[外電] Honda社長說2025年將推出AI全自動駕駛車

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作者 bearland (夜鷺食穀)
時間 2017-06-08 19:10:33
留言 21則留言 (8推 0噓 13→)

Honda 社長「八鄉隆弘」在接受英國Autocar雜誌專訪時表示, 2020年前Honda會推出半自動駕駛車(semi-autonomous), 2025年前Honda將推出人工智慧全自動駕駛車。 八鄉弘隆說Honda要研發以AI人工智慧為主的自動駕駛系統,它能夠像人類一樣開車, 能自己懂得判讀交通路況,不需要倚賴高精確度地圖和GPS。 ☆☆本文PTT網頁圖文版☆☆ https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1496920237.A.DF4.html (圖) Honda自動駕駛測試車,駕駛座上面沒有人 https://i.imgtc.com/mWn7LAZiwv.jpg
(圖) Honda自駕測試車上面有整合式攝影鏡頭和雷達、攝影鏡頭和雷射雷達(Lidar), 高精確度地圖、交通資料、電訊傳輸元件 http://i.imgur.com/1VA3xws.jpg
(Photo: Autocar) 為了達成這項目標,Honda已經成立一個專家部門,專門研究車禍和幾近車禍的種種案例 ,目的就是希望能更加了解「駕駛人的行為」,而「駕駛人行為」這個因素就佔所有車禍 肇因的9成。 這群工程師當中,有很多人都是從Asimo機器人部門過來的, 他們本來就是研究「類人類行為」的專家。 Honda社長說,他們研發人工智慧的終極願景是自動駕駛車能像人類駕駛的方式一樣 來開車。 也就是說,這台自駕車能自己起步、自己煞車,自己能跟著道路前進, 能懂得在路口交會處打方向燈轉彎,也知道如何與其他車輛互動, 就像人類用眼睛視覺資訊開車一樣,不需要倚賴高精確地圖和GPS。 (圖) Honda社長 「八鄉隆弘」 https://i.imgtc.com/b5kRGaccbn.jpg
Hachigo said Honda expected to achieve level four autonomy by developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can mimic a human driver, reading road conditions without the need for high-precision maps or GPS. In order to achieve this, Honda has set up a specialist division that studies data from accidents and near-miss scenarios in order for it to better understand the human behaviour that causes 90% of all accidents. Many of the engineers involved in the division have previously worked on the firm's Asimo robots, which seek to mimic human behaviour. "Ultimately, Honda envisions that development of its AI systems could result in an automated vehicle that responds like a human driver," said Hachigo. "In other words, one that is able to stop and go, follow the road, make turns at junctions and react to other vehicles using only the same visual information as a human – without high-precision maps or GPS.” 出處 Honda developing autonomous tech to let you sleep while your car drives https://is.gd/W3edIN -- (圖) 自動駕駛科技發展競爭力排名,這是美國研究機構"Navigant Research"的報告 https://i.imgur.com/OtB6Dit.jpg
Honda排第15名,被列為第三等級「挑戰者組」 (Challengers) 出處 [Navigant Research] Assessment of Strategy and Execution for 18 Companies Developing Automated Driving Systems https://goo.gl/H8u7Dz 平日上班或週末出遊的路上自己開車有精神,下班累了就交給自駕車系統把人載回家。

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1496920237.A.DF4.html

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