[新聞] 德國法院准許市級政府實施柴油車禁令

看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
時間 2018-02-28 15:02:52
留言 19則留言 (11推 0噓 8→)

原文連結: https://goo.gl/MQofgp 原文內容: German cities are now allowed to enforce driving bans on diesel cars Germany has been quite slow to adopt electric vehicles. It’s partly due to domestic automakers just now starting to launch a new generation of EVs and also due to the country being entrenched in diesel for years. 德國電動車進展緩慢,有部分原因是因為其國內汽車製造商才剛要推出新一代 的電動車,並且多年來柴油車一直在德國佔有一席之地。 But now that the Dieselgate scandal has shaken up the industry and brought to light the air pollution problems that come with the fuel, new more drastic solutions could start to be implemented: bans. 但現在柴油門醜聞已經動搖了這行業,並且揭露了該燃料所帶來的空汙問題, 這使得可能會開始實施更多更激進的新解決方案:禁令。 Several major cities around the world have been imposing occasional day-long bans on gas and diesel-powered cars when the level of smog becomes dangerous and other more permanent access restrictions to older more polluting vehicles. 當空汙等級變成危險時,世界上的一些主要城市偶爾會對燃油車實施全天禁令, 並對較老舊汙染嚴重的燃油車實施更長入城禁令。 In Germany, the problem is mainly with nitrogen dioxide due to the high concentration of diesel cars. 在德國,主要問題是柴油車的高二氧化氮濃度。 The situation is apparently particularly alarming in Stuttgart and Dusseldorf, but the federal government, backed by the local auto industry, has been against imposing any ban on those vehicles. 斯圖加特和杜塞爾多夫的情況顯然特別令人擔憂,但受當地汽車業支持的 聯邦政府一直反對對這些車輛實施任何禁令。 Now the environmental and consumer watchdog Environmental Action Germany (DUH) has taken both cities to court in order to force them to act and protect public health. 現在,環境和消費者監督機構德國環境行動(DUH)在這兩個城市都告上法院, 以迫使他們採取行動並保護公共健康。 Today, we learned that Germany’s top administrative court has ruled that it is legal for cities to ban diesel cars. A local paper reported: 今天,我們了解到德國最高行政法院已經裁定,市政府禁止柴油汽車是合法的。 一份地方報紙寫道: “The court in Stuttgart said driving bans were the “most effective” means to improve air quality and safeguard health in urban areas, while the Dü sseldorf court found the bans had to be “seriously examined.” "斯圖加特法院說,駕駛禁令是改善空氣品質和保障城市健康的“最有效”手段, 而杜塞爾多夫法院認為禁令必須經過“嚴格審查”。" Due to the ruling, bans could be in place as soon as September 2018. 由於該判決,禁令可能會在2018年9月盡快到位。 在柴油車的大本營德國有些城市也將實施柴油車禁令了 Porsche更是直接宣布不生產柴油車 有些改變來的比想像的更快 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1519801375.A.DAD.html

KGSox: 台灣快跟上! 02/28 15:09

fit: 台灣有可能嗎?! 02/28 15:21

Sparxxx: 買柴油車的要哭哭了... 02/28 15:23

cca1109: 臭臭臭 02/28 15:25

DiegoYoh: 台灣快點呀 柴油魔人真噁心 只會嘴動力爽用 02/28 15:27

tikal0904: 油電車要在德國重返農藥了嗎? 02/28 15:29

jamesyu545: 柴油車真很臭。 ╥﹏╥ 02/28 16:02

Brooklyn99: 明明就是符合最新一期規定的柴油車可以進去 02/28 16:11

kada9999: 歐洲柴引低價銷台,接好接滿 02/28 16:12

Brooklyn99: 柴油車在德國還是主流好嗎 02/28 16:12

lahugh: 先進國家 02/28 16:13

syterol: 柴油滾 02/28 16:45

mmppeegg: ◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣ 02/28 17:09

guardian93: 我們需要更新的軟體工程設計師 02/28 17:19

seclusive: 柴油車很臭+1 02/28 17:45

thigefe: 柴粉表示回不去了 02/28 22:04

seopen: 台灣移動污染源機車先禁了再說二行程淘汰禁止上路 03/01 07:54

thigefe: 法律中無不法之平等權 03/01 08:07

thigefe: 17樓說法就如小孩找班導吵:他也不乖 03/01 08:08
