[活動] 女版英文節

看板 WomenTalk
作者 ChenDao (陳到字叔至)
時間 2019-03-08 02:43:02
留言 70則留言 (11推 17噓 42→)

決定了 我要來辦活動 教授贊助我QQ 霸脫 凡即日起到我爽截止為止 在不違反版規的情況下 寫一篇短英文故事 稍微用中文簡介一下 故事 故事可以瞎掰 可以真實故事 但希望是自己的 但是我希望不要去google貼上 每篇文發至少100p 我心目中的前3名 發 1000 500 250p 稅前 發不發我決定 標題格式 [活動]英文節 - ID I was released on a table Being swinged side by side throughout the whole journey Has worn me out so bad I am getting stretched thin And pale, my entire body was degrading Slowly, every moment feels like I am going to be ripped apart Suddenly, a storm blows over I felt like I was being pushed with a invincible force The force never stops I hang on to the table Griping the side of the table as strong as I could But my strength decay, Weakness arouse in my limb I can no longer hang on Is it the moment? My final moment? Ending in such a misery, no one will remember me and My legacy Finally, I snapped, my arm broke I can see pieces of my limb fly out as storm continues to rage over me I flew off into the air Miraculously, I feel no pain when I land, I landed in front of a mirror, When I turn back, I realise all this time, I was actually just a plastic bag 請愛惜地球少用塑膠袋 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1551984184.A.11D.html

AppleMan: 豪 等我03/08 02:44

das123: 我旁邊吃雞排喝奶茶卡位03/08 02:45

cpblgu: 陳到要多少贊助@@?03/08 02:49

lululun: 不要再釣美眉啦 my lover handsome guy03/08 02:50

ChenDao: 什麼釣眉眉? 03/08 02:50

ChenDao: 我不知道啊03/08 02:50

ChenDao: 菇菇 我不知道欸 其實 我根本不知道會不會有人鳥我03/08 02:51

lululun: how deep your pocket is how much I love you03/08 02:52

ChenDao: Very deep as deep as how deep your heart goes03/08 02:52

cpblgu: 看你到時需要多少 再跟我說~我是你金主♥03/08 02:53

ChenDao: 謝謝姑姑 最棒的前同事<303/08 02:53

ChenDao: 殫也是 雖然殫不見惹QAQ03/08 02:54

lululun: honey, go to the bed with me .goodnight to everybody03/08 02:54

cpblgu: 嗚嗚,我想念阿殫Q.Q03/08 02:54

ChenDao: Let go have some %%%03/08 02:55

ChenDao: 我也是 嗚嗚嗚嗚03/08 02:55

ChenDao: 嚶嚶嚶03/08 02:55

lululun: ooh, it does help sleep, I like it too♥♥03/08 02:57

ChenDao: I will make you so tired that you wouldn’t move agai03/08 02:57

ChenDao: n03/08 02:57

ChenDao: 不行這太18禁XDDDD 03/08 02:58

lululun: >\\\\\< I'm over 18 03/08 02:59

ChenDao: Me too-/////- 03/08 02:59

lululun: 寶貝 乖乖 我去看其他文一下03/08 03:00

ChenDao: 不行0.Q03/08 03:00

ChenDao: 你走了就不回來怎麼辦03/08 03:00

lululun: 喔 你真淘氣 乖乖 一會兒就回來 03/08 03:01

das123: 就要唱:愛我別走03/08 03:01

das123: 哈哈03/08 03:01

NotLuo: Board master! Should they be bucketed?03/08 03:02

ChenDao: 一會兒喔 只能一會兒O.Q03/08 03:02

ChenDao: 你們奇怪欸 不要亂插啦!03/08 03:02

lululun: sure (kiss cheek)03/08 03:03

ChenDao: (Sob sob)03/08 03:03

ChenDao: Oh~ my love where have you been it already 5 minute03/08 03:08

ChenDao: 好啦 應該睡覺去了XDDDD03/08 03:09

nyancatt: 西班牙文的可以ㄇ 我文組學店主修03/08 03:09

ChenDao: 唔 好 可以03/08 03:10

timmy999: 1000而已就想請我動筆 = =03/08 03:15

ChenDao: 我p幣不多啊:(03/08 03:16

lululun: the night is deep, let us pull the curtains down.. (@03/08 03:16

lululun: -*%不k€£¢%) and see everybody in the morning>///03/08 03:16

ChenDao: My love! You are back! Q.Q I thought you left me for 03/08 03:17

ChenDao: good 03/08 03:17

ChenDao: Q.Q 03/08 03:18

lululun: 晚安啦 發個文累累的@@03/08 03:18

lululun: 永不分離 一起上床睡覺去03/08 03:18

lululun: 晚安 撒花版的偷窺狂們03/08 03:19

ChenDao: 晚安 謝謝你陪我玩 03/08 03:19

lululun: 生氣 你調皮喔 誰在跟你玩 晚安安 (下線ing) 03/08 03:22

takomalu: 太少 不行 QQ 03/08 03:39

a000D00000: 此ID必噓 03/08 06:48

WWWWW831: 噓 03/08 06:50

Angelbaby8: 說中文 03/08 06:51

woooow: 無聊 03/08 06:53

BMWX9: 意義在哪? 03/08 06:54

joblee: 不噓不行 03/08 06:55

Candy99: 欺負小妹我英文不好是嗎? 03/08 06:57

CCmiss: 我只會中文跟法文 03/08 06:58

a00kuos: 到你爽為止? 03/08 07:00

l937: 秀什麼英文 03/08 07:02

l943: 1943到此一遊 03/08 07:04

l943: 今天是婦女節 03/08 07:05

iPhone9: . 03/08 07:14

verylone: 婦女節跟兒童節 哪個比較好? #$^ 03/08 07:18

iPhone9: 青年節比較好 03/08 07:20

iPhone9: 大家覺得iPhone9好用嗎? 03/08 07:25

l937: 好用 03/08 08:16

twmarstw7758: $$$ 03/08 08:41

Lgood: 以上都是分身 03/08 16:12
