[情報] 燃燒王座M難度開放跨伺服器

看板 WOW
作者 axiall (要搶治療量誰不會啊北七)
時間 2018-03-20 23:48:04
留言 46則留言 (28推 0噓 18→)

情報來源: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/21365424 情報網址: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/21365424 情報原文: Dungeons and Raids With maintenance in each region, Mythic difficulty Antorus, the Burning Throne is now available for cross realm groups. Hounds of Sargeras Resolved an issue which could sometimes cause Shadowscar to move a player out of the bounds of the playspace. Events Fixed an issue that could cause in-game holidays to start or finish up to an hour early or late on the Australian realms. This also resolves an issue where the Stranglethorn Vale fishing tournament was inaccessible in Australia. Developers' notes: This may cause some events to shift in the calendar slightly for Australian players. Please check the in-game calendar for updated local times. Player versus Player Ivory Feather can now be used in Seething Shore. Demon Hunter Vengeance Tormentor increases damage taken by 3% per stack (was 5%). Demonic Trample's cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 30 seconds). Demonic Trample's duration is now 5 seconds (was 8 seconds). Death Knight Blood Murderous Intent increases damage taken by 3% per stack (was 5%). Druid Guardian Alpha Challenge increases damage taken by 3% per stack (was 5%). Monk Brewmaster Admonishment increases damage to the target by 3% per stack (was 5%). Guard now staggers 20% of damage taken by allies (was 30%). Hot Trub deals 30% of your purified staggered damage (was 50%). Paladin Protection Inquisition increases damage taken by 3% per stack (was 5%). Forbearant Faithful increases cooldown recovery rate by 20% in PvP situations (was 50%). Shield of Virtue now has a 45 second cooldown (was 25 seconds). Warrior Protection Oppressor increases damage taken by 3% per stack (was 5%). Morale Killer reduces the cooldown of Demoralizing Shout by 10 seconds (was 30 seconds). Booming Voice now grants 30 Rage in PvP situations (was 60 Rage). Booming Voice increases damage taken by 15% in PvP situations (was 25%). Quests Sapper Specialists should now drop the Keg of Blast-O Powder for the Alliance quest "Powder Play". Lord Godfrey should no longer disappear at the beginning of "The Great Escape". Scenarios to unlock later portions of the Isle of Thunder can now be started at level 85 (was 90). "Rocket Rescue" should now have a marker for the location of the Steamwheedle Balloon. 附註/備註 簡單來說就是燃燒王座M難度跨伺服器 並微調PVP數值 開放跨服的時間似乎比地獄火堡壘晚? -- 祝你旅途愉快,耳畔常有陽光,直至夕陽西下。   願你一路平安,歸來時猶如出發,笑顏常在。 -- 便當1-5開心打囉 嗯啊,常常就缺幾個人!
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1521560889.A.5DF.html

orz65535: 來不及了 都散團了 03/20 23:51

orz65535: 當我前團長QQ 他應該花幾萬在機票上了 03/20 23:54

orz65535: 結果撐不到跨服上禮拜解散 03/20 23:55

liuin759: 有散團後一週開跨服 趕緊組回來 03/20 23:55

orz65535: 送來有貢獻的還要花一筆送回去 03/20 23:55

SuM0m0: 大家可以回家啦~~ 03/20 23:56

mealoop: 跟地獄火差不多都三四個月吧 03/21 00:03

s81048112: 沒人了齁 03/21 00:34

arcross: 你以為跨服就有人能組?太天真了! 03/21 00:45

snorlaxlin: 今天收到很多人,爽 03/21 00:54

owlonoak: 還是要有一定固定班底才可能便當一到五 純野團至高議會 03/21 00:55

owlonoak: 大概就卡了 03/21 00:55

owlonoak: 那傳送門就更不用講 03/21 00:56

jiaxie: 防戰PVP被砍 03/21 01:20

shinobunodok: 早就撤退了 03/21 07:26

lpb: 這個真的太晚了,我固定團也是各種缺人。 03/21 07:32

lpb: 結果就只能補一些雷進來Orz 03/21 07:33

amego2017: 神牧PVP繼續爽 03/21 07:34

apley: 來不及了啦~~~~~~ 03/21 07:45

gp671112: 幫QQ 03/21 08:30

miayao417: OK,可以回鍋囉。可是沒人要 03/21 09:10

SWU: 我也覺得太晚了...吃雞的吃雞 獵龍的獵龍 熱度都退了... 03/21 09:17

luis0624: 地獄火 跨服至少有半年吧!? 03/21 09:20

miayao417: 早就沒人吃雞了。現在是MHW跟薩爾達的天下 03/21 09:21

DEVIN929: pvp 是全面砍坦的意思嗎 03/21 09:46

cblade: 台服M團真的不容易維持,各種缺人的 03/21 09:53

mystery7631: 上週得知散團的就一堆 太晚了xD 03/21 10:02

ms0489223: R6現在也開始夯了 03/21 10:11

izplus: 跨服也不一定幫到會散團的團啊 03/21 10:14

izplus: 現在會跨服打大概是分身或者想領便當吧 03/21 10:14

oldriver: 吃雞派都被外掛殺到退了還在吃雞 各種仙人模式 03/21 10:26

snowmanx: 等8.0卡實在 03/21 11:10

jerfu: AFK的好時機 03/21 12:30

kentsv: 覺得台服的人數 直接一開始就就誇服就好 不然徵人都徵到 03/21 13:23

kentsv: 天荒地老 03/21 13:23

Rivendare: 台服不跨海外都沒救了吧 XDD 03/21 13:32

arcross: 市場問題 WOW目前不太可能跨 03/21 13:39

hguei: 台服人數只分PVE PVP2個伺服器都不嫌多 03/21 14:04

jiaxie: 快沒人玩了,真的 03/21 14:31

VVinSaber: 除了不能最佳化陣容之外 6M以上的團也不到出不了啦 03/21 15:07

rockmanalpha: 多點選擇總是好事 03/21 15:08

gp671112: 6M以下的...QQ 03/21 19:55

apley: M6過橋王,沒有一定以上水準是過不了伊莫納爾的劍圍滴 03/21 21:36

kockkock: 有說何時開放嗎? 03/22 11:51

becca945: 台服的人數..幫QQ 03/23 00:47

Numegg: 歹戲拖棚 03/24 23:31
