[情報] [QR]卡達航空會員延期至2023.03

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作者 jack97 (鴿子咕咕)
時間 2022-12-21 19:47:46
留言 1則留言 (1推 0噓 0→)

小弟2020年乞丐匹配白金卡,今年度只使用過一次LHR英航貴賓室。 不確定是全體還是定向活動,收到email卡達航空小延到明年三月,希望趁明年前再去香 港或東京蹭貴賓室吃喝。 分享剛剛收到的email原文: Extending the validity of your Platinum tier XXXXX, while traveling was challenging in the recent past, we are truly proud to have had the opportunity to continue flying and connecting many families du ring difficult times. Being the World’s Best Airline, we continue to be commi tted to expanding our network and offering the best of service to you, our val uable member. Your loyalty means the world to us and we understand that it has been a while since you could fly with us as often as you liked. To honour your loyalty, we will extend the validity of your Platinum tier until 31 March 2023**. You can continue enjoying your tier benefits as you travel across globe with us. Simply log in and plan your next journey, to keep earning Qpoints that will he lp you reach greater heights. *Tier validity will be updated by 01 Jan 2023. **In case you qualify to retain your tier based on the Qpoints earned by 31 De c 2022, your tier validity will be extended for 12 month from your travel date . --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1671623268.A.EC2.html

alstonfju : 金卡也展延到3月了 12/23 10:42
