[新聞] 盧森堡購買兩輛Tesla Model S做為巡邏車

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作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
時間 2017-08-18 10:49:25
留言 17則留言 (13推 3噓 1→)

盧森堡大公國警方證實,他們買了兩輛Tesla Model S做為巡邏車 電動車對於長82公里、寬57公里的盧森堡來說很適合做為巡邏車使用 不過這不是第一次電動車被拿來做為警車 去年洛杉磯警方也租賃了288輛新能源車,其中160輛是純電動車,另外的128輛是PHEV BMW i3佔了100輛,不過因為性能關係只做為社區展示用途與員警交通使用 http://i.imgur.com/zZqJSr8.jpg
另外還有兩輛Model S P85D http://i.imgur.com/vTUWShu.jpg
另外蘇格蘭警場也正在跟Tesla與其他電動車廠商談判 考慮採購電動車做為倫敦警車使用 盧森堡警車顏色蠻特別的... ============================================================================== https://electrek.co/2017/08/16/tesla-model-s-police-car-luxembourg/ Grand-Ducale police in Luxembourg confirmed today that they are purchasing two Tesla Model S sedans to use as patrol cars. The city of Los Angeles announced that it is leasing 288 electric vehicles, including 160 fully-electric vehicles (BEVs), which resulted in Los Angeles operating the largest city-owned fleet of pure electric vehicles. A lot of those vehicles went to the LAPD which started taking delivery of 100 BMW i3s last summer and two Tesla Model S sedans. But those vehicles were used by support employees or investigation teams as they claimed that they didn’t have enough range or speed to be cleared as patrol cars. In Luxembourg, the Model S vehicles will actually be used as patrol cars, according to local news RTL. In term of range, the country is ideal for electric cars since it’s only 82 km (51 miles) long and 57 km (35 miles) wide. As for speed and acceleration, virtually all of the latest versions of Tesla’s Model S are now quicker and faster than conventional police cars, so it shouldn’ t be a problem. Of course, the Model S P100D Ludicrous is now famously the quickest production car with a 0 to 60 mph acceleration in 2.3 seconds, but it’s not clear which version Grand-Ducale police in Luxembourg are buying. The new cars are part of a program of the Ministry of Sustainable Development to move government cars to electric. They are also reportedly purchasing electric vehicles for administrative employees. Other police departments are still considering the Model S as a potential patrol car. Scotland Yard recently said that it was in talks with Tesla and other electric automakers to convert London’s police car fleet and the LAPD retrofitted one of their Tesla Model S with equipment for police patrol and they are testing it as a ‘high-pursuit’ police cruiser. -- 納智捷當警車我是不會PO啦,太醜了又不安全。除非他撞車PO來當警世 買GTR或是Mustang這種帥車或是XE XJ這種豪華車當警車我就會PO了 http://i.imgur.com/ChI64o1.jpg

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1503024568.A.442.html

dslite: so? 台灣買那智傑也要貼嗎? 08/18 11:11

z85917131: U6警車屌打魔燈s 08/18 11:26

bnnann: 樓上兩樓怎麼惹 08/18 12:15

NKAC: gtr警車超帥 08/18 12:30

orange7986: 台灣買垃圾車....唉 08/18 12:40

fred0755: 國外警車都超有質感 反觀台灣破爛警車 08/18 12:58

faven1024: 台灣警方:我們的警車喇叭會上升你們會嗎? 08/18 12:58

jabari: 彈丸之地 用牛車就夠了 08/18 14:24

scelerisque: 嚴董表示: 08/18 15:21

peaceever: 鯛民:不看看老百姓生活困苦 警察居然想開豪車浪費公帑 08/18 15:42

AKS8158: 馬車油門 08/18 16:14

JilSander: 支持國貨沒什麼不好 08/18 16:20

waterdesign: 支持國貨沒什麼不好 08/18 19:49

TaiwanNeko: =.= 08/18 21:17

SakuraHana: 每個國家買警車都來一篇好了 08/18 22:23

snow5420: 反觀台灣只買得起納智捷爛車 08/19 08:46

m82: 盧森堡GDP超過十萬鎂..... 08/25 13:26
