[情報] 泰達希爾之戰-聯盟方對話

看板 WOW
作者 lucifer2703 (綠茶)
時間 2018-03-24 13:12:25
留言 15則留言 (9推 0噓 6→)

情報來源:NGA 情報網址:https://goo.gl/d5FkBh 情報內容: he trees of this great forest bend and break in agony as the Horde march deeper in to our lands. We must not allow them any further! 隨著部落在我們的土地上深入,這片密林的樹木也在痛苦中彎曲,碎裂。我們絕不能再容 許這種行徑! All things must be balanced in nature -- war and peace. Your actions today have given us the respite we will need to persevere. 自然中的一切都應取得平衡——戰與和。你今天的壯舉給了我們所應堅守的安寧。 The ancients have awoken in light of a new threat. Eliminate the horde presence from this place to set them back at ease. 鑒於新生的危機到來,古樹們也已醒來。根除此地部落的存在,幫助古樹更好地紮根。 The wisps you see before you, the spirits of our Kaldorei ancestors, are but a shell of who they once were. A wisp is not a remnant of one's consciouness, but instead the primal force of nature that binds us all in harmonious unity. Warm them with your touch, champion. They are frightened and disturbed. Give them peace. 你眼前的這些小精靈是我們卡多雷先祖的靈魂,但只是他們往日形體的軀殼。小精靈不是 暗夜精靈意識的殘留,而是將我們所有人和諧統一的原始自然能量。用你的觸摸溫暖他們 吧,勇士。這些小精靈既恐懼又不安。為他們帶來平靜。 When the wisps are at peace, the forest is at peace. You have my thanks. 小精靈若是身處平靜,這片林地也會歸於平靜。感謝你。 The horde already has Azerite weapons. Let's see if we can't get some of them to relinquish them to us, shall we? 部落已經有Azerite武器。讓我們看看,是否能讓他們“讓”給我們一些武器? These will do just fine, hero. Your contribution today will not be overlooked. 做得好,英雄。你今天的貢獻絕不會被忽視。 The Horde has arrived in great numbers, and none of them are to be underestimated. This one in particular seems... resilient. Approach with care, hero. 部落的大軍已經到來,而他們中的每一員都不應被低估。尤其是這個,看起來…頗具韌性 。謹慎接近,英雄。 The Horde have established a foothold beyond the borders of Ashenvale -- we must bring it down! Strike quickly! 部落已在梣谷的邊境建立了據點——我們必須擊毀它!迅猛地打擊! Burn, baby... burn. 燃燒吧,寶貝……燃燒吧。 The Horde is trying to steal the essence from our moonwells! Do not allow their filth to desecrate our blessed springs! 部落正試圖竊取我們月井中的精華!不要讓他們玷汙我們的聖泉! Elune smiles upon you, hero. As do I. 伊露恩正向你微笑。我也如此。 It is time to fight fire with fire! We must rid the Horde of their demolishers and push them back to the desolate Barrens where they belong! 正是以火力對火力的時候了!我們必須掃清部落的攻城機器,將他們推回屬於他們的那荒 涼的貧瘠之地! I must say... Nice aim, hero. My sentinels could learn a thing or two from you. 我必須說…及時的援助,英雄。我的哨兵能向你學上一兩手。 Horde saboteurs have crept in among our ranks! Flush them out! Make them bleed as we have! 部落破壞者已潛入了我們的隊伍!肅清他們!讓他們血債血償! Though they are immersed in water, those Azerite powderkegs are still quite dangerous. I want you to detonate them before they can float to the surface. Try to keep yourself in one piece, would you? 盡管被水淹沒,這些Azerite粉末仍十分危險。在它們浮到表面前,我希望你能去引爆它 們。盡量保證自己別變得七零八落,好麽? I sense a disturbance in the north. Could it be? Has the Horde begun to attack us from over the mountains? Investigate, quickly! 我察覺到北面的動亂。這怎麽可能?部落怎麽可能自群山中向我們發動攻勢?調查一下, 快! I will send as many soldiers as I can muster to this site. Hopefully they can fend it off -- we can't afford a war on two fronts. 我會向那片戰場上委派盡可能多的士兵。沒準他們能解決此事——我們無法兩頭開戰。 The Horde waited until dawn to ambush us! Arm yourself and meet me in the fray! 部落想在破曉時分伏擊我們!武裝起來,到戰場上見我! My archers should be able to handle it from here. Your presence made all the difference, champion. You have my thanks 我的弓箭手們應該能從這裏處理此事。你的存在讓戰場大不同,勇士。你贏得了我的感謝 。 附註/備註 -- 目前看起來是燒完樹的後續 所以撤退的部落和趕來的聯盟才會在黑海岸槓上
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1521868348.A.B38.html

azrael1011: 熊貓人對話:我們回潘達利亞 走!我請吃飯! 03/24 13:16

GonVolcano: 同學你好認真03/24 13:37

KAOKCH: 台大妻兒之戰03/24 13:44

breakblue: 北邊是薩魯法爾 聯盟派再多都是去送死03/24 13:48

dr45jfga: 小精靈不是最強單位嗎03/24 13:57

qaz12wsx45: 台大妻兒之戰是XD 輸入法亂跳嗎03/24 14:07

breakblue: 群山中發動攻勢? 泰達希爾的北面有群山嗎? 03/24 14:39

yoyun10121: 泰達希爾整個都在山上, 只有港口在低地才要靠傳送進城03/24 15:59

rewisyoung: 不是山上是樹上吧 03/24 16:02

yoyun10121: 樹跟山都結合啦, 新手區村外也八成是土地不是樹幹03/24 16:36

holykaoo: 好 為了聯盟 03/24 21:09

nvidia123: 為了聯盟~ 03/25 09:10

csrock2000: Timber~~ 03/25 14:11

fake0824: 為了檸檬~~~ 03/25 21:23

andante6851: 看玩很期待解放羅德隆 03/25 23:35
