[心情] Somebody That I Used To Know

看板 gay
作者 nalusiya (失戀戰隊好人連者)
時間 2012-10-11 17:10:36
留言 4則留言 (4推 0噓 0→)

Somebody That I Used To Know 我曾認識的某個人 Now and then I think of when we were together 偶爾想起我們在一起的日子 Like when you can said you felt so happy you could die 彷彿還是你快樂至極的時候 I told myself that you were right for me 我告訴自己 你就是最適合我的人 But felt so lonely in your company 可有你的陪伴 我卻感到孤寂 But that was love and it's an ache I still remember 那就是愛 就是那忘不掉的傷痛 You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness 你會沉迷於某種特別的悲傷 Like resignation to the end 然後聽天由命 Always the end 總是這樣到結束 So when we found that we could not make sense 所以當我們發現我們已經無法溝通 Well you said that we would still be friends 你會說我們還可以當朋友 But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over 而我也會說我樂意結束這段感情 But you didn't have to cut me off 可是 你不必跟我一刀兩斷吧 Make out like it never happened 好像我們之間從沒發生過什麼 And that we were nothing 好像我們一點關係也沒有 And I don't even need your love 就算我真的不需要你的愛 But you treat me like a stranger 你也不用把我當成陌生人 And that feels so rough 那讓人很不好受 No you didn't have to stoop so low 你實在不用把我們的關係搞得那麼low Have your friends collect your records 叫你的朋友來打包你的CD And then change your number 然後你換掉電話號碼 I guess that I don't need that though 儘管我也不再需要了 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 如今你只是我曾認識的某某某 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 如今你只是我曾認識的某某某 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 如今你只是我曾認識的某某某 Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over 有時想想 你真的把我耍得團團轉 But had me believing it was always something that I'd done 還讓我相信 這一切都是我造成的 But I don't wanna live that way 但我不想再那樣過活 Reading into every word you say 解讀你所說的每一句話 you said that you could let it go 你說你已能坦然放手 And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know 而我也不會硬要把你困住 But you didn't have to cut me off 可是 你不必跟我一刀兩斷吧 Make out like it never happened 好像我們之間從沒發生過什麼 And that we were nothing 好像我們一點關係也沒有 And I don't even need your love 就算我真的不需要你的愛 But you treat me like a stranger 你也不用把我當成陌生人 And that feels so rough 那讓人很不好受 No you didn't have to stoop so low 你實在不用把我們的關係搞得那麼low Have your friends collect your records 叫你的朋友來打包你的CD And then change your number 然後你換掉電話號碼 I guess that I don't need that though 儘管我也不再需要了 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 如今你只是我曾認識的某某某 (somebody) I used to know (某某某)我曾認識的 (somebody) Somebody I used to know (某某某)我曾認識過的某某某 (somebody) I used to know (某某某)我曾認識的 (somebody) Now you're just somebody that I used to know (某某某)如今你只是我曾認識的某某某 I used to know 我曾認識的 That I used to know 那個我曾認識的 I used to know 我曾認識的 Somebody 某某某 http://susanwu0518.nidbox.com/diary/read/7295549 網誌有原曲 因為歌詞很像我跟我前B的情形 (我想大部分真心換絕情的情侶都是.....) 所以就想分享 順便分享 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO3jYSm1kRI&feature=related 阿卡貝拉版本
《阿卡貝拉》指的是純人聲演唱 不用樂器 所以裡面的分隔 就是這個男生用自己的嘴巴模仿樂器 然後幫自己合音^^" 最近上演的電影《歌喉讚》 就是在描寫阿卡貝拉 有興趣的人可以去看看 心情不好的人也可以去看看 放鬆心情 (裡面的笑料還不錯^^") -- 一起睡吧 讓我們有如立於伊香保的八尺堰塞上的彩虹一般受人矚目 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/gay/M.1349946639.A.6F7.html

Daniel2468:可以把歌名交給Google小姐翻譯... 10/11 17:17

MoonKiWi:Google小姐:有人說我用了就知道 (咦!? 10/11 20:42

malanna:GLEE 的兄弟禁斷版 比較好聽~ 10/11 21:23

miato:我也喜歡GLEE的版本XD 10/11 21:35
