[翻譯] IV 7.0.3(前夕)戒律牧指南

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作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2016-07-21 00:35:06
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出處: http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/discipline-priest-pve-healing-guide ====================================== 一、 Class Overview 職業總覽 The Discipline specialisation relies on healing players through dealing damage (thanks to the Atonement Icon Atonement passive). This allows them to contribute to the raid's DPS while still performing well as a healer. From a strictly healing perspective, Discipline Priests will be below the other healer specialisations, but they compensate for this with the extra DPS they bring. 戒牧靠著造成傷害來治療隊友(因為贖罪被動),這使他們能在當個好補師的同時還能 替團隊貢獻DPS。如果只看治療的話,戒牧排行是在其他補職之後的,但他們製造的額外 DPS能夠補償這點。 Due to their reliance on DPS, Discipline Priests suffer whenever there is no target to attack. 戒牧很依賴DPS,因此沒東西可以打的時候會很麻煩。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、 Significant 7.0.3. Changes 7.0的改變 The Discipline specialisation has changed drastically from Warlords of Draenor. We list the most important changes below. 戒牧跟WoD時期比起來完全改變了,我們在下面列出最重要的改變。 Atonement has now become the primary means of healing players (by dealing damage). 贖罪現在變成治療的主要手段了(靠輸出) Power Word: Shield no longer applies Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis has been removed, and the Discipline Mastery no longer improves absorbs, but instead improves Atonement healing. 真言術盾不再造成虛弱靈魂,神禦之盾被移除,戒律精通不再增加吸收量,但會增加贖罪 治療量 Borrowed Time and Rapture have been removed (although a different ability with the name of Rapture has been introduced). 預支時間和狂喜被移除(不過多了一個不同效果的狂喜) Shadowfiend no longer restores Mana. 暗影惡魔不能回魔 Penance can now only be used to deal damage (unless you take a specific talent to allow it to heal). 懺悟現在只能拿來打人(除非妳點天賦讓他能拿來治療) Two new abilities have been introduced and are part of the regular rotation/playstyle: Plea and Shadow Mend. 多了兩個新招,而且會是常規循環的一部分:祈求和暗影治療 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三、 Talent Choices 天賦選擇 紅色是不推薦、黃色是看情況、是推薦 [LV15] The Penitent allows Penance to be cast on a friendly target, healing them over its 2-second channeling duration. 懺悔者能讓懺悟治療友方 Castigation causes Penance to fire an extra bolt of holy light over its 2-second duration (thus increasing its damage). 懲罰能讓懺悟多造成一次傷害 is an active ability with a 6-second cooldown. It deals Shadow damage to the target, and causes your damage dealt to that target to be increased by 30% for the next 6 seconds. 是一個六秒冷卻的主動技,對目標造成暗影傷害,妳在接下來六秒對該目標的傷 害提高30% The best talent in this tier is Schism. That said, it increases the complexity of the Discipline playstyle (as you have to incorporate this new ability into your "rotation"), so it is only advised for players who already familiar with how Discipline plays. 最好的是暗影分裂,不過這會增加戒牧的複雜度(因為循環又要多一招),因此這只推薦 已經很熟悉戒牧的玩家選用 The second-best choice is Castigation, which is only recommended if, as mentioned above, you are not entirely comfortable with Discipline and/or prefer a talent choice that does not require extra management. 第二好的是懲罰,不過這個天賦只推薦給還不熟悉戒牧或者不想要多放一招的玩家使用 The Penitent is a poor choice and it should never be taken. 懺悔者很爛,別選 [LV30] is an active ability with 3 charges and a 20-second recharge time. It places a feather at the targeted location, which grants a 40% increase in movement speed for 5 seconds to the first ally who comes in contact with it. Only 3 feathers can be active at any given time. (譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) Body and Soul causes Power Word: Shield and Leap of Faith to increase the target's movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds. 