Re: [影片] 沙烏地阿拉伯對阿根廷的中場休息室.

看板 WorldCup
作者 Vanced (維安斯德)
時間 2022-11-25 23:39:30
留言 8則留言 (6推 0噓 2→)

原文恕刪 大概翻譯了一下,翻錯或翻不好的再請各位指教 - - I do like you guys, except Salman, because now he complains like the other one. 我很喜歡你們,除了莎曼(沙地7號球員),因為他現在只在抱怨。 What are we doing here? 我們現在在幹嘛? This is your pressing? 這是你們給對方的壓力? Pressing doesn't mean you will go high. 給壓力不代表你要到對方的前場。 Last time, Messi, at the middle of the pitch, he has the ball, you stand in fron t of the defense. 上一次梅西在中場持球時,他控著球,你們只站在防守線前看著他。 You need to go to mark him in the middle. 你們必須去到中場防守他。 Take your phone, you can take a picture with him if you want. 拿起你們的手機,你們想要的話可以跟梅西拍一張合照。 He has the goal. 他擁有整個球門。 You are infront of the defense, he is going, you follow. 你們站在防守前線,梅西在嘗試突破,你們必須緊緊地跟著他。 Did you see what you did? 你們有看到你們做了什麼嗎? You don't feel something? 你們沒感覺到什麼嗎? You don't feel that we are able to comeback? 你們不覺得我們能夠逆轉? You don't feel it? 你們感覺不到? Just play relax. 根本沒把這當一回事。 Come on guys come on this is a world cup! 大家加油,這是世界盃! Give everything! 在場上給出你的全部。 (法文)在場上的時候, You are like this, 你必須像這樣, Be like this, we cost a goal. 像這樣(認真防守), 我們已經丟了一球了。 XXX was fantastic, all of them(you), be like him. XXX(聽不懂是誰,應該是其中一位球員) 踢得很棒,你們也要像他一樣。 Come on, move yourself! 大家加油,動起來! --
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hidemind: 最後指的應該是23號Mohamed Kanno. 11/25 23:46

abyssa1: 酸民喔 講話帶刺 11/25 23:46

hidemind: 第二句之後有指名11號Saleh。 11/25 23:47

keyoard: 結果也是灌雞湯 沒交代戰術變化 XD 11/25 23:47

imblg: 去跟梅西拍照好哭XD 11/26 00:10

js2004nt: 戰術方向沒變的話差的就是確實執行 灌灌雞湯當然有用 11/26 00:35

bigmac: P幣明日獻上!感恩 11/26 01:19

SSglamr: 跟梅西拍照滿嗆的啊XD 11/26 10:44
