[新聞] 特斯拉將Model Y里程下修20英里

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作者 simlin (simlin)
時間 2024-01-07 17:04:35
留言 39則留言 (21推 1噓 17→)

原文連結: https://ppt.cc/f0Cc9x 原文內容: Tesla lowers Model Y range estimates by around 20 miles There has been plenty of scrutiny suggesting the company exaggerates metrics. Tesla has lowered range estimates for two Model Y vehicles, the Model Y Long Range and the Model Y Performance, by six percent. This brings the range of the Model Y Long Range down to 310 miles from 330 miles and the Model Y Performance to 285 miles from 303 miles. The recently-launched and budget-friendly Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive was not affected and retains its 260-mile range rating, according to reporting by Electrek.There’s no official reason why Tesla lowered the range estimates, but it’s long been something of an open secret in the industry that the company tends to exaggerate these metrics. As a matter of fact, South Korea issued a hefty fine to the company for just that reason. There have also been accusations that Tesla keeps a “diversion team” on staff to cancel or minimize range-related service complaints. In other words, the company likely made this move so its range estimates more accurately reflect reality and not some pie-in-the-sky thinking. It’s not that the old estimates were flat-out lies. The range calculations just assumed perfect weather conditions with a perfect driver operating the vehicle with maximum efficiency. In the real world, that’s very rarely the case. The EPA conducts many of these tests and acknowledges that the pristine driving conditions will very rarely match up to real-life variables. To that end, the agency gives manufacturers some leeway with raising or lowering range estimates after conducting their own tests. Many manufacturers choose to voluntarily lower the range estimate to better match driver expectations. It looks like Tesla went in the other direction. Even Tesla’s algorithms acknowledge these inaccuracies. If you fully charge a Model Y and set a destination that’s 260 miles away, the navigation algorithm will automatically route you through a Supercharger, as indicated by Electrek. If the range was truly, say, 330 miles, it wouldn’t have to do that. For now, these changes only apply to the Long Range and Performance Model Y releases. We don’t know if Tesla’s other vehicles will get revised range estimates. The company doesn’t have a PR/communications department, in typical Elon Musk fashion, so there’s not really anyone to reach out to for more information. 心得/說明:(30字以上) 只有LR跟Performance的有調整,最新版的不變 調整應該是讓他的數字更符合多數實際使用體驗? 電耗其實受到使用情境影響非常多 但美國的媒體對特斯拉(馬斯克)也不怎麼友善就是了 --- 推文應該會說特斯拉沒這個問題XD --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1704618277.A.A55.html

SALEENS7LM : 澱粉特教徒即將抵達戰場悲憤崩潰 01/07 17:24

tp6ej04up6 : LR車主又再一次被割韭菜了嘛 01/07 17:26

leutk : 特黑開始為車主焦慮20miles了 01/07 17:44

orzkng2007 : 要車主減肥啦 01/07 17:46

s609747 : 一有特斯拉就會看到一樓那種崩潰的帳號出現 不知是 01/07 17:47

s609747 : 業務機油業者還是加油站打工的 01/07 17:47

ShaNe1993 : 如果可以彙整大數據,直接取所有車主平均然後定期 01/07 18:10

ShaNe1993 : 更新一定很屌,至少這車廠很老實 01/07 18:11

tabrisPTT : 那要降價嗎? 01/07 18:21

kira925 : 那數據沒有太多意義 環境變數太多 01/07 18:21

MAN5566 : 連韭菜唯一的安慰都再收割一次,太狠了 01/07 18:33

MKIU : 校正回歸 01/07 18:36

hanchueh : 沒差啊 反正導航的比較準 01/07 18:38

hanchueh : 表顯的我都直接顯示%數 沒在顯示里程 01/07 18:39

DYE : 特斯拉沒這問題是不是油黑替車主擔心了? 01/07 18:39

hanchueh : 這本來就不是問題 01/07 18:43

M9665566 : 厲害…,OTA 降級 01/07 18:52

noreg0103794: 那是因為EPA標準改了 電池容量沒有變 01/07 18:57

SuGK : 更新了 好好喔 01/07 19:01

hanchueh : 就換個標準顯示而已 實際的續航電量又沒改變 01/07 19:02

thigefe : 電池壽命靠軟體微控了,車廠要你換電池就乖乖換吧 01/07 19:18

JEON : OTA讚啦 01/07 19:41

seemoon2000 : 主要還是看電池容量吧 這東西改了又不會改變甚麼 01/07 19:42

hanchueh : 特斯拉導航輸入目的地之後會顯示另一個更準的電量 01/07 19:52

hanchueh : 這個只是顯示%數照EPA換算而已 01/07 19:52

cfk301 : 嗯......想說點什麼,最後還是算了~ 01/07 20:22

mtc5566 : 原本就已經夠里程焦慮了 這下特粉要用拳頭搶超充位 01/07 20:57

mtc5566 : 了嗎? 01/07 20:57

eryaniso : 慘了,好焦慮啊!要把家充拆掉去排超充了嗎? 01/07 21:22

dslite : EPA測試方法更新 所有電動車應該都會變少 01/07 21:55

vSphere : 強制開啟誠實豆沙包 01/07 21:58

lavign : 沒品保不承認障礙 01/07 22:13

LimYoHwan : https://i.imgur.com/RmVhe2T.jpg 01/07 22:22

Killercat : 是因為EPA測試方法變了 所以再測結果會不同 01/07 22:43

a9564208 : 校正回歸 01/07 22:44

Killercat : Tesla機內里程數一直都是拿EPA來做標準的 01/07 22:45

mb070 : 乾,灌水太多被抓包了吧 01/07 23:10

finals : 我自己開P版 我覺得很準....可能我不常大腳 01/07 23:24

OtterMan : 就EPA的測試標準改了,是有什麼好大驚小怪 01/08 08:34
