Re: [微雷/請益] 忍者龜 破影而出 史林特說的一段話

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作者 gyd (阿龍哥)
時間 2016-06-22 02:06:41
留言 6則留言 (1推 0噓 5→)

感謝網友dogwang22跟snowsigh的幫忙 這的確是正確的版本, 我補上前面的兩段 感謝 S:You can not just walk away from this. L覺得委曲, L訴苦 L:I cant give them all the same page to think with one mind. S:You shouldn't want them all to think the same. It's their different points of view that make the team strong. A good leader understands this. A good brother accepts it. --
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snowsigh: 這集sense 的毛變滑順惹嗚呼(?? 06/22 05:29

snowsigh: sensei 06/22 05:31

gyd: 有人說有但我沒特別注意, 但我覺得這集些動畫有點假.. 06/22 14:12

snowsigh: 是說電影裡嗎?我沒有特別覺得耶 06/22 17:12

gyd: 尤其是在天上跑的那段, 會發現背景跟前景有點不同步XD 06/22 22:43

snowsigh: 原來如此XD 06/23 21:42
