Fw: [新聞] 蘋果因為手機降速被法國開罰2500萬歐元

看板 iOS
作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)
時間 2020-02-08 06:40:53
留言 12則留言 (3推 2噓 7→)

作者: kyle5241 (Kyle Korver) 看板: MobileComm 標題: [新聞] 蘋果因為電池降速被法國開罰2500萬歐元 時間: Sat Feb 8 06:38:57 2020 https://9to5mac.com/2020/02/07/france-has-fined-apple/ France has fined Apple $27M for adding battery management features to iPhones France has fined Apple €25M ($27M) for the battery-management features that slowed the performance of older iPhones in order to prevent unexpected shutdowns. 蘋果因為用電池管理為藉口幫iphone降速被法國罰了2500萬歐元 Although Apple may feel hard done by here, it likely accepted the deal in order to stave off the risk of a much higher fine imposed by a court. Had it been found guilty of planned obsolescence, the company could have been fined up to 5% of its sales revenue. 雖然如此,但總比被法院罰好,不然的話可能會被罰5%的營收 心得: 台灣公平會也罰一下吧~ 賺點錢回來 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1581115254.A.0E9.html

kouta: 一支爛華碩機電池爛了 速度也變超卡 02/08 07:32

chinandxian: 扣打又崩潰了 拉其他牌手機救援喔 02/08 07:54

chenming867: 看到拉別人救援,表示沒救了 02/08 10:16

PussySucker: 果粉笑死 02/08 10:39

taohua: 所以現在都改用更新變鈍法啊 02/08 11:02

baibaizo: 當初就是觸發條件設太高才被人抓包 太心急了 02/08 11:56

baibaizo: 後續趁機順勢清了一波庫存電池 化解危機補了口血 蘋果 02/08 12:01

baibaizo: 還是能賺啦 02/08 12:01

neoa01: 太少了吧,不是百億美喔 02/08 12:23

appleonatree: 罰太少 降速真的很雞巴 02/08 16:32

puppy20308: 話說如果蘋果一氣之下退出法國,國民會不會跳腳? 02/08 18:01

bigbowl: 歐洲人不都用華為? 02/08 21:07
