[情報] Patch 6.2.2a Hotfixes 9/17(18)

看板 WOW
作者 asgard1991 (蟹腳)
時間 2015-09-18 22:28:34
留言 7則留言 (5推 0噓 2→)

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/19895899/ 團隊及地城 Raids and Dungeons 地獄火堡壘 Hellfire Citadel * 傳奇難度下,消化抵抗的持續時間增加至35秒(自30秒增加) * Increased the duration for Digest and Resisting to 35 seconds (up from 30 seconds) on Mythic difficulty. 恐軌車站 Grimrail Depot * 修正一個於戰鬥中,玩家錯誤地能夠反射一些技能傷害的問 題。 * Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly able to reflect damage for a number of abilities during the Nitrogg Thundertower encounter. 冰冠城塞 Icecrown Citadel * :玩家於最後階段掉落平台外時,不再陷於戰鬥中並可釋放他們的 靈魂。 * The Lich King: Players that fall off the platform during the final stage of the encounter should no longer remain stuck in combat and be able to release their spirits. 玩家對玩家PvP 艾斯蘭 Ashran * 「懦夫」的負面效果現在將會於未接受進入艾斯蘭戰鬥的確認提示時,施 加於玩家身上。 * Recreant is now applied if a player does not accept the prompt to enter Ashran. 傭兵模式 Mercenary Mode * 修正一個導致傭兵模式效果未正確施加於角色身上的狀況。 * Fixed a situation that could cause the Mercenary mode buff to not be applied correctly on a character. 成就 Achievements * :完成此成就所獲得的頭銜現在為帳號共同(適用100級及以上 的角色) * :完成此成就所獲得的頭銜現在為帳號共同(適用100級及以 上的角色) * Master of the Seas: The title associated with this achievement is now account-wide for level 100 characters. * Rumble in the Jungle: The title associated with this achievement is now account-wide for level 100 characters. ----- 今天上班吃了一整天也喝了一整天的酒...好飽...嗝! -- World of Warcraft / Taiwan 暗影之月 / Laborc / Essaelia / 濤仔 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1442586523.A.359.html

CrazyLord: 血魔這刀+5秒有夠重... 09/18 22:30

wraith1215: 辛苦啦~ 09/18 22:30

farst: 5秒下去 easy mode 09/18 22:32

garfunkel: 內場要是處理的好 P1外場多了好多時間摸王 09/18 22:38

Hanatan: 多5秒差好多... 09/18 22:39

MakeAWash: 35秒 整個便當.. 09/19 00:10

a84474666: 差五秒用想的感覺就差很多 09/19 03:08
