[情報] 復仇者聯盟2後 將會有新綠巨人浩克電影

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作者 fact (fact)
時間 2014-05-05 00:30:39
留言 26則留言 (19推 0噓 7→)

Avengers: Age of Ultron: Will New ‘Hulk’ Movie Follow Avengers 2? Following “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” a new Hulk movie will follow, according to reports. Lou Ferrigno, who played the original “Hulk,” said this week that Marvel is planning another film. “Now because [Hulk] saved the day [in the first ‘Avengers’] they’re making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out,” he said, according to Latino Review. It was also reported that Andy Serkis, who performed as Gollum in “Lord of the Rings,” was enlisted for motion capturing. Mark Ruffalo, via Twitter, revealed that “I have been working with the great @andyserkis on the big green boy and he is going to be even better then A1.” http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/ 復仇者聯盟2後 另一部Solo Hulk浩克電影已被Marvel列入計畫中 馬克魯法洛透露要和Andy Serkis合作 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1399221042.A.A58.html

blackone979:也該有了 05/05 00:38

xxx60709:早該有了,悲情號客 05/05 00:49

joycewanga:期待 05/05 00:56

LeehomLee:超期待浩克的阿 那種破壞力爽度非常夠 05/05 00:58

yoyonigo:謠傳很久了。據說是浩克星球 05/05 01:09

bigbee407:期待 05/05 01:16

lym0715:如果是浩克星球 真的很令人期待!!! 05/05 01:33

qn123456:Latino Review之前有爆料Marvel計畫改編Planet Hulk和WWH 05/05 02:34

qn123456:這兩個故事,但喬斯˙惠頓有親自回應,他說那是胡扯XD 05/05 02:34

strike519:愛德華諾頓外型很適合演班納 可惜不演了 05/05 08:13

egg781:不過現在這個班納很親民很可愛阿XD 05/05 08:33

pozx:不可能是浩克星球啦..MARVEL總監都親口說不可能用這故事 05/05 09:03

pozx:理由是不可能全片都沒人類演員 05/05 09:04

goodevening:演浩克星球完全不需要mark阿,全部都是電腦動畫而已 05/05 09:34

JohnConnor:馬克把班納演的比較好吧 愛德華戲精過頭了 05/05 10:31

WTF555666:戲精過頭了是什麼概念?喜怒哀樂演的出色不好嗎? 05/05 10:44

zealeliot:馬克把唯唯諾諾的科學家感覺演的很好 05/05 10:52

TokiyaWu:誰演都可以啦,前提是片酬要低 05/05 10:59

superbatman:愛德華的浩克我都會很擔心他把浩克變成反派 >"< 05/05 11:03

ooXD:昨天才有人在問怎沒浩克續集今天就有消習了XD 05/05 11:43

gkssis:我超喜歡現在的浩克啊><好萌~ 05/05 13:16

derekhsu:馬克魯法諾的浩克有一種呆萌感 05/05 14:07

egg781:東尼一直煩他超好笑的 05/05 14:59

jalinfly:愛德華諾頓沒變身看起來比變身後還可怕是要怎麼辦啦XDDDD 05/06 00:26

jalinfly:所以雖然我很喜歡愛德華諾頓,但還是覺得魯法洛的比較對 05/06 00:26

weibeso:喜歡馬克魯法洛的浩克+1,反差萌啊XD 05/07 20:16