身心合一(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) Masochism causes Shadow Mend's DoT to act as a HoT instead, when cast on yourself. 被虐狂,自己對自己放暗影治療後,後續的DoT會變成HoT Angelic Feather is by far the best choice in this tier, since using Body and Soul effectively is not at all feasible, given that your frequent usage of Power Word: Shield means you cannot plan to use it as a speed buff. 天使之羽屌打另外兩個,因為身心合一沒什麼效率。戒牧經常使用真言術盾,代表戒牧無 法將之安排進需要速度buff的時機 Masochism should only be taken if you have no need to provide movement speed buffs (though this is hard to imagine), or if you are assigned to some specific tasks during the encounter that put you in danger and therefore require that you heal yourself. 被虐狂只有在不需要提供速度buff時才會點(雖然很難想像),或者你被安排的工作會讓 你身處危險,需要妳治療自己 [LV45] Shining Force is an active ability with a 1-minute cooldown. It knocks back all enemies located around your (friendly) target, slowing their movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds. 閃光力場是一招一分鐘CD的主動招,對一個友方目標施放,會擊退該目標身旁所有敵人, 並在三秒內減緩她們的速度70% Psychic Voice reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 30 seconds. 心靈吱聲減少心靈尖嘯30秒CD Dominant Mind changes Mind Control to allow you to also control your own character during this time (by turning the mind-controlled target into a pet). However, Mind Control can no longer be used against players, and it gains a 3-minute cooldown (up from not having a cooldown). 支配心智取代精神控制,讓你在控制敵方目標時也能控制妳自己(就是把被控制的目標變 成寵物),不過無法控制敵方玩家,並且從沒有冷卻變成三分鐘冷卻 This tier is comprised entirely of situational talents, so you should choose based on the encounter requirements. If a talent becomes the default preferred choice, we will include it in this section. 這層天賦都是看情況選擇的,沒有哪個最推薦 [LV60] Power Word: Solace is an active ability with a 12-second cooldown. It deals Holy damage to the target, and restores 0.75% of your maximum Mana. 真言術.慰(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) Shield Discipline causes you to gain 1% of your maximum Mana whenever one of your Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shields is completely consumed by damage. 盾之戒律在你放的盾破掉時,一面盾會讓你回1%最大法力 replaces Shadowfiend. Mindbender has a 1-minute cooldown and 12-second duration (down from a 3-minute cooldown and 15-second duration for Shadowfiend), and it restores 0.75% of your maximum Mana with each of its attacks (whereas Shadowfiend does not restore any Mana). (譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) The best choice in this tier is probably Mindbender, as it provides both better Mana regeneration and more DPS than Power Word: Solace (the other strong option ). Using Mindbender when you have Atonement up on many targets can lead to very high amounts of healing. 該層最好的天賦可能是屈心魔,因為不管傷害或回魔都比慰來的好。當你有許多贖罪目標 時放出屈心魔會造成大量的治療 In terms of pure Mana regeneration, Shield Discipline is actually the best talent (assuming all the shields are broken by damage), but we do not advise it as it offers no increase in DPS (which is important due to the value of Atonement healing). 如果只看回魔的話,盾之戒律其實是最好的選擇(假設所有盾都破掉),但我們不建議該 天賦,因為完全沒有提供DPS,而DPS對贖罪太重要了 [LV75] increases the duration of Atonement by 2 seconds. 會讓贖罪持續時間延長兩秒 Power Infusion is an active ability with a 2-minute cooldown. It grants you a 25% increase in haste and a 20% Mana cost reduction to all your spells for 20 seconds. 注入能量(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) grants you a 10-second buff each time you heal a target whose health is below 35%. The buff grants you 20% increased damage and 20% increased healing, and it does not stack. (譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) All the talents in this tier are quite strong, so the choice is not very straightforward. 