[XD] 經典饒舌爭霸戰:小智vs達爾文(英字)

看板 joke
作者 tomsonchiou (TC)
時間 2016-11-15 14:24:39
留言 9則留言 (6推 0噓 3→)

詭異的一組XD 偶爾這種胡搞組合也不錯 But this should be fun! I've yet to catch a ghost type 鬼斯通算是自願跟小智走的,而且打完娜姿就留下了 Got the highest speed stat, drop rhymes lightning fast speed stat是神奇寶貝中的先攻值 Your earthworms can’t beat these magical beasties 達爾文最後一本著作內容在講蚯蚓與土壤的關係 Your shit-talking mouth is the Origin of Feces 物種起源(Origin of Species) Hello there, welcome to a world called Earth 英文版進入遊戲時大木博士說的第一句話"welcome to the World of Pokemon" If you’re looking for the fittest, I’m the natural selection 天擇 You’re so ineffective, you couldn’t even turn eleven 永遠的十歲,另外ineffective為"效果並不顯著" It’s kid stuff, you’re soft like a Jigglypuff Jigglypuff(胖丁) You got no Game, Boy. 最早神奇寶貝登場於Game Boy Look, Mighty Morphin Michael Vick Your animated slave fights make me sick Michael Vick是因鬥狗被判23年徒刑的運動員,達爾文指神奇寶貝對戰就像逼迫奴隸戰鬥 You lost three children while they were still small TB and scarlet fever, gotta catch ‘em all 達爾文的孩子年輕便死於肺結核與猩紅熱 It took billions of years for mankind to evolve Now they’re hunched over cellphones playing with your balls 指人類花了幾百萬年演化,又因為PM GO退化回去 As hard as the wood that Oak gave your mother 大木博士與小智媽媽的梗,你們懂的 -- 11/15 14:25
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1479191083.A.208.html

w9: 還沒看,不過先推! 11/15 15:58

o07608: 這組合比第一季的三小成吉思汗V.S.復活節兔子好多了 11/15 15:59

o07608: 那組根本莫名其妙,沒關連性還只能看兔子被打爆 11/15 16:00

o07608: 根本浪費成吉思汗這角色,好歹也要讓阿提拉來跟他打 11/15 16:00

thegod13: 推 感謝! 11/15 17:27

william5h: 狂 11/15 20:25

ZBeta: 有趣~ 11/15 23:42

Icezone: 還蠻有趣的XD 11/16 02:04

Bestgktw: 給推 11/17 15:31
