[新聞] 拉頓可能不會回歸哥吉拉對剛

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作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)
時間 2020-04-19 07:19:13
留言 50則留言 (35推 1噓 14→)

新聞網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9qjzz3w Why Rodan May Not Return In Godzilla vs Kong 為什麼拉頓可能不會回歸 哥吉拉 對 剛 Rodan is an ally to Godzilla after Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but that doesn't mean he'll be fighting at his side in Godzilla vs. Kong. 拉頓在怪獸之王後已經變成了哥老的盟友了,但這不代表他會在哥吉拉對剛中幫他 Godzilla: King of the Monsters left the door open for Rodan to return in Godzilla vs. Kong, but it may not happen. Rodan, a prominent ally of Godzilla in the classic Toho movies of the 1960s, was featured in Godzilla: King of the Monsters as a secondary antagonist who joins forces with King Ghidorah and fights with Mothra. After Godzilla defeats Ghidorah, Rodan is quick to accept him as the new alpha of the Titans. 怪獸之王電影中似乎為拉頓回歸的可能性開了一扇門,但這似乎不會發生。在哥吉拉 打敗了基多拉後,拉頓瞬間認哥老為大哥 As one of Godzilla's new minions, Rodan could be back for the sequel. If he were to appear, he'd be one of a growing number of Titans battling it out in Godzilla vs. Kong. Aside from the two titular monsters, Monarch will already have their hands full with Mechagodzilla and an original and mysterious Titan named Nozuki. Toy leaks suggest that the Skullcrawlers from Kong: Skull Island may make an appearance as well. As the MonsterVerse is now packed with Titans from all corners of the world, there's no telling how many giant monsters will get involved in the action when Monarch begins its exploration into Hollow Earth. 身為哥老的新小弟,拉頓理論上可以回歸。如果他回歸了,哥老對小剛會有很多怪獸 出現,君主計畫手上已經有了機械哥吉拉和迷之怪獸Nozuki。 Will Rodan be among them? It's possible that he'll be busy with other things when his new leader faces off with the King of Skull Island. One of the newspaper articles in the credits of Godzilla: King of the Monsters reveals that Rodan has flown to an island somewhere north of Fiji and has taken roost in a volcano. Prior to being woken up in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Rodan was hibernating in the Isla de Mara volcano in Mexico. Now that Rodan has found a new home, it could be that he plans to resume his slumber. 拉頓會參與嗎?在他的大哥正在對抗Skull島之王的時候,他可能在忙其它的事。 怪獸之王中出現的一個報紙文章說拉頓已經飛到斐濟北方的一個島並在火山築巢了。 在被叫醒之前,拉頓在墨西哥火山休眠,現在拉頓有了新家了,他可能會再次睡覺。 If this is the case, Rodan may not appear in any capacity in Godzilla vs. Kong, even though, of the three Toho kaiju who made their MonsterVerse debuts in King of the Monsters, Rodan would be the easiest to bring back. Of course, pathways exist for both King Ghidorah and Mothra to be resurrected in the MonsterVerse, but Rodan returning makes the most sense, considering that he's now an ally to Godzilla. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean it will happen. 如果這是實際發生的狀況,那拉頓可能就不會回歸。跟基多拉和魔斯拉相比, 拉頓是最容易回歸的,雖然其它兩個都有可能復活。但拉頓理論上是最有可能的 因為他現在是哥老的盟友 Rodan sitting out Godzilla vs. Kong would be disappointing for sure because it would deprive audiences of seeing the MonsterVerse recreate Toho's most iconic monster team-up. Godzilla and Rodan were an unstoppable duo in two classic Godzilla movies from the 1960s. King of the Monsters didn't have a chance to adapt this relationship since Rodan was on Ghidorah's side. The MonsterVerse has a chance to rectify this with Godzilla vs. Kong, but whether or not it will act on this opportunity remains to be seen. 拉頓坐壁上觀的話會很讓人失望,畢竟大家都希望看到他和哥老聯手。 There's a reason why the plan may be for Godzilla - despite his new title - to go into the sequel without any allies or minions. Sending him to Skull Island without backup isolates him from Titans who would stop Godzilla's fight with Kong from being an epic, one-on-one showdown. Also, when enemies like Nozuki and Mechagodzilla join the fray, Godzilla may be forced to rely only on Kong for help, rather than one of his allies, and that could be the sort of finale the MonsterVerse is aiming for with Godzilla vs. Kong. 或許這是有原因的,雖然哥吉拉得到了王的稱號,讓他帶著小弟去Skull island 會讓他沒有辦法跟小剛一對一的單挑。另外,當敵人像是Nozuki還有機械哥吉拉 來襲的時候,哥老可能必須只能請求小剛幫忙,而不是找他的盟友。 心得: 拉頓:不是我不幫忙,而是你們要打完了我才知道大哥是誰! 哥老打輸小剛後:剛,去把這個世界最強的怪獸集合起來吧,未來會有強大的 惡勢力出現需要我們團結,由你當盟主吧! 說真的啦~God vs human,還有第三方最終魔王,大概只差一個神力女超人(魔斯拉) 跳出來擋住熱射線(然後就死了)吧! --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1587251955.A.290.html

