[新聞] 哈達迪在與約旦比賽的垃圾時間時受傷

看板 basketballTW
作者 oRANGEst (歐馬克)
時間 2013-08-09 21:36:52
留言 18則留言 (13推 0噓 5→)

新聞連結:http://ppt.cc/035A 重點翻譯:哈達迪在對約旦的比賽中肌肉拉傷 伊朗對約旦比賽剩六分多鐘時,伊朗贏對手35分,但哈達迪仍在場上 哈達迪在賽後對伊朗電視台說他一定會打四強賽!!! Iran cruised to an easy victory over Jordan in the quarterfinals of the FIBA Asia Championship, but the win might have come at a cost. Star center Hamed Haddadi suffered a pulled muscle injury with little more than six minutes left in the game, with Iran up by 35 points. He couldn’t continue playing and asked to be subbed out. Iran coach Memi Becirovic defended his decision to leave Haddadi in the game during garbage time. “I don’t look at the boxscore. At this point, it doesn’t matter. It’s like a practice game and you want to give him the confidence to prepare him for the next game,” said Becirovic. “He’s a player who needs to play.” But former Iran coach Rajko Toroman, who piloted the team to its first Asian title in 2007, said there was no reason for Haddadi to even be on the floor. “We don’t know what the coach is thinking,” Toroman told InterAKTV. “ Maybe he wants to give him the minutes he didn’t have while he’s still in the NBA.” Haddadi was a bench-warmer in his stints in the NBA with the Memphis Grizzlies and the Phoenix Suns, but has been a dominant force in the tournament. He finished with 20 points and eight rebounds despite the injury. “Probably in this kind of game, he shouldn’t be in the court in the fourth quarter.” ‘I will play’ Iran fans and players at the Mall of Asia Arena hled their collective breaths when Haddadi went to the floor because of injury. After the game, Haddadi assured he’ll be ready for Iran’s semifinal assignment on Saturday. “No problem. I will play tomorrow,” Haddadi told Iranian television. Iran will take on the winner of the match between China and Chinese Taipei in the FIBA Asia final four. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/basketballTW/M.1376055415.A.FCB.html

Bigcookie2:你還是休息吧 XDD 08/09 21:37

EqualMan:休息吧 還有卡杜斯特可以打啦 要保護球員!!!! 08/09 21:38

ggBird:利多??? 08/09 21:38

AK47ZZZ:休息吧 去拼第三名就好 08/09 21:38

danieljaw:休息一下啦 08/09 21:39

motherfk:糟糕惹 好像有點有利啊 08/09 21:41

motherfk:而且我記得那場不是輕鬆尻爆喬丹嗎 08/09 21:41

Crazyfire:該好好休息啦 08/09 21:41

k0111:利多文 08/09 21:42

yeadean:跪求糗爺發功 08/09 21:42

Lyon9:這些都怪物的 溪湖摔成那樣 說沒事 對卡達還很強 根本怪物 08/09 21:43

Lyon9:哈達迪應該也是這樣 08/09 21:43

ChiChiGo:巴哈拉米還是能吃爆亞洲 08/09 21:44

ffaarr:中華隊其實每次都比較怕巴哈拉米。 08/09 21:45

gn02160940:你還是休息吧 不要硬撐 第三名的名額是留給你的 08/09 22:11

tenmaykk:乖乖爭第三名吧 08/09 22:48

mythsoul:希望他沒事 我比較想看中華隊到底能走多遠 08/09 23:31

notshort:為了你美好的未來你明天還是別上了~~~ 08/10 00:30
