[分享]福斯確認Golf MK8將有旅行車型

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作者 kh37fg (skypia)
時間 2019-09-27 15:49:11
留言 15則留言 (10推 0噓 5→)

外電,來自motor1.com的消息 By Anthony Karr https://i.imgur.com/Rze434F.jpg
We knew it! The Volkswagen Golf SportWagen and Golf Allatrack may be gone for the 2020 model year in the United States, but that won’t be the case for the European market. The new eight generation Golf, which will debut next month, will receive a long roof version sometime in the very near feature, Volkswagen has just confirmed. A report from exactly a year ago indicated Volkswagen could discontinue the Golf Wagon when the MK8 generation arrives. Back then, we were pretty skeptical that this was correct information and now it turns out we were not wrong. The Golf Wagon will live on. In an otherwise boring press release (attached at the end of this page) speaking about a meeting between the employees of VW’s Wolfsburg plant and company's executives, VW briefly mentions “the entire production of the Golf Variant will be relocated to the main plant here in Wolfsburg.” The current Golf Variant is produced in Zwickau, Germany. For us wagon lovers, that’s definitely good news. Golf customers in Europe will basically be able to buy a brand new Golf Wagon next year when we expect to see the more practical variant of the Golf MK8. In North America, however, it will be a different story, at least for the 2020 model year. In the United States, the new Golf will arrive only in GTI and R flavors, which won’t debut for at least a year or so from now. In Canada, you’ll be able to buy a new Golf Wagon but it won’t be the MK8. Instead, the local subsidiary of the German manufacturer will shift 2019 models and there’s no decision on the 2020 wagons yet. 心得: 1. 福斯確認了將會有”長屋頂”版本的Golf (阿不就旅行車) 2. MK8旅行車將在德國狼堡生產 3. 現行的MK7.5 旅行車則在德國茲威考生產 4. 歐洲人2020年就能跟Golf MK8 Wagon見面了 5. 北美2020年只會有GTI & R 6. 加拿大人有旅行車可以買,但是是MK7.5的 台灣的話,2020年大概也是MK7.5再戰一年吧(I guess) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1569570557.A.600.html

WTF555666 : 反正也不關台灣的事 09/27 15:58

solidmiss : 7.5還要撐這麼久ㄛ 09/27 16:06

yahoo56789 : 等八代等到天荒地老 09/27 16:07

kh37fg : 2020, Mk8應該還是歐洲優先 09/27 16:18

atbhao05 : 可以啊 台灣不是都有進旅行車版本? 09/27 16:19

aimlin : golf實在太短 09/27 16:29

aimlin : 應該要出房車版 09/27 16:30

johnnytsai : 應該是沒關係啦,反正大家都只是嘴DSG很爛 09/27 16:34

kh37fg : 之前一些MK8取消旅行車的傳言,算是終結了 09/27 16:34

sky419012 : 不是吧 應該是說台灣MK8 Wagon後年才會進台灣 09/27 17:15

supereva : 房車版就是jetta 09/27 17:17

windowdoor : 不就是golf variant? 09/27 17:21

car88929 : 舒服 今年剛牽7.5 再戰一年 09/27 18:48

drexlerking : ID3先引進比較重要 09/27 22:15

GLUESTICK : Passat varient 09/27 22:51