這層天賦都很棒,因此選擇並沒有很固定 Contrition's effect makes it easier to keep up Atonement on a large number of targets, which is particularly useful during prolonged periods of AoE damage. 悔罪讓戒牧更容易保持多目標贖罪,這在對付長時間AOE局面時非常好用 Twist of Fate is very strong, particularly during progression content when you often get the chance to heal low-health allies. 命運無常非常強大,因為你總是有機會治療到低生命值的隊友 Finally, Power Infusion is more situational, but it can be a great choice for fights in which you need more DPS or when you are looking for a way to boost your healing at a specific moment. 最後,注入能量較看場面,但要是需要在短時間內擠出大量傷害以造成大量治療時,這就 是最好的選擇 [LV90] Clarity of Will is an active ability with no cooldown and a 2.5-second cast time that places a damage absorption shield on the target, which lasts up to 20 seconds (or until it is fully consumed by damage). Clarity of Will has no interaction with Power Word: Shield or the Weakened Soul debuff. 意志清明(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) is an active ability with a 15-second cooldown. It resembles a yo-yo, in the sense that a ball of energy travels in a path away from you (in front of you), and after reaching a certain point (24 yards away), it returns. Both on the first, as well as on the second trip, it heals allies and damages enemies in its path. (譯註:除了現在也會對敵人造成傷害以外,基本上沒改,就不翻了) is an active ability with a 40-second cooldown and a 1.5-second cast time. It creates a ring around you that expands in radius (up to 30 yards). Allies who come in contact with it are healed, and enemies are damaged. (譯註:除了現在也會對敵人造成傷害以外,基本上沒改,就不翻了) It is worth noting that both Divine Star and Halo only provide Atonement healing for the damage that they deal to first target they hit. With that in mind, the choice for best talent in this tier still comes down to one of these 2 talents. Halo is best on most fights, but Divine Star is better if there are fights with regular bursts of damage every 15 seconds. 要特別注意神性之星和輝環造成的贖罪效果只限第一個碰到的敵人,不過該層最好的天賦 還是這兩者其中一個。輝環在大部分戰鬥表現最好,但神性之星在處理每15秒就有一次突 發傷害的戰鬥時比較好 Finally, Clarity of Will is only preferable if you are trying to stack absorbs on a target to help them survive a specific enounter ability. 最後,意志清明只有在需要你對一個目標持續上盾以讓他在特定場合活下來的情況下才選 [LV100] replaces Shadow Word: Pain. It deals Fire instead of Shadow damage, and it lasts 20 seconds (up from 14). While Purge the Wicked is active, using Penance on the target causes Purge the Wicked to be applied to another nearby enemy target. 取代暗言術.痛,暗影傷害改成火焰傷害,並且持續時間從14秒變成20秒,而用 懺悟打該目標時,淨化邪惡會擴散到目標旁邊的敵人 Grace increases all your non-Atonement healing and absorption effects by 30% on targets with Atonement. 恩賜使你在對贖罪目標施放除了贖罪以外的治療和吸收技能時,效果提高30% Shadow Covenant replaces Power Word: Radiance. It heals up to 5 allies within 30 yards of the target, but also places a healing absorption effect on them that lasts for 6 seconds. 暗影契約取代真言術.輝,該招治療目標內30碼的最多五人,但也會在六秒內對這些人造 成吸收其他治療的效果 We recommend Purge the Wicked as the best choice for raid content, since the numbers make it a clear winner. For dungeon or single target healing, Grace is better (particularly for spamming Shadow Mend). 我們建議淨化邪惡是最好的選擇,因為可以處理多目標戰鬥。當只有單一敵人時,恩賜比 較好(特別是在唱暗影治療的時候) Shadow Covenant is currently not competitive enough to be worth taking. 暗影契約太爛,不要選 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 四、 Stat Priority 屬性權重 智力 > 加速 > 致命一擊 > 臨機應變 > 精通 Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in all of your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the power of your heals. 智力永遠是主屬性,他增加所有事情 Haste reduces the cast time of your spells, reduces the cooldown of Power Word: Shield, and also reduces your global cooldown. Moreover, it increases the amount of attacks your Mindbender can make, and the number of ticks from Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked. 