[情報] 澳洲 corolla hactchback 變速箱召回

看板 car
作者 z85917131 (z85917131)
時間 2018-12-20 19:43:59
留言 60則留言 (32推 1噓 27→)

https://www.toyota.com.au/news/toyota-australia-recalls-corolla-vehicles-to-re place-cvt-assembly TOYOTA AUSTRALIA RECALLS COROLLA VEHICLES TO REPLACE CVT ASSEMBLY Toyota Australia has today announced that it will initiate a safety recall on 2,640 Toyota Corolla 2.0L petrol engine vehicles (Model No. MZEA12R) produced from August 2018 – October 2018. Approximately 1,100 of these vehicles are cu rrently with Toyota Australia and will be rectified prior to being delivered t o guests. This recall is due to a problem with the torque converter in the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) assembly. There is a possibility that due to a manufacturing error, the blades of the pu mp impeller in the torque converter may detach, causing damage to the torque c onverter and potential loss of motive power. Loss of motive power while driving could increase the risk of crash. Replacement parts are presently being arranged with anticipated availability i n Australia in the first half of 2019. Toyota dealers will remove and replace the CVT and torque converter on all aff ected vehicles, which will take approximately 10 hours to complete. This will be carried out free of charge. There have been no incidents or injuries in Australia as a result of this cond ition. For further information, please contact the Toyota recall campaign helpline in 1800 987 366. Q1. What Toyota models are involved? A1. Certain all-new Toyota 2.0L Petrol Engine Corolla hatchback vehicles equip ped with the new Direct Shift-CVT are involved. Q2. How many vehicles are involved? A2. Approximately 2,640 Toyota vehicles are involved in Australia. See the tab le below. Model Name Model Code WMI VDS CD VIN Range Produc ti From To From To Corolla MZEA12 JTN K43BE # 03013727 03023629 8 Augu st Q3. What was the production period of the involved vehicles? A3. The involved vehicles were produced between August 2018 and October 2018. Q4. Are Corolla hatchback hybrid models involved in this recall? A4. No, Corolla hatchback hybrid models use a different transaxle and are not affected. Q5. What is the condition? A5: The vehicles involved are equipped with a Continuously Variable Transmissi on (CVT) assembly that uses a pump impeller and transmission oil in the torque converter to transfer engine power from the engine to the transmission. There is a possibility that, due to an error in the manufacturing process at the fa cility where the torque converters were assembled, some of the blades of the p ump impeller in the torque converter may have been inadequately assembled to t he pump impeller. If the vehicle is frequently operated in higher load conditi ons, such as under rapid acceleration from a low speed, the blades could detac h from the pump impeller, leading to damage to the torque converter and potent ially a loss of motive power. Loss of motive power while driving could increas e the risk of crash. SQ. Is a torque converter a unique part to the Direct Shift-CVT? A: Torque converters in general are used for automatic transmissions (AT) and other CVTs, however, the affected torque converter in this recall is used in t he Direct Shift-CVT only. Q6. Are there any symptoms/warnings before the condition appears in a vehicle? A6. No. However, if this condition occurs, guests may experience noises from t he transmission. Q7. What does the remedy involve? A7. For all involved vehicles, Toyota Dealers will replace the CVT and torque converter at no cost. Q8. What is Toyota going to do? A8. Toyota Dealers will personally notify owners of affected Toyota vehicles t o outline the recall. Expected commencement timing is the first half of 2019. Toyota Dealers will perform required rectification FREE OF CHARGE to the vehic le owner. Q9. How long will the repair take? A9. Once parts are available, the repair will take approximately 10 hours. How ever, depending upon the Dealer's work schedule, it may be necessary to make y our vehicle available for a longer period. Q10. Does this condition affect other Toyota models? A10. No other Toyota models in the Australian market and involved in this camp aign. Q11. Globally this recall affects C-HR models, is the C-HR affected in Austral ia? A11. The C-HR vehicles in Australia are not involved since they are not equipp ed with the Direct Shift-CVT and therefore do not use the affected torque conv erter. Q12. What if an owner has additional questions or concerns? A12. Owners with additional questions or concerns are asked to please contact their local Toyota Dealer in the first instance or the Toyota recall campaign helpline on 1800 987 366. Please quote your 17-digit Vehicle Identification Nu mber (VIN). Q13. Where can I find my VIN? A13. For information on how to find the VIN position specific to your vehicle, please search "vehicle identification number" in the alphabetical index at th e rear of your Owner's Manual. —————————————— 英文有點障礙!英文比較好的鄉民在幫忙指錯謝謝!看完好像是在說那個什麼扭力轉換器 什麼的變換器好像會故障導致脫離!召回內容應該是更換扭力轉換器跟變速箱總成!更換 維修時間10小時! VIN code 後八碼是 03013727-03023629 是中獎名單 說好的顧好皮帶豐田帶你環遊世界呢QQ! 才剛脫離噴水柴馬!現在換一個變種cvt QQ 只能坐等台灣召回了... -- 英文不太好!翔大在幫忙稍微翻譯一下 我覺得心很累 車友的遭遇是紅燈起步踩下油門直接熄火... 我都慢慢踩!不知道能不能活久一點.... 群組裡面有車身號碼名單了!我中獎了....!我都已經松田跳豐田了看來下一台車只剩本 田 了 怕 希望如此 追根究底都是台本不進喜美害的哼哼 我買到誰誰歲的概念嗎哈哈哈 國產altis應該也會搭這顆變速箱吧 換完來去淨車一下 新底盤也能裝舊引擎變速箱喔? 對耶
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1545306244.A.F6A.html

