Re: [請益] 求特定的HP同人文

看板 YuanChuang
作者 maxiahero (裹著JJX過日子)
時間 2010-11-25 13:15:39
留言 2則留言 (0推 0噓 2→)

雷古勒斯 HP巫妖 by 囧貓微微 [耽美] VIP文,輕鬆文,242,211字。 我在版上有介紹過。未完。 * Sweet Candy by ANOANAnut [耽美] 內容概要:如果Harry和Regulus以同樣的年紀相遇,那麼原本沒有交集的兩人之間會發生 些什麼呢?原創,AU,時空穿越 作者的筆觸淡然,不誇張、不過分偏頗的描寫,雷古勒斯角色重塑的性格也還不錯,可惜 尚未完結。 * Stasis by Andromeda311 Summary: There is no hero. There is no villain. There is only redemption and damnation, success and failure. Oneshot, 5,137 Words. 你有可能會希望看到雷古勒斯是個受害者,但這篇不,它告訴你的雷古勒斯darker, harsher, more bitter,而走向自我毀滅。 * Genesis by Andromeda311 Summary: The last eight days of Regulus Black’s life. Dark, psychological, vaguely religious. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he whispers that his brother would be proud of him. 1,765 Words. 這個fic的描寫生動細膩,A lot of love wrote this fic, and a lot of thought. Read for the sheer pleasure of words. * Two Men To Make One Brother by Jamesly Summary: He, Sirius, he is the heir; he is the one to carry the name and the fortune and the status, not Regulus, with his runny nose, curling toes, and doughy cheeks. Oneshot, 3,120 Words. 這是一個很好的故事,講述兩兄弟又愛又恨對方的理由,有一些RL/SB的情節,不過那 不重要。 * The Black Cold by Falling Damps Summary: In the heat of the summer, Regulus Black relives his past, avoids the present, and looks forward into a future that may not be as unchangeable as it seems. Oneshot, 4,733 Words. 內容主要是講述西里斯離家前後,雷古勒斯做出的抉擇。 魔藥煉製間也有好幾篇雷古勒斯的耽美文,比如有一篇讓我印象深刻地,鹿犬狼三人 一起對年幼的雷古勒斯做一些18禁的事,呃……好像蠻多大陸作者,喜歡一個角色就 會讓他變成總受?不過我自己覺得蠻ooc的,也無法想像鹿犬狼會去強暴彼得,喜歡 斯內普或雷古勒斯……(汗) 這裡還有很多雷古勒斯的fics 穆迪的fics連結 我推薦作者atdelphi,她的fics都還不錯看。 -- ◆ From:
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faidia:!! 感謝!!!! 11/25 22:59

maxiahero:不客氣:) 11/26 17:18