gundriver : 聯手?你們是把金剛定義多強阿 04/19 07:25

newgunden : 賽亞人那麼強? 04/19 07:26

walay211 : 自在極易的剛 誰打的贏? 04/19 07:47

system303179: 對肛? 04/19 08:04

nalaculan : 剛,你真強 04/19 08:28

BF109Pilot : 小剛 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Cu-s_fSTs 04/19 08:34

peterw : 金剛會變超4的話,或可與哥皇一戰 04/19 08:58

mouz : 可是我覺得拉頓有點邊緣 04/19 09:09

TimmyJiang : 只要剛的手上有樹,誰都殺不了他 04/19 09:10

rapnose : 吃驚的表情演得很好。 04/19 09:16

cwind07 : 拉頓:大"哥"你是瞭解我的 我喜歡被動 04/19 09:23

cindylin812 : 哥吉拉和誰對鋼? 04/19 09:32

bamama56 : 牆頭草出來一次就夠了 讓摩斯拉回來吧 04/19 09:39

torukumato : 害嫂子受傷 還敢出來啊www 04/19 09:45

kelvintube : 風向仔很帥說 04/19 10:23

littlejackbr: 去拉屎吧一隻爛翼龍 04/19 10:23

archlich : 說真的,做怪獸不要那麼拉頓(?) 04/19 10:44

sam1304 : 拉頓影帝,再來演哥老面子擺哪 04/19 10:54

egg781 : 他媽的根本是 卑鄙.源之頓 嘛!! 04/19 10:54

aikensh : 尚書拉頓 04/19 11:03

twmarstw7758: 沒人在乎風向王 04/19 11:18

Howardyu : 做人母湯這麼拉頓! 04/19 11:54

ThreeNG : 德川拉頓:讓你們互相殘殺,怪獸之王遲早會是我! 04/19 12:05

Akalios74 : 還敢出來啊 風向鳥! 04/19 12:41

mosqutiolamp: 識時務者拉頓也 04/19 12:43

Eloye : KD拉頓:我只會站在贏得那邊,所以你們先打吧(茶 04/19 14:45

ghostl40809 : 小早川拉頓吧 04/19 16:04

winteryoyo : 4要月工誰? 04/19 16:15

lukelin15 : 臭猴子不准贏 04/19 17:13

truegod000 : 拉頓大人還真機靈 風往哪吹你就往哪飛 04/19 18:58

hilemon : 拉頓:只有得到我認同的才是真正的強者 打完叫我 04/19 19:27

fire60743 : 風向的王者 - 拉頓 04/19 20:04

fire60743 : 如果金剛真的被改強到爆打哥吉拉我真的會美送 04/19 20:05

crimson11 : 尚書咩 04/19 21:10

suckpopo : 原子吐息居然打不死巨大生物,果然是廢物哥吉拉 04/19 21:58

iam0718 : 拉頓空戰帥一波 04/19 22:29

PTTsence : 拉頓造型設計這麼帥,出來表演一下背刺也可以啊 04/20 00:45

fire60743 : 不過說真的唯一不想看到的只有魔斯拉,因為摩斯拉 04/20 02:04

fire60743 : 要綁定章子怡,而且還是雙重章子怡,簡直尬爆 04/20 02:04

archlich : 所以樓上比較喜歡景甜嗎?(筆記) 04/20 02:27

LLuchia : 章子怡在哥2還不錯吧,演技很自然沒有人形立牌感 04/20 03:03

stocktonty : 就說等著加入超人力霸王的怪獸宇宙 04/20 05:54

TaiYiMan : 為什麼不是機械基多拉 04/20 07:48

rewqasdf : 對鋼,寫真爛 04/20 08:02

liyikisen : 識時務者為拉頓 04/20 08:39

Aliensoul : 拉頓開蹲 04/20 12:38

kducky : 打贏再出來輸誠啊 04/20 12:41

web946719 : 風向王者 04/20 18:29

water0202 : 我還是想看到基多拉 最帥又強 04/21 23:16

nothing188 : 爛電影 04/22 16:30