加速減少你的施法時間,不僅減少盾的CD,也會降低你的GCD。此外,高加速會增加屈心魔 的攻擊次數和暗言術痛/淨化邪惡的DoT次數 Critical Strike grants your damaging spells and heals a chance to double their value. That said, it is worth noting that it does not double-dip with regards to Atonement healing (Atonement heals cannot be critical hits; they only heal for the amount of damage that was done, which is the only portion that can be a critical strike). 致命一擊讓你的傷害和治療造成兩倍效果的機率提高,不過並不會讓贖罪的效果加倍 (贖罪治療不會爆擊,只會依照該次傷害轉化為治療量,不過傷害會受爆擊影響) Mastery (Mastery: Absolution) increases your Atonement healing, but it has no effect on your normal healing and on your absorbs. 精通(精通:赦免)增加贖罪治療量,但不會增加其他治療或吸收量 Versatility increases all your damage and healing done, and decreases all damage taken. 臨機應變(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 五、 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 循環和技能 1. Rotation 循環 The Discipline specialisation revolves heavily around healing through dealing damage, thanks to the Atonement passive ability. We detail this below, but for now all you need to keep in mind is that dealing damage is an integral part of healing as Discipline. 戒牧的中心思想是依靠贖罪,以製造傷害來製造治療。我們會在下面詳細解說,但現在你 要記在心裡的就是:DPS是戒牧治療神聖不可分割的一部分 In the sections that follow we will look at which abilities you should use to deal damage (in order to generate Atonement healing), as well as how to handle single target and AoE healing. 下方的部份我們會探討你該用哪些招式來打傷害(以造成贖罪治療),以及如何處理單體 和AOE治療 1.1. DPS Rotation / Atonement DPS循環/贖罪 The ideal rotation for dealing damage in order to generate Atonement healing is as follows. 理想的傷害與贖罪循環如下: Maintain shadow Word: Pain (or Purge the Wicked, if you have taken this talent) on the target. Use Schism on cooldown (if you have taken this talent). Use Penance on cooldown. Use Smite as a filler. 維持暗言術痛(或淨化邪惡,如果你有選該天賦)在目標身上 卡CD打暗影分裂(如果有選該天賦) 卡CD打懺悟 等冷卻時用懲擊來打發時間 From now on in this guide, whenever we mention dealing damage for Atonement purposes, we mean that you should use this above rotation. 之後的攻略,當我們說到贖罪治療時,都是指這套循環 1.2. Single Target Healing 單目標治療 Single target healing (during dungeons, or when healing the tank in a raid) relies on Atonement when the damage amounts are low to medium. For higher amounts of damage, you will need to make use of additional spells. 單目標治療可以靠贖罪應付低到中等程度的傷害,要應付高傷害需要靠其他技能 When single target damage is low to medium, you should maintain Atonement on the target through Power Word: Shield usage and simply perform your DPS rotation. This should provide enough healing to keep the target alive. If the damage is slightly too high, you should use Power Word: Shield more frequently (rather than just using it to apply Atonement), and you can further supplement this with Plea if needed. 當單體傷害不高時,你需要靠套盾來維持贖罪並靠DPS循環來治療,這樣就夠讓目標活下來 了。如果傷害有點太高,盾就不僅是維持贖罪的手段,而是主要治療手段,且可能需要放 祈求 When single target damage is high, Atonement healing will no longer suffice. In addition to it, you will have to use Power Word: Shield on cooldown, and if the damage amounts are truly high, you should also spam Shadow Mend on the tank. 當單體傷害太高,贖罪會不夠治療,此時盾要卡CD放,而當傷害太高時也會需要唱暗影治 療 Please keep in mind that if you are expecting to have to heal high amounts of single target damage, you really should choose Grace as a Tier 7 talent. 請記住如果你被安排去處理單體高傷害,要把第七層天賦的恩賜點出來 1.3. AoE / Raid Healing AOE治療 For healing damage on multiple raid members at once, your primary tool is once again Atonement. The general idea is very simple: proactively place Atonement on the required players, so that when the damage starts coming in, you can already begin healing them through dealing damage. You want to avoid being caught without having Atonement up on players when damage starts coming in, since this will leave you unprepared. 