[情報] Mercedes暗示ProjectOne會公佈紐柏林成績

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作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
時間 2018-04-17 19:37:00
留言 11則留言 (7推 1噓 3→)

來源: https://insideevs.com/mercedes-project-one-nurburgring-record/ And it’s called Project One. While some automakers have a soft spot for trying to claim lap records around the challenging Nürburgring track in Germany, Mercedes-AMG through the voice of its boss, Tobias Moers, sees things differently. In an interview with Road and Track, the man in charge in Affalterbach admitted he does not like to talk about lap times achieved with a car customers can purchase, adding: 儘管一些車廠在很有挑戰性的德國紐博格林賽道試圖創記錄時表現出色, 但 M-AMG 通過其老闆 Tobias Moers 的談話表示了不同的看法。在接受採訪時, Affalterbach 負責人承認,他不喜歡談論用客戶購買的汽車實現的單圈時間,並補充道: “And this makes a difference because if a car is able to run fast on the Nü rburgring with Christian Gebhardt or someone else, then the car is easy to drive.” "這是有所差別的,因為如果一輛賽車在紐柏林賽道可以被 Christian Gebhardt 或其他人 開的很快,那麼這輛賽車很容易駕駛。" If you haven’t heard of Christian Gebhardt, he’s a journalist at German magazine Sport Auto and he drove the Mercedes-AMG GT R at the ‘Ring towards the end of 2016 to complete a lap in a blazing fast 7 minutes and 10.92 seconds. 如果您還沒有聽說過 Christian Gebhardt,他是德國雜誌 Sport Auto的記者, 他在2016年底駕駛 M-AMG GT R 在環形賽中以7分10.92秒的成績快速完成一圈。 Moers went on to mention it’s just not worth all this effort as he prefers to have a performance car that can be fast on a multitude of tracks, not just at the Nürburgring. Interestingly, AMG’s boss revealed Gebhardt’s performance has since been improved by a pro racer, but he refused to reveal his name and the lap time. Why? Because it’s more relevant for a potential GT R customer to know a lap time achieved by a nonprofessional. Moers 接著提到這種(刷紐柏林單圈時間的)努力不太值得,因為他更喜歡擁有一輛 可以在許多不同的賽道快速行駛的性能車,而不僅僅是在紐伯格林賽道。 有趣的是,AMG 的老闆透露 Gebhardt 的表現已經由一名職業車手改進, 但他拒絕透露他的名字和單圈時間。 為什麼? 因為對於一個潛在的 GT R 買家來說,知道非專業人員所達到的單圈時間更重要。 That being said, Moers hinted he would be willing to make an exception regarding making lap times public: “Maybe Project One will be a different story.” It’s perfectly understandable if you take into account that in a previous statement made early this month in Geneva, Moers suggested the F1-engined hypercar could actually claim the outright record around the ‘ Ring. 儘管如此,Moers 暗示他會願意公開圈速時間的例外情況: “也許 Project One 會是一個不同的故事。” It’s about time considering the current record of 6 minutes and 11.13 seconds dates back to 1983 when Stefan Bellof got behind the wheel of a Porsche 956 race car. As the saying goes, records are meant to be broken. 也差不多是時候來看看目前的紀錄,6分11.13秒,可追溯到1983年, 當時是由 Stefan Bellof 駕駛 Porsche 956。 俗話說,記錄是用來被打破的。 ============================================================================== 看樣子 Project One 這輛怪獸是很有可能會由官方去公佈它創下的紐柏林成績 要突破 Porsche 956的紀錄可能有點不切實際 考慮到安全性的問題,現代的車跟車手很難接近這個紀錄 而現在量產車的最快紀錄是6分47.25秒 - Porsche 911 GT2 RS (991.2) 非量產/非可上路車輛的紀錄是6分43.22秒 - McLaren P1 XP1 LM Prototype 就看 Project One 能把這兩個紀錄刷掉幾秒了~ --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1523965025.A.8FD.html

Punchline: Merc GT R = the real GTR 04/17 19:43

YJM1106: 法拉利:我們贊同他的說法,不要這麼熱衷刷單圈時間 04/17 19:49

ALegmontnick: Benz:我們早就知道盤子喜歡自以為很快 04/17 20:04

ALegmontnick: 而且除了jizz外,盤子都姍姍來遲 04/17 20:07

ganlinlowmo: 屌打糞MVV 04/17 20:11

g60710: 菜鳥想問 古到今為什麼可以差到30秒? 賽道改變很大嗎? 04/17 20:16

umikamo: 氣動力學的限制 04/17 20:21

WrathWizard: 956是地面效應神車加上956大概只有那些超跑一半重... 04/17 23:07

WrathWizard: 6:11大概要看今年稍晚 919 evo 要不要衝了 @@ 04/17 23:08

cfk301: F1都拿冠軍了~跑這個有什麼意義啊...... 04/18 10:28

JEON: 當然有意義阿 F1一般人又買不到也不能上路 04/18 14:41
