[PTR ] Patch 6.2 Build 20061 May 27

看板 WOW
作者 asgard1991 (蟹腳)
時間 2015-05-28 12:04:15
留言 44則留言 (23推 0噓 21→)

http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/4918 Patch 6.2 PTR - Build 20061 Build 20061 was deployed to the PTR realms. 。New Faction rewards were added  新的聲望陣營已經加入:預言者之手、覺醒者衛隊、獵豹潛行者、沃金獵 頭部隊 。Master Hunter's Seeking Crystal teleports you to a rare spawn in Tanaan Jungle.  新物品:獵人大師的搜尋水晶-將你傳送到任一處塔南森林稀有生物的出 現地點 。Fel Eggs and Ham -"You can eat them here or there. You can eat them anywhere! (Cannot be eaten in arenas or rated battlegrounds)"  新食物:腐化火腿蛋:你可以在這吃或在那吃,你可以在隨便的地方吃 它!(但不能在積分戰場或競技場食用) 。Profession daily cooldowns now create 8 items or more, up from 4.  專業技能的每日冷卻製作物品提高到8個或以上(由4個調整) Karabor and Frostwolf Sets 塑形套裝: 霜狼套裝 http://goo.gl/q4lcux 卡拉伯爾套裝 http://goo.gl/1sNlch Achievement Changes 成就調整 Draenor Raid Dungeons & Raids Mythic: Archimonde Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty. Title Reward: Defiler's End. 10 points. Feats of Strength Predator (New) Defeat Xemirkol in Tanaan Jungle. Title Reward: Predator. 德拉諾團隊 團隊與副本 傳奇:阿奇蒙德:於傳奇難度的地獄火保壘中,擊敗阿奇蒙德。 (新)頭銜獎勵:汙染者之末 偉業 (新)掠奪者:擊敗塔南森林的瑟米爾寇爾 Spell Changes 法術調整 Item Set Bonuses 套裝效果調整 Item - Mage T18 Arcane 2P Bonus Name Changed from Item - Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus to Item - Mage T18 Arcane 2P Bonus. - Arcane Missiles has a 5% chance to create a Time Anomaly, summoning a random hero through time to assist you in battle for 10 sec. Item - Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus Name Changed from Item - Mage T18 Arcane 2P Bonus to Item - Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus. - Each of the heroes summoned by Time Anomaly increases the damage you deal by 10% until it departs. 法師 祕法 T18 2件效果 已經重新設計:祕法飛彈有5%的機率產生時光變異,召 喚一個隨機英雄協助你戰鬥,持續10秒 祕法 T18 4件效果 已經重新設計:每個經由時光變異前來協助你的英雄, 使你產生的所有傷害增加10%,直到他們離去。 Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus Mutilate and Dispatch critical strikes restore 4 energy. 盜賊 刺殺 T17 2件效果 已經重新設計: 截肢與抹殺造成致命一擊時,使你回復4 點能量(自7點下修) Druid Talents Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for [ 1 + 73.6% of Spell Power ]. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. 3 Max Charges. Can't be cast in Flight Form. Druid - LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 3 Max Charges. 德魯伊 自然之力(恢復):小樹人由法術能量獲得的治療效果增加100%(36.8%-> 73.6%) *譯註:又被改回來了XD Paladin Holy Infusion of Light Your Holy Shock criticals reduce the cast time of your next Holy Light or Holy Radiance by 1.50 sec or increase the healing of your next Flash of Light by 50%. Also increases your haste by 10%. Paladin - Holy Spec. 聖騎士 神聖 聖光灌注:你的神聖震擊造成致命一擊時,可使你下一次聖光術或神聖光輝 的施法時間減少1.5秒,或使你下一個聖光閃現的治療效果增加50%。同時使 你的加速提高10%(神聖專精) Professions Cooking Fel Eggs and Ham (New) Cooking. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Fel Egg x 2, Fel Ham. 專業技能: 烹飪 (新)腐化火腿蛋:2顆腐化的蛋、1片腐化的火腿。 主要專業:專業技能的每日冷卻製作物品提高到8個或以上(下略譯) Alchemy Alchemical Catalyst Produces 8, plus additional based on Alchemy skill. May also yield Sorcerous Fire and/or Sorcerous Water. Cooldown resets daily. Alchemy. 2 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Frostweed x 20, Blackrock Ore x 10. Blacksmithing Truesteel Ingot Produces 8, plus additional based on Blacksmithing skill. May also yield Sorcerous Fire and/or Sorcerous Earth. Cooldown resets daily. Blacksmithing. 2 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: True Iron Ore x 20, Blackrock Ore x 10. Tools: Blacksmith Hammer. Jewelcrafting Taladite Crystal Produces 8, plus additional based on Jewelcrafting skill. May also yield Sorcerous Earth and/or Sorcerous Air. Cooldown resets daily. Jewelcrafting. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Blackrock Ore x 20, True Iron Ore x 10. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. Leatherworking Burnished Leather Produces 8, plus additional based on Leatherworking skill. May also yield Sorcerous Earth and/or Sorcerous Water. Cooldown resets daily. Leatherworking. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Raw Beast Hide x 20, Gorgrond Flytrap x 10. Tailoring Hexweave Cloth Produces 8, plus additional based on Tailoring skill. May also yield Sorcerous Water and/or Sorcerous Air. Cooldown resets daily. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Sumptuous Fur x 20, Gorgrond Flytrap x 10. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1432785859.A.8C9.html

