[新聞] 池畔活春宮被制止 男惱羞成怒反遭KO

看板 sex
作者 deepdish (Keep The Faith)
時間 2016-04-30 03:00:36
留言 7則留言 (6推 1噓 0→)

【TOMO雙語爆】池畔活春宮被制止 男惱羞成怒反遭KO http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/international/20160429/37187803 2016年04月29日 喝醉時,在泳池打砲最棒了… 濕濕、滑滑、又刺激… 還有很多小孩在看你。 等等… 什麼? 疑似喝醉酒的Austin Misiak,和一位不具名女性, 週六晚間在瓦爾頓堡海灘(Fort Walton Beach)就做出這種事。 那海灘在哪裡呢? …當然是佛羅里達州了。 有些正直的好公民,見狀決定介入,請兩位當事人停下來,畢竟有許多小孩在場。 據稱,28歲的Misiak因為不能在兒童面前公然做愛做的事而暴怒, 於是他開始追逐、甚至作勢要打泳池邊的小孩! 這時有名勇敢的15歲女孩,要他別欺負那些孩子。 這個頭腦簡單的大隻佬,就把怒氣轉向她,目擊者表示,他似乎真的會攻擊她。 一名15歲男孩眼見他勇敢的女友身陷危險,變身「功夫小子」,衝上前英雄救美, 一拳打中這個酒醉色狼的蠢臉… 其實他打了兩拳… 有報導指他K.O.了這個無腦禽獸。 幹得好,小子! 你的功夫真是了得。 這個泳池淫魔,被逮捕他的員警詢問事發經過時,只輕描淡寫地說「沒怎樣啊」。 儘管Misiak認為自己沒怎樣,他還是依重度公然猥褻罪和輕度攻擊罪遭到起訴。 英文原文: Drunk pool sex is awesome … so wet, so slippery, so erotic … so many young children watching you. WAIT … what? That’s what the reportedly inebriated Austin Misiak - and an unnamed woman - allegedly got up to on Saturday evening at a community pool in Fort Walton Beach ... Wisconsin. Nah ... it was Florida ... *Sigh* Of course it was Florida. Anyhow, some upstanding citizen decided to intervene, telling the water-humpers to knock it off cuz, like, there were kids there. Flying into a rage at the suggestion that public slip-and-slide in front of kids is frowned on, 28-year-old Misiak reportedly began chasing some kids at the pool while trying to hit them! Then, a brave 15-year-old girl ran over and told the jerk to leave the kids alone. The meaty numbskull then turned his wrath on the teenager … with witnesses saying he looked like he was about to attack her. Seeing his brave girlfriend was in trouble, a 15-year-old boy went full ‘Karate Kid’ … running to his maiden’s aid and punching the boozed up sexmonger right in his stupid face … ... twice, in fact … with one report saying the teen boy ‘decked’ the aqua-fornicator. Nice job, kid! Your Kung Fu is strong, young one. Asked for his side of the story by arresting officers, this adult-swim-lover had a great explanation: ‘Nothing happened,’ he claimed. But despite his rock-solid alibi, Misiak was charged with felony lewd exhibition and misdemeanor assault. 原文影片請看此 http://bit.ly/24keI55 -- Q 臺灣人的需求金字塔 ◢◣ 安全、無毒的食物 S 有錢結婚生養小孩 W ◢████◣ 買得起的房子 E ◢██████◣ 被老闆當人看 E ◢████████◣ 下班還來得及和親友吃晚餐 T ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 租得起房子 找得到工作 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/sex/M.1461956440.A.A33.html

benson60913: …… 04/30 08:33

GoogleHsuang: 放開那女孩!! 04/30 08:41

hotmia: 這文章………?樓下請給分 04/30 10:47

gLid3: 3分 不能再多了 04/30 12:43

Acorpse1218: 樓上心腸真好 04/30 17:16

chenshi905: 影片還不錯 04/30 18:31

Miltonn: 記者頗有才的啊 05/02 08:49