raysun011081: 哇…那ux不是也……12/20 19:47

qq441122: 英文看不懂x.x12/20 19:48

dai26: 哎呀呀~這對偏好日本車車主情何以堪~12/20 19:52

jaguarccu: 水哥,叫你了12/20 19:53

black209014: 一檔掛齒輪GG了12/20 19:53

dcoog7880: 這跟上次爆變速箱有關嗎?12/20 19:56

kysf: 繼續吹CVT多好多成熟 耐用30萬公里12/20 19:56

youwilldie: QQ 等召回了12/20 19:57

kysf: aisin製造的變速箱不會有問題,有問題也是使用者的問題12/20 19:57

hondasho: 有問題的是扭力轉換器吧?沒寫是一檔齒輪啊12/20 19:58

dai26: 這個跟台灣爆CVT的AURIS應該很有關係吧~不過跟澳洲的CH-R無12/20 19:59

dai26: 關~台灣的不知道12/20 19:59

hondasho: Torque converter就扭力轉換器或是稱液力變矩器12/20 20:05

nctudaniel: 買了台空間有夠小的車 然後變速箱又有問題... 真的是12/20 20:06

nctudaniel: 買了變盤子12/20 20:06

hondasho: 有製造瑕疵之類的,如果很頻繁的處於高負載,就很容易GG12/20 20:06

hondasho: 例如低速狀況下,急加速的話~12/20 20:07

kysf: 別忘了這一台是非常Sporty的車呢12/20 20:08

hondasho: 目前中標的Torque converter只有Direct Shift-CVT12/20 20:09

OrzOGC: 哈哈爛車12/20 20:11

hondasho: 組裝瑕疵的關係,在高負載狀態下,扭力轉換器的幫浦葉12/20 20:15

hondasho: 輪的葉片有可能會分離,變速箱就GG了 12/20 20:15

aowen: auris真的悲劇… 12/20 20:16

knml: 爛成這樣還敢跟出好幾年的就馬三比?真的是笑死人了XDD 12/20 20:17

suggestjoy: 所以某個版友的arius就是這個狀況掛變速箱? 12/20 20:18

suggestjoy: auris 12/20 20:18

tony24334: 不是福特?沒42 不會被酸 12/20 20:28

brainpowered: 上面一篇有開課程了 12/20 20:30

catvsdog: 這叫Auris上市前說妥善率肯定碾壓馴跟佛的河粉情何以堪X12/20 20:30

catvsdog: DD12/20 20:30

catvsdog: 封缸呢? 躲很久惹該出來透氣惹 12/20 20:31

ShibaTatsuya: 和泰什麼時候也要跟進召回?12/20 20:33

urcute: 新一代的CVT終於超越DCT了12/20 20:34

kysf: 這麼Sporty的車當然要配一個比DSG還要Sporty的變速箱 12/20 20:36

jason0330: 扭力轉換器有問題可能導致行駛中失去動力 12/20 20:52

jason0330: 我看很有可能是同一件事情喔 12/20 21:00

hondasho: 紅燈起步如果常常接近全油門下去,很符合新聞稿描述XD 12/20 21:00

hondasho: 還沒宣布在不在名單內前,還是先用Toyota風格的開法好了12/20 21:06

hondasho: ~ 幫QQ12/20 21:06

cfk301: 你就踩給他爆就好了啊!反正阿豐又不是阿福跟阿馬...要你 12/20 21:08

cfk301: 到消保官那邊才處理。 12/20 21:09

kofplay: 大班開課QQ 12/20 21:09

cfk301: 組裝瑕疵至少不是設計問題...這個好解決啦!如果是設計問 12/20 21:10

cfk301: 題你真的要跳本田了 12/20 21:10

hondasho: 祝你否極泰來XD 12/20 21:10

kysf: 點歌摟: 你說你 想要逃 偏偏注定要落腳 12/20 21:11

hondasho: 但會不會你換本田,變本田…(大誤XDD 12/20 21:11

hondasho: 沒錯!都是Civic不來的錯XDD12/20 21:13

cfk301: 那明年的RAV4是不是也.....12/20 21:14

hondasho: 這應該算製造或組裝瑕疵,所以順利的話,換一批正常的 12/20 21:18

hondasho: 應該會沒事~12/20 21:18

kysf: 國慘TNGA ALTIS沒意外應該是1.8NA+現有CVT 12/20 21:40

kysf: 比照美國 只有新引擎才會配新變速箱12/20 21:41

cfk301: 國產神A搭這顆?和泰有那麼佛心嗎?12/20 21:41

cfk301: 我不相信!我覺得RAV4第一批也是搭舊的 12/20 21:42

kysf: 現在進口的Camry汽油不就是舊引擎舊變速箱.... 12/20 22:21

GyroZep: 傳說中的偷油它黑科技 12/21 03:11

liero113: 哈哈召回哈哈 十一代繼續爽開 12/21 06:52

suitup: 可憐喔 自排又出事 12/21 09:59

waroma: 主動招修給推 比較怕遇到有問題不處理的 12/21 11:30