dioxin125: 小D (笑) 改了又改回,6.2好像還沒看到甚麼新或大更動. 05/28 12:14

anadabaga: 沃金獵頭部隊!! 老兄們要上場了嗎!? XD 05/28 12:17

ofnfline: 霜狼套裝滿喜歡的,希望是在矮人碉堡換05/28 12:17

reaturn: 一般般,沒有什麼驚喜05/28 12:24

winnietslock: 獵豹人也有勢力喔?然後喚醒者不是玩家的稱號嗎?05/28 12:27

asgard1991: 這個喚醒者指的是阿拉卡人05/28 12:30

monkeywind: 更多的聲望 做好準備!05/28 12:35

crazymagic00: 火法叫火鳥 奧法烙小弟 我到底是在玩法師還是獵 05/28 12:36

crazymagic00: 人.......05/28 12:36

destroyed: 不是覺醒者衛隊嗎05/28 12:37

argus0519: 腐化火腿蛋的意思是用臭酸的蛋去做的嗎05/28 12:38

asgard1991: Oh 謝謝樓上XD05/28 12:39

destroyed: \更多的老兄/05/28 12:41

jacky3390: 不能叫個獸人來穿嘛 人類大叔實在是... 05/28 12:53

panbie: fel以前不是翻譯成魔化嗎 魔鐵就是fel iron 05/28 13:00

panbie: 當然也不是沒有腐化的翻法啦...像費伍德 felwood 05/28 13:00

asgard1991: 下班回去看PTR上有沒有中譯了XD 印象好像Fel魔化 cur 05/28 13:04

asgard1991: ropted腐化 05/28 13:04

Yanrei: 上次小樹人nerf根本莫名其妙,看了就笑出來 05/28 13:13

Shxt: 我今天上限 突然有個德拉諾崇拜1的成就 但我沒崇拜阿.. 05/28 13:22

yang910228: 好像某個舊聲望被算進去,之前開一等分身忽然也跳出德 05/28 13:28

yang910228: 拉諾崇拜,本尊都沒有崇拜任何聲望哩...立刻登本尊去 05/28 13:28

yang910228: 蓋貿易站XD 05/28 13:28

sniper2824: 公會聲望 05/28 13:35

Basedon: 想當初我人類武僧剛開登入在北郡教堂門前也突然跳了德拉 05/28 13:38

Basedon: 諾聲望崇拜XDD 05/28 13:38

orz65535: 就一種臭豆腐的概念 05/28 13:39

Shxt: 但我是這次改版才跳 我公會崇拜很久了.. 不過我也秒蓋貿易站 05/28 13:40

KillerMoDo: 我大盜賊又被NERF了 05/28 13:44

BearJW: 沃金獵頭部隊聽起來好帥~ 05/28 13:57

yukiko: 其實沃金獵頭部隊的工作是....人力派遣公司 (小聲) 05/28 14:03

asgard1991: 樓上XD 我看到headhunter也笑了一下XD 05/28 14:05

a30706520: 貪婪的冒險者變成派遣工 只能領22G 05/28 14:55

KillerMoDo: 22g 最近夯19.5g 05/28 14:58

Yanrei: 沃金什麼時候要出來辦祖系列動物園,版本感覺差不多了 XD 05/28 15:00

Silwez: 贊達拉老兄表示他們也要出來啦 05/28 15:36

ym010273: 老兄探頭:兄弟們準備好要出山了 05/28 17:54

hwsh60013: 霜狼套裝...我想看女角色穿的樣子>////< 05/28 18:35

Basedon: 老兄的預示 05/28 18:42

sillymon: 腐化火腿蛋XD 這不是我小時候看的繪本火腿加綠蛋嗎 05/28 18:44

sillymon: http://tinyurl.com/nckar3v 整本就是一直跳針的跟你說 05/28 18:46

sillymon: 火腿加綠蛋可以在哪裡吃 印象超深刻 05/28 18:46

asgard1991: 天啊XDD 好深度的梗XD 05/28 19:03

SeptemberCat: dr.suess這個作者的繪本都很電波... 05/28 20:31
