Tom Daley雙人跳水冠軍賽後的一段話

看板 gay
作者 Mancer (溫馨)
時間 2021-07-28 10:21:21
留言 10則留言 (10推 0噓 0→)

Tom Daley奧運奪金之後的記者會,有幾句話很棒: "When I was younger I always felt like the one I was alone and different and didn't fit in. And there was something about me that was always never going to be as good as what society wanted me to be." 年輕的時候,我總是覺得自己是孤獨的、異常的、格格不入的。我身上有某些東西,永遠 不會是社會期待的、好的樣子。 "When I was younger I thought that I was never going to be anything or achieve anything because of who I was and to be an Olympic champion now shows that you can achieve anything," 年輕的時候,我認為我永遠不會成就任何事情,因為我是這樣的人。但現在,成為奧運冠 軍,這證明你可以有所成就。 "I hope that any young LGBT person out there can see that no matter how alone you feel right now, you are not alone and that you can achieve anything and there is a whole lot of your chosen family out here ready to support you," 我希望所有年輕的LGBT都能看到,無論你現在覺得多麼孤獨,你並不孤單。你可以成就所 有事情,有很多你自己選擇的家人(your chosen family)會支持你。 "I feel incredibly proud to say that I am a gay man and also an Olympic champion." 我可以非常自豪地說,我是男同性戀,也是奧運冠軍。
========= 這幾段話真的很有趣 濃縮了同性戀在年輕時代都會經歷的自我貶抑 再開展出年紀大以後 重新找回的內在穩定 聽他短短講一分鐘 腦海中好像閃過了小時候的自己 很有感觸 而且"your chosen family"這個字用得好棒! --
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woojc6430: 很感人!!!chosen family這個概念在國外的圈子滿盛行的 07/28 10:48

lichlord: 我也有同樣的經歷 07/28 11:03

light20735: 現在八九年級的弟弟也有深櫃的問題...就知道台灣其實 07/28 11:11

zhmmg25: 可是台灣不播這段啊 07/28 11:19

idontknowhow: 他跟他先生互動很可愛 07/28 11:29

jecheng: 非常有感 07/28 11:54

imhuahua: 推 講得很好 07/28 12:30

hisayoshi: 推 07/29 00:00

OverRaven: 感謝分享 07/29 15:57

wallacewei: 好棒的一句話,真的很棒! 08/03 21:21