要一次治療很多人的話,你的主要工具還是贖罪。基本觀念很簡單:預先替需要的隊友上 贖罪,這樣當AOE開始時你就可以直接打人治療隊友。要是被抓到你沒在傷害來臨之前先鋪 好贖罪,代表你還沒準備好 If you must heal a rather low number of players, then you should use Power Word: Shield and Plea to apply and maintain Atonement on them, while you continue to DPS. 如果你要治療的隊友數量較少,就靠套盾和祈求來提供並維持贖罪,並且DPS不要斷 If the number of players you have to heal is high, then you will have to also use Power Word: Radiance to apply Atonement. Indeed, Power Word: Radiance should be viewed as a means to place Atonement on many players quickly, since its healing is not high enough for it to be considered a proper AoE heal. 如果你要治療很多人,那還會需要靠真言術.輝來鋪贖罪。輝的目的就只有快速替多目標 鋪贖罪,因為他本身治療量不足以應付AOE傷害 In cases where there is a very high amount of damage going out on very many players at once, you will have to use Rapture to be able to use Power Word: Shield freely. You may also want to have a Balance Druid use Innervate on you to allow you to spam Power Word: Radiance. 要是待會有極大傷害會一次打到一堆人,那會需要用狂喜來解除盾的CD限制,你可能也會 希望鵪鶉幫你放啟動來唱真言術輝 Depending on your talent choice, you will also supplement your AoE healing with Halo or Divine Star, but keep in mind that only the first target that these abilities damage generates Atonement healing (so you should view them as direct healing spells rather than means of doing damage). 根據你的天賦選擇,輝環或神性之星也會是你的AOE治療選擇,但請記住這兩招造成的第一 次傷害才會造成贖罪治療,所以這兩招基本上要看做直接治療 1.4. Plea Versus Shadow Mend 祈求 V.S. 暗影治療 Plea's Mana cost increases for each Atonement buff you have active. There is a significant breakpoint at 6 Atonements, at which point Shadow Mend and Plea end up costing the same amount of Mana, with Shadow Mend healing for significantly more (although Plea is instant cast). 祈求耗魔量隨著贖罪數量而提高,主要的斷點在6個,此時祈求和暗影治療的耗魔量相當, 而暗影治療的治療量多的多(儘管祈求是瞬發) The result is that it is always important to keep in mind how many Atonement buffs you have active, so that you can decide if it is better to cast Shadow Mend or Plea. Generally, if you have 6 or more, Shadow Mend is preferable, unless you really need the instant cast element of Plea. 這代表你需要隨時記住目前鋪了多少贖罪,以此來決定要放暗影治療還是祈求。一般來說 6贖罪以上就要放暗影治療,除非緊急狀況需要祈求的瞬發 2. Cooldown Usage 技能 Rapture should be used when you anticipate a large amount of AoE damage. This allows you to pre-shield a large number of targets, which also serves to set up Atonement on them for subsequent healing. 當你準備應付即將來臨的AOE大傷害時就要用狂喜,這讓你能預先幫大量目標套盾,並且會 替他們鋪贖罪來應付後續治療 Pain Suppression should be used on a tank, before a damage spike. Alternatively, it can be used on a raid member who is targeted by a very damaging ability. 痛苦鎮壓(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) Power Word: Barrier should be used to mitigate intense AoE damage; it requires the raid to be stacked in one place. 真言術.壁(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) Shadowfiend should be used for additional DPS (and therefore Atonement healing) when this is needed. 在需要的時候用暗影惡魔來擠出額外DPS(以及贖罪治療) 3. Optional Read: Mastering Your Discipline Priest 額外閱讀:精通你家戒牧 While the guidelines we have given so far will enable you to perform very decently as a Discipline Priest, there are some subtleties which you need to be aware of if you want to play your character to its full potential. 上面的攻略已經能讓你擔任一個稱職的戒牧了,不過如果要發揮戒牧的全部潛力的話,下 面的段落也需要注意 3.1. Atonement 贖罪 Atonement is a passive ability that causes a number of your spells (Plea, Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance) to apply a 15-second buff (also called Atonement) on the target. While active, part of all spell damage that you deal is transfered as healing to the target(s) affected by Atonement. There is no limit to the number of targets you can have Atonement active on at any one time, and essentially all of your damage done (including from your Shadowfiend/Mindbender) except from auto attacks results in transferred healing 贖罪是個被動招,讓你的一些招式(祈求、盾、暗影治療、真言術輝)對目標造成15秒的 buff(又稱贖罪),鋪好贖罪後,你造成傷害的一部分會轉化為對贖罪目標的治療量。