[閒聊] 7.2.5 Patch Notes (死亡騎士)

看板 WOW
作者 TryKillMe (不問歲月任風歌)
時間 2017-06-10 09:36:50
留言 27則留言 (17推 0噓 10→)

通用 死打傷害+10% -- 血 全技能傷害+15% 碎心傷害+10% 調整一些技能學到的等級:冰固、血族 天賦:吞食靈魂改成冰之心(自翻),死打延長冰固2秒 Blood Damage of all abilities increased by 15%. Heart Strike damage increased by 10%. Icebound Fortitude is now learned at level 57 (was 65). Soulforge replaced with new talent: Heart of Ice Death Strike increases the duration of Icebound Fortitude by 2 seconds. Vampiric Blood is now learned at level 60 (was 57). -- 冰 全技能傷害+3% 凜衝特質現在每等級增加凜衝傷害6%(之前10%) 冰霜鐮刀現在也觸發凝霜跟碎王者(破棘者是啥翻譯阿)特質,觸發率是滅寂的一半 Frost Damage of all abilities increased by 3%. Blast Radius (Artifact trait) now increases damage dealt by Howling Blast by 6% per rank (was 10% per rank). Rime now procs at half the Obliterate rate for Frostscythe. Thronebreaker (Artifact trait) now procs at a half the Obliterate rate for Frostscythe. -- 邪 全技能傷害+3% 天賦:黑暗仲裁者持續時間+5秒(15->20) 仲裁者攻擊傷害-24% 死纏傷害+40% 死纏消耗+10(35->45) 死亡預兆給的符文-1(3->2):用神器技能會給符文的特質 天賦:褻瀆傷害+38% 傳奇護腕第四課現在只會爆1-2傷口(以前1-3) 開發者幹話:隨機爆發隨機數量的傷口讓循環很難掌控,所以我們降低隨機數量 天賦:暗能灌注現在降低黑暗變身冷卻7秒(以前5秒) 驟亡觸發率-20% 天賦:邪惡狂熱現在增加125%攻速(以前100%) Unholy The damage of all Unholy abilities has been increased by 5%. Dark Arbiter now has a duration of 20 seconds (was 15 seconds). Dark Arbiter’s Val’kyr Strike damage has been reduced by 24%. Death Coil damage increased by 40%. Death Coil now costs 45 runic power (was 35). Death’s Harbinger now gives 2 runes (was 3). Defile damage increased by 38%. Instructor's Fourth Lesson now activates 1-2 Festering Wounds (was 1-3). Developers’ notes: The random number of Wounds that could drop off your target made the rotation very unpredictable to manage at times, and we're reducing that a bit. Shadow Infusion now reduces Dark Transformation’s cooldown by 7 seconds (was 5 seconds). Sudden Doom now procs 20% slower. Unholy Frenzy now provides 125% increased attack speed (was 100%). -- 冰這樣改一輪下來大概被砍2%左右 T19換掉的話影響會更小 不過鐮刀改動可以讓爆發AE不用那麼看臉 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1497058614.A.3A6.html

sarevork: 噗噗 膿瘡給傷口也是隨機阿~這就無視了喔 06/10 09:42

shinobunodok: 鐮刀這樣AE就可以不用看凜衝面子 哪怕鐮刀沒凜衝 也 06/10 09:44

shinobunodok: 有鐮刀本身的傷害 而單體就繼續龍噴爆發 只是移動戰 06/10 09:44

shinobunodok: 很堪憂 06/10 09:44

shinobunodok: 可是點鐮刀就沒有超持久洗衣機 我超愛洗衣機的說 06/10 09:45

Wind781013: 為什麼要砍天使阿...一波流不好嗎..... 06/10 09:46

norgthas: 雖然我沒玩DK 不過 為何那個爆傷口數量要降低隨機會是 06/10 09:51

norgthas: 從1~3變1~2而不是變2~3啊? 06/10 09:51

TryKillMe: 就只是開發者幹話 不要太認真 06/10 09:51

dxassin: 沒改成0-1不錯了 06/10 10:08

Allen0315: 固定爆3不就好了...... 06/10 10:10

lavenderktyn: 天使明顯是buff 06/10 10:27

matrox323: 邪DK 仲裁者-24% ,冰DK凜風聖物共28% 06/10 10:36

psychoF: 對阿 改固定爆幾層就好了... 06/10 11:38

sunchen0201: 鐮刀又要點出來了 06/10 11:40

snorlaxlin: 還好我只玩血 06/10 11:54

reader2714: 天使是buff吧 可以讓你丟更多大便強化 06/10 12:28

hk129900: 砍凜沖(吐血 這樣吹風頭和聖物直接被打趴 06/10 12:40

zayin1999: 仲裁者-24% +5s 是buff嗎? 06/10 12:42

hk129900: 單體龍噴就是要配凜沖啊 06/10 12:42

zayin1999: 5秒 多1發死纏 不知道會不會效用如何 06/10 12:44

r98192: 不可能固定啦XD 你看D3團隊的理念就是滿滿的隨機 06/10 13:25

pdchen1218: 邪DK已死 06/10 13:28

VBMO: 不是都在講邪DK要起飛了嗎?結果最後是死掉?NO... 06/10 13:48

Allen0315: 繼續龍噴五千年...開嘻冰龍茶~~~ 06/10 17:49

tim111444: 好懷念賣蔥流哦QQ 06/10 20:10

VBMO: 天使是buff 但還是比不上收割者 06/11 01:01
