[猜謎] 一句話證明你的英文有多爛

看板 joke
作者 jessieL (JL)
時間 2020-12-15 18:16:03
留言 111則留言 (87推 2噓 22→)

我只會認24個英文字母 這我以前同事想找英文家教的時候講的 出賣他 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1608027365.A.FB6.html

celephone: ㄆ一 P 12/15 19:27

mureka: 7-11 12/15 21:27

whocare96: 如果是58編碼的大寫英文字母的確只有24個,看來是個 12/15 22:07

whocare96: 比特幣高手 12/15 22:07

derrick1220: I'm find think you 12/15 22:35

nighthunt: irwinner 12/15 23:11

GGrunrundela: 我連24個自母都不認識 12/15 23:44

zxzzzzzzzzzz: 還好字母不認識我 12/16 00:26

amogha100: I dot car 12/16 00:43

CockyTiger: 我只認識煞氣A字母 12/16 00:59

fredpaly: Your poor English 12/16 01:04

GGrunrundela: 我真的重ㄟˉ唸到力完全不會唸 好可撥 12/16 01:08

Talice: 我學錯了 我學到26個英文字母了XDD 12/16 05:29

hatephubbing: one car came, one car gone, two cars boom boom 12/16 06:58

jiejiegood: 不是因為ET回家了,所以只剩24嗎? 12/16 08:09

pony0904: yes i am 12/16 08:25

pony0904: .. 應該是 yes i are 12/16 08:25

yr223446: who care? 12/16 08:27

DerrickLin: 我白天的時候就當student,晚上就去酒吧當....... 12/16 08:35

littleming: no, i no care you 12/16 08:36

payorshot: Why you lie i? 12/16 08:45

faint3015890: Who car 12/16 08:48

abjeffop: 因為ok蹦 12/16 08:53

neweb: how da o 12/16 09:07

abonbon: 幹我加拿大長大的朋友也跟我說過一樣的話,被我嗆到爆 12/16 09:10

girld: do you have free wife 12/16 09:14

Bubble88: you like shit 12/16 09:21

GN02599446: look three small 12/16 09:29

annahuangtw: 為什麼要學英文,華人是未來的主角 12/16 09:34

appleqqp: abandon 12/16 09:43

ivyhoney: 居然有24個?為什麼你多三個? 12/16 09:45

georgekgh: people mountain people sea 12/16 09:50

guccihuang: 什麼是英文?你說總統嗎? 12/16 09:57

nichtsicher: ikae 12/16 10:03

daye87: who cars 12/16 10:08

yusam899: 我是瑞迪,I am ready 12/16 10:09

taogc: https://tinyurl.com/ycl45zvt 這篇是在弔念中夭嗎? 12/16 10:10

bryanwang: apple pen 12/16 10:43

stussy: today no see tomorrow see 12/16 10:44

heaven3196: abble 12/16 10:50

yang0083: wto cars 12/16 11:04

jokerjuju: how do you turn this on 12/16 11:12

Slemo: pardun? 12/16 11:39

winnietslock: 你同事的數學跟英文一樣好 12/16 11:40

yokan: Important!!!!!! 12/16 11:57

iluvwaffles: my engrish rich 12/16 11:59

bryanwang: Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen 12/16 12:16

thewtf: sod 12/16 12:19

capdie159753: I is a good person 12/16 12:19

prairiefire: I am watch on you 12/16 12:22

iKelly: 誰可以告訴我英文字母到底有幾個,很怕學錯就完蛋了 12/16 12:23

whhw: 不用擔心這個啦,注定完蛋了好嗎 12/16 12:37

FeO: hey! hey! everybody condom okay? 12/16 12:51

aoineko: important!! 12/16 13:11

awerte: explain —> explaination 12/16 13:49

ma1ma: ㄅook 12/16 13:50

richar2001: 什麼是英文? 12/16 13:57

JASONGOAHEAD: well come 12/16 14:20

OLDGOATSOUP: https://i.imgur.com/3hMRK3c.jpg 12/16 14:28

mistsea: 數學家為了表達我的英文成績發展出了負數的概念 12/16 14:29

tree701: 認真不會唸到Z 12/16 14:38

rhythm1217: 剛好多我整整一倍,我只知道11個 12/16 15:20

kaoru920: I doesn’t car 12/16 15:24

kunimitotti: teble 12/16 15:47

kdbbbb: https://i.imgur.com/SzX6dng.jpg 12/16 15:50

reload: Kello Hitty 12/16 16:47

koala77777: 多益180 12/16 16:53

ll1117: no no no, Chinese, Chinese. 12/16 17:28

dean1234: You doesn’t knowed 12/16 17:29

ro22113175: your mom boom 12/16 17:39

Ten9: I'm fine 我是法恩 12/16 17:45

sak1346: 注音符號我也不知道幾個阿 12/16 17:56

The4sakenOne: 摳你基挖 12/16 18:53

qaz1wsx2: 只認識APPLE?XD 12/16 19:03

Lupppp: 之前去日本,想請人幫忙拍照,想了一下結果還是說出,Can 12/16 19:05

Lupppp: you please 拍..... 12/16 19:05

mirror0227: 我只知道1A個 12/16 19:05

quinietos: ok好 總total 是10個project 12/16 21:03

chloefish: go back go back 12/16 22:11

derrick1220: Bon Jovi圖笑死 12/16 22:24

f127361197: I dat car 12/16 22:48

royking: 英文字母有幾個? 12/16 22:48

ling7777777: 全部都寫C 12/16 23:06

yv811: abandon 12/16 23:17

AEae2014: 推文笑死 12/16 23:47

chaohsiung: 什麼?不是有50音嗎? 12/17 01:12

zaoa3345678: I are winners. 12/17 01:19

GGing: 總 total 12/17 07:18

deathwomen: My English is pool 12/17 08:50

how90825: I name is Peter 12/17 10:06

Menderca: 笑死 12/17 11:38

Nokia5269: 想起國中同學i have a question說成i am a question就 12/17 12:20

yahoomessage: 我是貝殼 I am back. 12/17 12:23

Ekmund: Jon Bovi XDDDDDDD 12/17 15:01

Joyeeee: get of me 12/17 16:59

a01249362: Cost down 12/17 23:47

lacseven: 這句話有什麼問題嗎 12/18 00:40

tvxqjumbo: island 念 is land 12/18 01:15

Beetch: Jon Bovi 三小 窮 波維 12/18 08:24

OGC218: 你恭蝦?! 12/18 10:00

waiter337: please shit down 12/18 12:24

waiter337: pnorbuh 12/18 12:25

z67186718: very think you 12/18 22:48

k7278176: 我都用wold寫報告 12/18 23:48

newversion: My Englese is pool 12/19 01:03

rick4282: seven morning eight morning cry father cry mother... 12/20 02:26

FiveLine: important!!!!!! 12/20 05:21

rainHime: This is bad 12/22 23:26

enthpzd: House was Better 12/24 03:49

kumaHL: 因為ET回外太空了 12/24 08:40

moonlegent: My English is bad 12/25 22:16