贖 罪數量沒有限制,而且除了普攻以外的傷害都能轉化為治療量 The exact amount of healing that is transfered to your Atonement targets is determined by how much Mastery you have, as Mastery: Absolution increases the amount of Atonement healing. 轉化比率由精通決定 It is also important to note that Atonement heals cannot be critical hits themselves. They always mimic the behaviour of the damage that is being transferred. If the damage is a critical strike, then this is the amount on which the amount of healing will be based on. The UI will display the healing as a critical hit, but again, it is simply based on the damage amount. The implication here is that your Critical Strike chance does not double dip by increasing your chance for both critical strikes with damages and critical hits with the subsequent heals. 要注意贖罪治療本身無法爆擊,贖罪治療量由傷害量直接反映,要是傷害造成爆擊,那贖 罪治療量就是基於該爆擊傷害來轉化,UI會顯示爆擊治療,但這是因為傷害爆擊。這裡主 要強調你的爆擊率不會同時影響傷害爆擊率和傷害轉化的贖罪治療爆擊 3.2. Absorption Effects 吸收效果 Discipline Priests have one absorption effect by default, and a second one that can be gained from talents. 戒牧本身自帶一招吸收招,天賦裡還有另一招 Power Word: Shield is quite simple. You place a shield on a target, which absorbs a certain amount of damage, depending on Shields benefit from your critical strike chance, absorbing twice as much damage when this effect procs. 真言術盾(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) The absorption effect gained from talents is Clarity of Will, a tier 7 talent, which effectively places a large shield on a player that lasts for up to 20 seconds. 意志清明(譯註:基本上沒改,就不翻了) 3.3. More on Cooldowns 更多技能 3.3.1. Tier 4 Talents 第四層天賦 Power Word: Solace should be used on cooldown. If you have also taken the Schism talent, then make sure to time it so that you use Power Word: Solace on the target when they are debuffed by Schism. 真言術慰要卡CD用,要是還有點教派分裂的話,確保你的慰打在受教派分裂影響的目標上 Mindbender should be used on cooldown, but you can also delay it for a short while to line it up with heavy raid damage (since the damage done by the Mindbender transfers as Atonement Icon Atonement healing). 屈心魔要卡CD放,或者扣著等時機放出來製造大傷害(因為會轉化為贖罪治療) 3.3.2. Tier 5 Talents 第五層天賦 Power Infusion should be used to allow you to apply Atonement on multiple targets at a reduced Mana cost (by casting several Power Word: Radiance), and then to increase the damage you can do (thanks to the haste buff it offers). You should use your Shadowfiend (or Mindbender, if you have taken this talent) while Power Infusion is active, so that they can benefit from the increased haste. 注入能量要拿來替多目標鋪贖罪並減少鋪贖罪的耗魔(主要是多唱幾個輝),然後增加你 的DPS(因為加速)。暗影惡魔(或屈心魔)要配合注入能量放,這樣能提高她們的攻速 You will obtain the benefits of Twist of Fate passively, so there is nothing for you to do about this talent except enjoy the increased healing. 你會自動得到命運無常的效果,因此沒啥需要注意的,好好享受吧 3.3.3. Tier 6 Talents 第六層天賦 Halo and Divine Star should be used as often as possible, whenever there is a need for AoE healing. 輝環和神性之星要常常用,不用扣著等AOE If you pick Clarity of Will, it is assumed that you have done so with a specific goal in mind (such as bypassing an encounter ability by getting a very large shield on a player), so you should stick to your plan. 如果你點意志清明,前提是你有特定目標才需要這個天賦(像是替單目標反制特定技能) -- 標題 [Live] 小牛 VS 熱火 Game6 GauYi :今天不可能封王拉 今天封王我喝機油100mL 06/13 08:01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者 GauYi (高義®) 看板 ask 標題 [請問] 人類喝機油會怎麼樣嗎? 時間 Mon Jun 13 08:10:12 2011 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1469032515.A.B46.html

