Re: [問題] 不同裝置的熱量消耗計算差異

看板 bicycle
作者 Yukikaze503 (ボン太くん!)
時間 2018-12-05 13:24:47
留言 4則留言 (2推 0噓 2→)

有板友提到SUUNTO應該只是單純用心率去計算熱量 覺得好奇當下就去SUUNTO Taiwan的FB粉專發問 然後就被已讀不回了..... 前兩天還是沒回覆就直接去原廠官網發問 隔天就得到回覆了,回信內容如下 Let it be known that the watch's algorithm calories are based on: 1) HR during the exercise and 2) body metrics (especially max HR and activity levels) if HR is calculated wrong, calories will be wrong. Calories are a consequence of HR - if HR is too high, calories will be too high. In short, it estimates calorie burn judging by total count of beats your heart made through the workout. When you ran faster, you spend less time running. When you run slower, you spend more time running. If your average HR is much higher, so calorie expenditure should be higher too. 簡單來說就是單純用心率資料搭配身體指數計算熱量 功率計和踏頻雖然有資料但並沒有列入計算 --
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QBFox : 粉專滿容易已讀不回的。 12/05 16:56

HardRealTime: 推分享! 12/05 18:59

Yukikaze503 : 年初剛買Spartan的時候有問過粉絲團的還蠻熱心回答 12/05 20:55

Yukikaze503 : 的,現在不知道是換人管還是怎麼了感覺冷冷的 12/05 20:55
