[新聞] 新的大腦監測研究:電動車減輕駕駛壓力

看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
時間 2018-05-16 00:26:11
留言 22則留言 (12推 0噓 10→)

原文連結: https://goo.gl/i2Y9Tv 原文內容: Electric vehicles already have several advantages over gas-powered cars. From no fuel cost to zero tailpipe emission, but now a new study might confirm another often overlooked advantage of EVs. 與燃油車相比,電動汽車已經有幾個優勢。從燃料成本到零排氣管排放,但現在 一項新的研究可能證實電動汽車的另一個經常被忽視的優勢。 The quieter driving environment of an electrically driven vehicle can have significant mental health benefits, according to a new brain monitoring study. 據一項新的大腦監測研究,電動車的安靜駕駛環境可以帶來顯著的心理健康好處。 The study was led by acoustics expert Dr. Duncan Williams of the University of York and ordered by LEVC (London EV Company), which makes the electric black cabs operating in London. 該研究由 York 大學的聲學專家 Dr. Duncan Williams 領導,是由LEVC(倫敦EV公司) 發起,該公司在倫敦經營電動計程車。 What they did is place an electroencephalogram, often referred to as a ‘ brain cap’, on the head of four professional cabbies who all operate in central London and monitor their brain activity as they drove both the electric and diesel black cabs. 他們所做的是在四名職業駕駛的頭上放置腦電圖,通常稱為“腦蓋”,他們都在 倫敦市中心工作,並在駕駛電動和柴油計程車時監控他們的大腦活動。 They claim that the results indicate that drivers are more focused, calmer, and happier when driving the electric version of the taxi: 他們聲稱,研究結果表示駕駛電動版的出租車時司機更專注,更平靜,更快樂: More focused than when driving the diesel vehicle * Higher levels of beta brain wave activity were recorded by drivers in the electric vehicle, which indicates higher levels of active concentration. In short, while driving the electric taxi, drivers were freed up get on with driving * This was particularly noticeable when vehicles are waiting at traffic lights – a common situation for the London cabbie 比駕駛柴油車時更專注 *駕駛在電動車中時記錄到更高水平的β腦電波活動,這表明活動濃度水平更高。 簡而言之,在駕駛電動計程車時,司機覺得更放鬆了 (這句亂翻,想不到怎麼翻好) *當在等紅燈時這一點尤為明顯 - 這是倫敦計程車司機常見的情況 Calmer than when driving the diesel vehicle * Heart rate was consistently less variable in the electric taxi than the diesel taxi, indicating greater mental calmness * The electric taxi was a less noisy working environment for the drivers with around 5dB less overall amplitude, and an increased dynamic range in comparison to recordings from the diesel taxi. 比駕駛柴油車時更平靜 *駕駛電動計程車時的心跳率一直較柴油計程車少,表示心理安寧程度更高 *與柴油計程車相比,電動計程車的工作環境噪音整體上低了 5dB,震動也較少 Happier than when driving the diesel vehicle * Additional driver survey data showed that the largest improvement over the diesel taxi reported by the drivers was increased happiness * This was followed by reduced stress and less distraction in the electric taxi 比駕駛柴油車時更快樂 *額外的司機調查數據顯示,最大的改善是幸福感增加 *減輕了壓力並減少了分心 Dr. Williams also commented on the findings of the study: Dr. Williams 還評論了這項研究的結果: This study proved hugely interesting. The drivers all reported being calmer, less stressed and happier in the electric taxi than in the old diesel model. Traditionally those feelings would correlate with more Alpha brain waves, which are a good indicator of relaxation. But when we looked at the data, the drivers’ showed more Beta brain waves, an indicator of mental activity and attention. 這項研究證明非常有趣。司機們都表示,在電動計程車中比在舊的柴油車型中更平靜, 減壓和更快樂。傳統上,這些感覺會與更多的 Alpha 腦波相關聯,這是一個放鬆的好指 標。 但是當我們查看數據時,看到了司機們有更多的 Beta 腦波,這是心理活動和注意力 的指標。 What does this mean? Well, the study suggests that the quieter driving environment allowed cabbies to be in a more concentrated state of mind. In other words, by removing the noisy diesel engine rumble, they are perhaps freed up to get on with driving in a more focused, but calm way. It’s a fascinating result and, given the movement towards electric commercial vehicles, shows there are even more benefits of going electric than we might have previously thought. 這是什麼意思?這項研究表明,更安靜的駕駛環境讓駕駛處於更加集中的心理狀態。 換句話說,通過消除吵鬧的柴油發動機的隆隆聲,他們或許能夠以更有針對性但冷靜 的方式開始駕駛。這是一個非常吸引人的結果,鑑於電動商用車的發展,電動汽車帶來 的好處甚至超過了我們以前的想像。 They say that all the drivers already had driven many miles in the electric TX taxi and were familiar with its controls and driving behavior. 心得/說明: 很多人握上方向盤就會變了一個人,這或許也是跟壓力有關 不僅僅是車子噪音帶來的壓力,更多的應該是其他車子帶來的壓力(例如三寶) 但要是能減輕車子震動與噪音所帶來的壓力,對駕駛來說那應該也是非常有幫助 -- 我覺得這是多慮了 電動車少掉的是引擎噪音跟震動 但是外界噪音、風噪、胎噪還是會有 少了引擎噪音可以讓人更專注在外界噪音以及周遭動靜上
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1526401573.A.6B4.html

tangolosss: 路怒症 05/16 00:51

Wkkj: 太安靜我反而心裡會覺得很不安,還是拉轉聲聽起來比較爽 05/16 00:51

ImpactBlue: 我需要和引擎溝通啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! 05/16 01:03

NKAC: 如果可以加喇叭選擇要什麼引擎聲浪一定很爽,除了沒有抖動外 05/16 01:07

DYE: i8有 用喇叭裝在金屬排氣管里模擬排氣的聲音 05/16 01:40

chane10825: 因人而異 變因太多 唯一的事實就是馬達比較安靜 05/16 02:24

yur: 我可不可以說ACC造成腦部退化、反應遲鈍...... 05/16 03:17

dslite: 會睡著的意思? 05/16 04:00

bla: 我gogoro車主,這幾天出去玩租油機車騎得很煩躁倒是真的... 05/16 07:07

purplebfly: 為了推電動車,什麼理由都可以提出來啊,真了不起 05/16 07:09

ajan007: 我騎GOGORO出門的時候有種自我優越感 蠻爽的 05/16 07:26

jpbptjp: 我是CT200h+gogoro2車主,噪音震動確實比油車少多了 05/16 08:24

mmppeegg: 就是比較安靜啊,隔音好效果更佳 05/16 08:38

bt9527: 沒有熱血聲音,讓你狂不起來,安靜祥和,peace~ 05/16 09:45

KGSox: CT200h隔音爛到有剩 高速公路定速吵死了有夠煩 05/16 10:11

KGSox: 還有B柱異音在你耳旁嗡嗡嗡跟跳蛋一樣 越開越暴躁 05/16 10:12

a9564208: 少了抖動就像少了什麼的車主表示: 05/16 10:31

capricostar: 這是叫我們開車戴耳塞的意思 05/16 13:55

pttpolar: 研究規研究 現實歸現實 太安靜反而會降低專注力 05/16 16:08

pttpolar: 沒有任何危機意識 05/16 16:08

SakuraHana: 果然是英國研究XDDDD 05/16 22:43

SakuraHana: 電動馬達聲音超刺耳,可以問搭捷運的壓力大不大 05/16 22:45