noruas: 改得一蹋糊塗...補和傷害都半吊子 07/21 00:36

Yanrei: 推,果然有人在翻了 XD 07/21 00:40

yuusan: 推 07/21 00:41

angelicwing: 傷害其實如果還OK的話 可能會變成70年代的暗牧那樣? 07/21 00:41

angelicwing: 每個團隊都會放個幾個 其實得當成有功能DPS來定位 07/21 00:42

angelicwing: DPS墊底 可是沒他又很不方便 07/21 00:43

henry90246: 傷害很可惜...坦克都比你能看 07/21 00:45

henry90246: 傷害高治療量就爆炸了,完全掛勾的下場 07/21 00:45

ccl007: 適合穩定傷害的場合 問題是初期多嗎? 07/21 00:46

b9910: 好奇戒牧要排補還是DD? 5人副本戒牧的定位? 07/21 00:47

o07608: 五人副本乖乖排神牧吧......用戒牧去排八成會被踢 07/21 00:48

b9910: 戒牧好像是走DD方向了 光看PVP改動就知道 07/21 00:48

b9910: 所有造成的傷害降低25% <=只有坦補天賦才適用 07/21 00:48

b9910: 戒牧PVP並沒有降傷害 07/21 00:49

henry90246: 前夕你可以試試看,legion還要用戒律dd我不如組個懲戒 07/21 00:50

yuusan: 系統設定戒牧是補 07/21 00:51

o07608: 還想再翻神牧的,但是已經沒力了囧 07/21 00:52

svof1437: 大大辛苦了(>_<) 07/21 00:58

n3game: 這其實很好玩 有點像補僧 遠程版 考慮到團隊戒牧可會只會 07/21 01:03

axiall: 身為一個老戒律玩家,覺得這改動不錯阿 07/21 01:03

axiall: 這樣就不會有人說我們戒律怎麼這麼無腦連北七都會玩惹 07/21 01:03

n3game: 有一個 但這次改的好像很好玩 我有點想都玩戒牧了 07/21 01:04

n3game: 改版初期可能會很弱 但版本中期戒牧可能就會起頭 07/21 01:06

axiall: 我悶戒律牧 是 無敵 的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/21 01:07

n3game: 裝備起來後 戒牧感覺就可以做到更多的事 07/21 01:08

lvc1332: 先上好多人贖罪在大傷害時拼輸出治療量還不錯 07/21 01:08

n3game: 我覺得先上好贖罪也很難 他有15秒而已 加上輝又很耗魔 07/21 01:08

n3game: 所以可能變成 只專注上盾在會有被王點名的輸出上 07/21 01:09

n3game: 讓其他補可以解脫去做其他事情 07/21 01:09

n3game: 我在想改版後地城挑戰如果要衝時間 組戒牧會是好選擇 07/21 01:10

n3game: 安排好減傷鏈 戒牧能造成的輸出肯定比其他補高 07/21 01:11

tot9221: 鶴僧慘劇歷歷在目,不過至少是遠程應該比鶴僧還好一點... 07/21 01:14

o07608: 好吧我來看看有多少人想看神牧或坦聖的 07/21 01:14

o07608: 夠多的話我就來翻...... 07/21 01:14

asukaka: 求神牧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QAQ 07/21 01:15

asukaka: 原本想說要去啃原文了.. 07/21 01:15

Yanrei: 沒有補騎的選項嗎XD 07/21 01:17

o07608: 沒有XD 因為我沒玩過補聖,而且也沒玩過神牧 07/21 01:17

o07608: 所以神牧的招式可能會翻的很辛苦...... 07/21 01:18

o07608: 看來今天又可以去吃翁記魯肉飯了,唉 07/21 01:18

axiall: 窩覺得不用惹 戒律牧這麼猛 成長率超乎常人 07/21 01:18

axiall: 窩!!!!要堅持戒律牧!!! 07/21 01:19

io45for222: 戒牧玩了好久又要回去神木了嗎Q_Q 07/21 01:21

henry90246: 你們為什麼會對戒律的dps這麼有信心阿... 07/21 01:23

iuytjhgf: 戒律牧在Beta只算0.3~0.5個dps 你們是不是搞錯方向了 07/21 01:25

asukaka: 在我大神牧面前你們這些戒律都是邪教 07/21 01:28

ray90910: 戒律這版就乖乖看我大神牧奶炸眾生吧 07/21 01:44

noruas: 傷害墊底 治療墊底 第一個踢 07/21 01:51

Yanrei: 正在猶豫該選神牧還是補騎 07/21 02:00

Maus: 跪求神木QQQQQ 07/21 02:07

axiall: 玩戒律牧辣 馬得 戒律才是新世界唯一的神辣 07/21 02:09

finalnothing: 翁記滷肉飯是新竹城隍廟那家嗎 07/21 02:27

bobby1028: 如果BZ直接把戒律改成光屬DPS我也很樂意,最怕不上不下 07/21 02:48

Jackyoryo: 推推 不管強弱我還是愛戒律 07/21 09:56

violetstar: 當你鋪好贖罪其他補早就補好補滿了,誰會等你鋪贖罪 07/21 10:29

violetstar: 啊 07/21 10:29

bobby1028: 贖罪,贖戒律6版太op的罪 07/21 10:46

Allen0315: 改玩神牧 end 07/21 10:55

boo19900520: 循環那邊應該是「卡CD打懺悟」不是贖罪 07/21 13:09

Liumi: 感謝翻譯 戒律越來越有趣了~ 07/22 00:28
