眾的一位。她說,「速度」是中國宰 制混雙界的重要因素。 “Speed has always been the priority in mixed and doubles. China have worked a lot on women to increase the speed and get them to dominate the front court a nd make them more dangerous. All those areas, the efficiency, faster racket, t aking the shuttle early, these are small details you need to improve. 「速度總是雙打與混雙的要素。中國為了提升女球員的速度付出很多努力,而且的確讓女 球員們宰制了前場,並更具有危險性。而這些部分,包括效率、揮拍更快、更早擊球,都 是女球員需要逐步提升的小細節。」 “In mixed doubles… the female role is quite essential because they are setti ng up points, so whether the girl can play at a high tempo is the deciding fac tor. The mindset for the female mixed players should be quite close to men’s doubles. You want to take the shuttle early and become dangerous in the front court.” 「在混雙比賽中,女球員由於擔任佈局得分的角色而顯得至關重要。因此她能否以高速節 奏進行比賽是決定因素。所以混雙女的思維,應該要跟男雙相當接近。那你就要搶先擊球 ,並在前場具有危險性。」 Perhaps the one quality above all others was persistence. Zhao spoke of the gr ind that went into making her one of the greatest in the game. 也許比起以上的素質,最為重要的是個人的堅持。趙芸蕾談到她在各項競賽中成就不凡的 磨練為何。 “I started playing when I was eight years old, and I retired when I was 30. I didn’t get one day off in my entire career. Persistence and resilience are w hat kept me going. In 2009, I lost all my finals. That was a big challenge. I thought, instead of losing in finals, it was better that I lost in the first r ound. 「我八歲的時候開始打球,三十歲退休。在我的運動生涯中,我沒有休過一天假。毅力跟 韌性是促使我前進的動力。在2009年,我輸掉了所有決賽,那對我來說真的是極大的挑戰 。因為我一直覺得,與其在決賽輸掉,那不如乾脆在第一輪輸掉算了。」 “I was very frustrated but I told myself to keep going, until the day I won a final and felt I’d overcome something. I always had challenges, whether phys ical or mental or my environment, but what kept me going was persistence.” 「我當時非常沮喪,不過我告訴自己繼續向前,直到我贏了決賽還有克服某些東西為止。 我的生命裡總是有些挑戰,不管是生理、心理或是環境上的。但堅持一直促使我向前。」 原文網址: https://bwfbadminton.com/news-single/2019/10/01/to-finish-not-just-assist-zhao -yunlei-on-female-role-in-mixed-doubles/ --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1569933668.A.532.html

Rx770 : 「我一直覺得,與其在決賽輸掉,那不如乾脆在第一 10/01 20:44

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soria : 雖然這篇也是老生常談啦 不過好像真的沒看過有人特 10/01 23:23

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soria : 用囉 10/01 23:24

soria : 趙芸蕾的演示 https://youtu.be/8te5_B4UHEU 10/01 23:33

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soria : 其實照她這樣講 豈不是女的幾乎沒能力打混雙 10/02 00:19

soria : 有幾個女的速度跟思維追得上男雙 談何容易 10/02 00:19

ashin1069 : 絕對ace應該是葛菲>趙芸蕾>>>>>>>>>其他人 10/02 12:01

iamshana : 高崚會比趙差嗎 10/02 12:30

Katarn : 趙的站位和意識,需要女生本身反應速度和技術夠好.. 10/03 23:27
