Fw: [新聞] 韓國隊教練揭露了贏下對日本一戰的秘密(FIBA官網)

看板 basketballTW
作者 jathymin ()
時間 2016-11-16 20:47:17
留言 3則留言 (2推 0噓 1→)

作者: jathymin () 看板: WSBL 標題: [新聞] Korea coach reveals Japan win secret(FIBA官網) 時間: Wed Nov 16 15:58:45 2016 Korea coach reveals Japan win secret 韓國隊教練揭露了贏下對日本一戰的秘密 Japan v Korea, 2016 FIBA Asia U18 Championship for Women (THA), Bangkok(Thailand), Group Phase, 15 November 2016 BANGKOK, Thailand (FIBA Asia U18 Championship for Women 2016)- Gameday 3 of the FIBA Asia U18 Championship for Women 2016 concluded with the much-anticipated game between Japan and Korea, where the latter came out victorious, 70-64. 在2016曼谷U18亞青的第三比賽日,這場萬眾矚目的預賽中,韓國以70比64擊敗日本。 After a hard-fought win, Korean coach Kim YoungMin watched her teenage players celebrate. It was far from an ordinary win, though, because it was a win against longtime rivals, Japan. 在這場惡戰之後,韓國隊總教練Kinm YoungMin看著這群女孩們開心的慶祝,這是一場不 普通的勝利,因為這是一場由宿敵日本隊手上拿下的勝利。 "We’ve been preparing for this game since training camp back in Korea, and we continued the preparations here in Bangkok as well," said coach Kim. 我們從在韓國的集訓就一直在準備這場比賽,抵達曼谷後也持續的備戰。 "We followed their journey in the competition," he added. "We watched their style of play closely and adopted a certain strategy accordingly." 我們觀察了他們的每一場比賽,並仔細的研究對他們打法的對應方式。 The certain strategy included specific adjustments regarding Park Ji Su. 這策略包含朴智修打法的調整。 "Park has had so much exposure lately, especially playing for the senior national team," coach Kim said."I couldn’t risk depending on her so much because I knew they’d have her covered. That’s why I limited her movements on the offense to mainly creating space for her teammates, but I allowed her to move freely on the defense." 朴智修在成人隊已經曝光多時,我不能過分的依賴他,因為日本隊一定會針對他加強防守。 所以我限制他的進攻並為隊友創造空間,但在防守時允許他自由發揮。 The chances of Korea and Japan meeting in the semifinals are very high, and the coach knows that what worked once may not work a second time. 日韓兩隊在四強賽再次碰頭的機會非常高,教練也知道同樣的作法可能無法再成功第二次。 "The Semi-Final is very important for us because they’ve beaten us at that stage for far too long now," Kim lamented. 金教練表示四強賽對韓國非常重要,韓國已經在這階段落敗多次。 The FIBA Asia U18 Championship for Women 2004 in Shenzhen, China was the last time Korea beat Japan in the Semi-Finals, and Kim believes in her team's ability to do the same this time. 上一次韓國隊在四強賽擊敗日本已經是2004年在中國深圳舉行的U18亞青,而教練相信這一 次韓國隊能再次完成這個任務。 "Now, we need to work out on a whole new plan because they can easily adapt to what they’re familiar with," said Kim. "But no matter the plan, November 19 should see us emerging as finalists.” 現在我們必須擬定一個新的計畫,因為日本隊很能夠應變對戰方法,而無論是什麼計畫, 11/19將會看到我們突破站上決賽的舞台。 資料來源: http://www.fiba.com/asia/u18women/2016/news/korea-reveals-japan-win-secret --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/basketballTW/M.1479300438.A.B38.html

birdman5656: 反觀 11/16 17:54

stocktonty: 預賽而已 四強才要見真章 11/17 02:29

ufo0241: 有預感日本會連贏韓中奪冠 11/17 16:24
